
Can you hear my heart beat?


Bilingual. / Mexican. / Lost in the hell of my fandoms. / (Sort of) Writer, cosplayer, actress and photographer. Sort of. / Yuri!!! On Ice saved me. / Cosplay IG: @samcrevellari / INFP-T / They say I'm Lawful Good / You can buy me a Ko-Fi! ko-fi.com/samcrevellari

β€œπ‘¨π’π’… 𝑰 π’˜π’‚π’π’Œ π’‚π’˜π’‚π’š.”

yep it’s me back with more CR feels based on historical paintings πŸ˜…

This was actually requested by my partner for her birthday, and as she is the Keyleth to my Vax, how could I say no?

painted in procreate on ipad pro / do not repost / but reblogs are appreciated!

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