
Frog Blogging.

@pastryton / pastryton.tumblr.com

Callum // TME // He/Him and They/Them // Professional Pokemon Breeder

The results are in!

Horror has won! But it's looking a tad colorless. Let's fix that!

For this vote, the rules will be a little different. First place will be the primary color, second place will be the secondary color, and third place will be the tertiary color!

Reblog for a larger sample size!


Came back literally just to say Leon from Swsh is ugly and annoying. Literally the worst pokemon character of all time.

Prof Laventen is hotter than Leon. Chubby cute boy >>>>> Loser with an ugly mullet.

Leave mullets out of this—

No. Leon and N have gotten away with it too long.


Came back literally just to say Leon from Swsh is ugly and annoying. Literally the worst pokemon character of all time.

Prof Laventen is hotter than Leon. Chubby cute boy >>>>> Loser with an ugly mullet.


Came back literally just to say Leon from Swsh is ugly and annoying. Literally the worst pokemon character of all time.

Anonymous asked:

It's so disheartening to see people say shit like "btw block me if you think transmisandry/transandrophobia is a thing lol". It feels so undermining to the unique issues people in our community face? Almost reminds me of the train of thought of "any transmascs that face transphobia are just collateral damage - their issues and trauma don't actually matter"

So I wanted to say thanks for actually being a voice in the overall trans community, but more specifically in the transmasc community. This blog always feels like a breath of fresh air!

Yeah, it very much comes off the same way "block me if you think aphobia is a thing lol" posts do.

Like, some folks try to pretend it's about the word itself being "problematic" for this or that reason, and they "think it's important, but just want a different word" or whatever- but all of them pass those posts around uncritically regardless, and echo the exact same talking points no matter what they want to pretend their "actual" grip with this conversation is.

They just don't care, and they want an excuse to continue not caring.

(Take, for example, the recent drama with she-who-will-not-be-named and this blog: she claims her only issue is with "the person who coined the term", then goes on to say that "transandrophobia" is actually fundamentally Bad as a concept, reblogs any post that agrees with this point regardless of the argument it makes, and makes sweeping statements about how everyone who uses the term is fundamentally a bad person, etc. It's very obvious the motive here is not to find a "better" term, especially considering she refuses to engage in any effort to actually create or use an alternative.)


I appreciate the kind words! And I'm glad this blog has been helpful at all! 💙


When you say "men as a class oppress women [therefore trans men are oppressors]" and "men aren't oppressed for being men [therefore trans men don't need specific words for their oppression]," what you actually mean when you say "men" is "cis men." You're conflating the experiences and dogma related to cis men's position of power with that of trans men, which just isn't what reality is like. (and the nuances of the cis male experience is another discussion in it's own right).

Your insistence that identifying as a male must mean you adopt all of the qualities of cis men is pretty telling for how you view trans manhood: a thing that only exists in the shadow of cis manhood, a mere imitation.

Our experiences can exists wholly separately from that of cis men. It does not make us less of a man. That doesn't mean we are opposites, or that we have nothing in common, but that our existence isn't defined by theirs, and it's especially not defined by people who want to silence us by fitting us into these narratives.

It's defined by us and us alone.


If you've ever uttered the words "i hate trans men" you owe me and every other trans man $50 for each infraction


I laughed way too hard at this


in case anyone is looking through the notes trying to find the original artist it’s will mcphail !! feel free to check out his site but also here are some other things he made too !!




this guy GETS IT

Oh my God I forgot about the Marketing one and it hit me just as hard as it did the first time I saw it. Literal laughter tears omg. 


Reminder that this is a cop hating blog. This blog is for cop haters only. If you don’t hate cops, block me and go lick boots somewhere else!

This stands now more than ever.


trying to figure out how to explain to people that “sometimes people who otherwise firmly identify as one identity can have sex with or otherwise involve themselves with someone of the gender they’re not attracted to because it’s fun or because they’re trying shit out and it doesn’t really necessarily mean anything” doesn’t mean “YOU must do that”

the statement “gay men/women can and sometimes do have sex with women/men not because they’re secretly attracted to women/men but because there’s an infinite amount of reasons for why someone isn’t a gold star gay” is not the same as asking for YOU to just “give women/men a try” like people exist that are not you. that’s the whole point. you’re not the main character of the universe and understanding that people exist as complex creatures with internal motivations and identities is actually important and reacting to literally any statement that conflicts with your experiences by screaming and crying about not relating is just extremely embarrassing

there’s a lesbian on tiktok who made a 10 second joke video about hooking up with a guy to make sure she’s not attracted to men and the response to it has been fucking insane like people are telling her she’s the reason straight men assault lesbians, that she’s not actually a lesbian, that she’s biphobic for not just calling herself bi… she had sex with a guy and came out of it more firm in her knowledge that she DOESNT like men but No just the act of willingly having sex w one is enough to automatically demote her into some kind of a homophobic traitor LARPing as a lesbian. this is the reason people talk about these experiences as things that happen. because when a real person talks about those experiences you all harass them into deleting their social media accounts over it

like i know several gay men who had sex with women just to see what it was like. they’re still gay. they have no interest in dating women, they aren’t sexually attracted to them. they, by existing, are not forcing YOU to do that. they are literally out there just living their lives as gay people and yet people will victimize themselves over some complete strangers having sex that they don’t want them to have. literally who careeeeeeessssss

Honestly amazes me how detached from reality online discourse about lgbt+ and queer sex lives is

Like, sex is no more significant to me than any other social activity, like having a cuppa with someone or sending them a fuckin meme. I'm not going to base my identity off who I fuck any more than im gonna base it off who I'm sending a fuckin meme to! Other people treating sex as something Deep and Meaningful and Significant To Their Identity (which is fine) has absolutely no impact on me so why should identify how they would?

And im not even that much of an outlier for that. This used to be seen as normal in our communities. What the fuck happened.


I swear every 3 years or so someone re-invents the gold star gay discourse and it fucking sucks.


Something needs to be done about teachers who hate kids tbh

My sister is currently getting her doctorate in child psychology & education, but years ago she worked as a substitute english teacher at a high school in nyc. She spent half a year subbing for a woman who was out for surgery, and had been teaching english there for years and years. Most of the kids in this class were remedial; they had failed english before and had to retake it. Most of them hated the class, and they hated literature, because they had been made to feel unintelligent. My sister decided to introduce them to poetry, which was a little easier to digest than long form prose, and had them read Robert Frost's "Fire and Ice." And the kids loved it! They connected with it, they were spirited and engaged in class for the first time all year. They wrote their own poetry! They started seeking out and reading poetry on their own! They were all on track to get a C, B or A in that class. And then the original teacher returned and failed every single student, to "teach them all a lesson". That was the moment my sister decided to go into administration so she could hopefully prevent that sort of thing from happening. But it's difficult. Despite numerous complaints from parents and other teachers, that teacher had a job there for decades. She continued to have a job there. There are a lot of teachers like her, wielding power and taking their frustrations out on kids, especially disabled and remedial kids. And students have so few advocates in the classroom.

This post has turned into teachers complaining that this behavior is understandable because of burnout, low wages, etc and like. Ok then quit lmao. If you treat my kid like this because of "burnout" I'm gonna burn out your fucking teeth

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