

@jaywrites101 / jaywrites101.tumblr.com

A Writer on Social Media

How One Black Homeless Man Became His City's Wingman—A Superhero Story

Sam Farsight has a plan to end gang violence forever. Or at least, he did before it all backfired and the biggest gang lord threw him off a building! No one could've known that the wings would appear, saving him from smacking face-first into the pavement. And now? No one CAN know.

Sam Farsight is dead, and the man who’s here now has a long way to go before anyone will call him a hero. Quickly labeled as his city's biggest nuisance, he'll have to work hard if he wants to compete with the other vigilantes in town.

Can The Wingman catch his city before it falls?

Order your copy…

… At Barnes & Noble!! … on The Evil One, I have to include because they own the world Amazon … at ThriftBooks! … at Bookshop.org!!! … or find more options on BookFinder!


The January 6 hearings are having a lot of impact. And a lot of people are going "Oh, shit, is THAT what happened?"

We need to let them change their minds without making it harder.

A lot of people are realizing that they have Queer relatives, and that's changing their minds about policy.

We need to let them change their minds without making it harder.

A lot of people really believed that they would never come for Roe v. Wade, and are now awake.

We need to let them change their minds without making it harder.

We need to remember that there is an organized and strategic operation designed to keep people from thinking clearly, and that the systemic nature of the problem provides plenty of other ways to influence their thinking. The right wing spends a lot of money and a lot of time keeping their base angry and afraid, because when you're angry and afraid you can't think clearly and you're easy to manipulate.

When someone breaks free of that system, we need to let them, without punishing them.


Fantastic idea


what’s important to note and missing from the “headline” tweet is that they simultaneously constructed additional good public transit to the public transit already in the city (bus rapid transit, train stations). Just removing highway alone isn’t going to make traffic better, the bigger part of the story is that they improved public transportation. And the current mayor wants to do more - cyclist lanes and reinstate a tram system


I sent this to a group chat and was told that I'm "distressingly good" at finding faerie portals.

This pleases me.



OP dates her posts so we know she hasn’t been taken by the fair folk yet.


Stranger Things and Netflix are trying to capitalize off the Holocaust.

No, this is not a joke. This is not a stretch of the imagination. And no, I’m not putting a read-more on this post because it deserves a full look-through. This is happening in Lithuania, right now, where Netflix has turned a former Nazi prison into a Stranger Things themed hotel.

Yes, you read that right. Just a quick Google search will confirm its existence. The Lukiškės Prison in Vilnius, Lithuania is a former Nazi prison. In a country that already tries to erase it’s involvement with the Holocaust (I’m still talking about Lithuania), this offense is particularly egregious.

Here’s the change.org petition that @chaosklutz​ sent me that first alerted me to this abhorrent, insensitive bullshittery: https://www.change.org/p/hold-netflix-and-stranger-things-accountable

Copy-pasted below is the description from the petition.

It has come to the attention of the Jewish and Rroma community that the new season for Stranger Things was filmed in the Lukiškės prison in Lithuania. Though having functioned as a prison centuries before, it became notorious during WWII for it’s Nazi involvement and the kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture of about 100,000 Jews, Rroma, and political prisoners.
To make matters worse, Stranger Things and Netflix have both agreed to turn Lukiškės into a fully functioning hotel, ran by Airbnb, where visitors can spend the night in themed cells, tour the Stranger Things themed building, and make waffles. The price ranges from about €104-114 a night and it was said to start it’s function June 4th.
Fans of Stranger Things are now getting numerical tattoos on their arms because they are inspired by the show, the Stranger Things Instagram has even reposted photos their fans have submitted; thus encouraging their behavior. Not only does this mock the shared trauma of the Jewish and Rroma community, but it further desecrates the living memories of Holocaust survivors (a significant portion are alive today) and their descendants.
Lithuania is already known for their outright denial of their participation in the Holocaust and their allyship with the Nazis. Lithuania turned Seventh Fort, a concentration camp responsible for one of the worst mass killings in Lithuanian history, into a wedding venue. A Nazi prison where Jews, Rroma, and political kid prisoners were kidnapped, starved, imprisoned, and tortured is now a wedding venue.
We refuse to let this continue.
We, Jews and Rroma, call you to sign this petition and hold Stranger Things and Netflix accountable for their Holocaust erasure. Money earned from this season should be put back into the Jewish and Rromani communities of Lithuania as reparations for the damage this season is causing and a public apology from Airbnb, Netflix, and Stranger Things should be issued immediately with a full understanding as to how this adds to the erasure of the victims of the Holocaust and the ongoing persecution of Romani communities.  We also demand the immediate shut down of the Airbnb.
We will not be erased. The Holocaust is not for the entertainment industry to build wealth off of and turn into theatre. It is our genocide and for Rroma it is ongoing.
We hope to reach out to current Jewish and Rroma communities in Lithuania in hopes of help for accountability. Either way, sharing this petition, signing it, and donating to the Jewish and Romani organizations and charities below would be a great help! Thank you!
TO CONTACT US PLEASE EMAIL: JxRSTPetition@protonmail.me
LIETUVOS ZYDU (LITVAKU) BENDRUOMENÈ (Lithuania Jewish Community): donations accepted! https://www.lzb.lt/en/
ERRC (European Rroma Rights Center): A perfect tool to learn, volunteer and donate http://www.errc.org/get-involved/donate
Domari Society: Rroma in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip! Donate, learn about them and support their businesses! https://www.sunbula.org/en/article/10/Domari-Society-of-Gypsies-in-Jerusalem The Jewish Center for Community Development: https://www.jdc-iccd.org/#about
ERGO (European Rroma Grassroots Organization): donate, learn, volunteer, and support their projects! https://ergonetwork.org
Memorial Museum of Holocaust in Lithuania and Vilna Ghetto: https://www.jmuseum.lt/en/about-the-museum-3/i/220/memorial-museum-of-holocaust-in-lithuania-and-vilna- ghetto/

Please sign and share the petition, and donate if you can. The signature goal is 7.5k - they’re almost there! We can surpass that goal!

This kind of behavior is utterly disgusting and those at fault need to be held accountable. If your blood isn’t boiling after reading about this, read again.


fatphobia robs the world of all joy and I think the faster people accept that the faster we can like. Improve and progress as a society. I’m saying this extremely seriously. We have got to get past this. Fucking sick of it. People lose their lives and years to this. Whole generations were ruined by these ideas and expectations.


Fun Fact: thin girls are so unhealthy they only exist because of the c-section. Their metabolic rate through teenhood is so extreme that many of those girls will die before they turn 70. (vs everyone else who has the chance to live beyond 100) I'm just saying, it's completely ridiculous that our society values the super-thin body types. Sure, they look reminiscent of teenagers, youth, and innocence. But that shit is temporary—as it should be!

@jaywrites101 please do an entire article on this actually? I have never heard either of those claims before (the c-section thing or the life expectancy thing). I'm thin but was not delivered by c-section, so I'm trying to understand if you're saying people weren't thin before c sections were invented or if you're using a particularly strict definition of thin?

I hope this doesn't come across as combative, I agree with OP 100% and am just very curious to learn more since I haven't heard this information before.


So, we got your feedback

When I Blazed the advertisement post for my book The Wingman, I got a lot of positive feedback: from the black mc, to the fresh idea of following a homeless man who stays homeless in the end... It was pretty gratifying for me to get such good notes! But there was one criticism that kept reoccurring: the cover.

Now, I'm an adult. I've been online for a while now, and I thought I understood where this was coming from. Eighty percent of this hate is people just being put off by the idea of Blaze and hoping that, if they complained enough, Tumblr would remove it. Sure.

But then we found this unnamed expert who opened our eyes to the REAL problem!

Oh, right! It's the kernelling, duh! How did we not see it? Clearly, the font and the colorations were just ALL WRONG!

And you can't have a standard font with automated spacings! You need to hand-do that stuff, or people will think you published a book by yourself!

And they're right! So I talked with my illustrator, and we worked together to come up with a solution. For the kernelling AND the quality of the artwork!

See? Much better, right? The kernelling is now 100% hand-done, and you can see for yourself that having it fixes every problem people had with the cover! And that legibility is just so much better!

But I thought we could surpass our limits!

So we did.

The kernelling comment really impressed to me that the problem was just that a hand-drawn style—no matter how gorgeously done it was in five-year-old-kid authentic CRAYONS this time!—doesn't really look good. It doesn't sell that my book is a nitty-gritty serious book for adults! Why it looks like it might be made for children—Perish the notion!

It's the same reason you can't buy hot-pink cars. Other adults might laugh at you!

We can't have that!

So we went to work on a cover that reflects our mature and serious tastes as consummate professionals:

How about that! Now with 95% less color!! This is a cover you can take to the office with you. It just screams I do tax work for fun! With this book in hand, the guys at the office will feel outright inferior to your vast intellect! Girls will be indubitably impressed by your refined tastes. And ladies, if guys see you reading this book, they'll be so intimidated at your agglomeration of literature that they'll leave you alone! And yes, this is 100% hand-done kernelling too! What a savings!!! ...


Gee... I don't know... something just feels... missing.

It felt like we needed some passion! So we went ahead and borrowed from the Romance Genre of book covers to make a third design.

You're welcome.

HAWT!! Now that's how you do a book cover! It's just so original and steamy!

But, oh nose! Now we can't decide which is the best cover to use!

Now it's up to you to vote on which cover is your favorite! Leave a comment or reblog with your thoughts. If you haven't seen it (or just want a reminder), the original post can be found here or you can buy The Wingman at any of these outlets:

Below the cut is my serious review of using Blaze to advertise The Wingman. Read it to see if Blaze is a good fit for you! This parody of Clinch Cover's Art was made in part using free Unslpash stock photo's by Justin Essah, Meg Jerrard, and Mathew Schwartz.

It's truly frightening how quickly one light-hearted shitpost turned sour.

I just want to set the record. A lot of things happened very quickly, and I am being held accountable. You can consider this my official response to the complete and utter fiasco that's surrounding me. It's no apology video, but I'm a writer. So let me tell you a story.

It starts all the way back in the spring of 2019 when I was watching CW's Legends of Tomorrow for the first time. I felt nothing but frustration at how underutilized Hawkman and Hawkgirl's wings were. They were completely grounded for a majority of the show and I… I knew I could write better.

At the time, nobody had ever heard of COVID-19. And the discourse was asking writers to be more inclusive of BIPOCs. I loved the idea. I am and have always tried to be an advocate. So I made Sam Farsight, a homeless black bisexual man who became a superhero.

And later… when George Floyd was murdered… I was disgusted with America. I still am. But I was convinced that I was doing the right thing. We NEED more BIPOCs in media. More black characters and more plots focused on the real-world problems BIPOCs face. I was happy to oblige.

I finished the novel in June 2021. I had three Beta readers, one of whom was a professional and one who was black. Between myself, them, and my editors, we continued to refine the novel right up until the day of publication.

On Feburary 1st 2022 I launched the novel. Published through IngramSpark.

I have been taking The Wingman to author events since publication. It outsold many more tenured authors with bigger platforms. Nobody even mentioned the cover. Or, if they did, it was because they thought it was more appealing than my competitors. It wasn't a prefabricated cover. We all thought having something original and stylized far outweighed the clichéd prefabs flooding the market.

On Thursday, April 21, at 08:38am I bought my first Blaze package to test the new feature and compare it to other platforms. I made those records public in the second Blaze post. Long story short, it wasn't very successful. In fact, I got quite a few racist butts who were actively fighting against the post for having a black main character. And, on the other end, we had people issuing death threats because they thought Blazing a post was cheating. In general, nobody interacted with the advertisement.

During all that chaos, I got a couple of posts from people panning the artwork. This in and of itself didn't bother me. Art is subjective. You can hate my cover as much as you like. If anything, my artist was the one who was more injured. She worked hard to create something she thought people would love. And you all crushed her spirit in the most toxic way possible. She, like many people on this hellsite, is an Indie artist trying to punch up into a professional field. This irritated me only because this site is one where artists were supporting one another. The spirit of cooperation and mutual uplift was one I believed everyone here found sacred. Being proven wrong on that front was disheartening. And (since this is my official record) I am ashamed of all of you who dogpiled my artist.

But then we got a special kind of dumbass who seemed to think that the artwork was objectively bad. I.E. they claimed the cover was total dogshit done by an amateur and not worth being published.

I disagreed.

Art, like all things, takes time, practice, and passion. And the things this person was complaining about were all things that make virtually zero impact on sales or the enjoyment of the cover. Namely, the hand-drawn style, the font, and "kernelling," being their most ridiculous claims. (And yes, this is how they spelled kerning. Scroll up if you don't believe me.)

It inspired me to craft a shitpost. And then, in the Tumblr spirit of infecting other users with cringe, I Blazed my own shitpost lampooning myself.

At first, people genuinly enjoyed the content. Most people who read it went investigating for themselves and had a laugh at how basic and unremarkable the original post was. The hand-drawn style simply paired poorly with that one person's biased expectations of "my" content. At worst, the cover for The Wingman... was average.

But there are some people who think being average is doing things wrong. It was not long before someone else made the same kind of post as the dumbass before. This time, they even claimed that the CRAYON COVER would've been a better cover for publication. I am not exaggerating. It looked to me like they didn't even READ the post, let alone follow it back to my original, as they claimed.

It is at this point that I want to point out: nobody commenting had even said anything about the quality of my writing.

I will fully admit that I should've left this person alone. But they were in a position to know better. They are a person who works with books directly. And they were straight-up LYING about art just so they could look better by comparison.

I called this person out. And straight-up explained the purpose of my post was to mock people like them who were low-key attacking artists for not having "perfect" art. And, as part of my proving my own credentials on the subject, I made a point to stress that this was not my first rodeo. I am not an amateur, as many people like this were claiming. I didn't just crap out a novel, throw it on Amazon, and start whining about why people don't love me already.

This is where things started spinning out of my control.

Some person reblogged a portion of my response. Cutting it and pasting it in their own reblog. By doing so they "conveniently" left out who I was talking to and why. They were then free to claim that I was responding to some basic criticism.

I do not know if this person was posting in good faith or not. It's possible they didn't understand what was happening and their ignorance led to the rabbit hole that followed.

People in the comments started saying that I was just a whining bitch.

And one person, without giving any additional context, claimed to have "found" my first post (you know, the one that is still LINKED IN THE POST) and that "my" artwork "really was trash."

That's it.

That's all it took for the new people to start reading the post and accusing me of being a whiny baby who deserves hate. People started dogpiling without reading anything else, without reading any of my responses or the actual criticism leveled against me.

It is my personal opinion that this is the Twitter users showing themselves. But I have haters now who are following my every action to harass me. No doubt, they will take even that basic assumption and twist it out to make me a villain again. But dogpiling like this is a very Twitter-ly response. One person even went so far as to "research" my name to "find" a picture of me to "prove" that I'm not black--despite me repeating this basic information several times publically.

I'm getting hate mail every few minutes.

And right now, I'm exhausted. Unlike Twitter, posts here cycle for years after their posted. The psychological dread of knowing that this one post is going to keep generating toxicity for months… Or that it might never stop… If I wanted that kind of self-loathing I would've just joined Twitter in the first place…

I'm leaving Tumblr for a while… and I don't even know if I'll be back. Thank you so much to everyone who bought The Wingman and to those of you who left kind comments! ^.^ Those words of encouragement made me feel like it actually was still possible to claw together an indie career. I… I'm not giving up.

But I doubt that I'll ever have fun sharing my thoughts on here ever again. This place was supposed to be a place that supports artists and indie creators. A place for clown-on-clown violence where adults consent to self-mockery. But this was crossing the line.

I'm just going to reblog this on the monstrosity and then add it all to the bottom of my queue so everyone who's been my friends will know when I'm out of content…


Every cat I have known would immediately climb up through the hole and start stealing everybody’s food.


Crime porthole

this was designed by cats

Just get one of these and put them over the whole, you can have cat and food protection.


You imprison miette. You put her under the glass like the cheese. Jail for mother for hundreds of years.

this is the most deadpan miette I’ve ever heard omg

that’s because miette’s had enough

Terrifying, thanks for the nightmares


this is literally the funniest thing ive ever seen in my life im fucking howling

“he gets a little problematic at times” i know that should strike fear into my heart but all i can think of is “i have 2 sides…. the nicest girl you’ll ever meet 😇….. and twisted fucking cycle path 👹”


Tim seeing the joker whip his phone out midfight: “Ronald Mcdonald bout to say a slur on twitter”

there is no word in any language capable of adequately expressing the noise i just made while reading this

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