
coffee rings and feathered wings

@violets-inked / violets-inked.tumblr.com

she/her | college student & book lover | pfp art cred sandra foster

The thing I absolutely love about how hard they went on Percy being an anime protagonist is that it’s just for him. There isn’t any other obvious Anime Things™️ in the show, no other character naruto runs or gets the white glasses flash or the weird fish eye lens trauma shot. It’s just him. Just for Percy. Taliesin Jaffe knew he was an anime protagonist and made sure we all knew too and everyone else just stepped aside and let him cause. Yeah. That’s Percy. It’s what he deserves, nay, what he requires. Full respect to the cats and crew for the hard work to make it happen.


"that's a sharp outfit, sylas. careful! you could puncture the hull of an empire-class dwendalian battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. because it's so sharp."


hey why is no one talking about the flag smashers' deaths

So i just saw this post (https://i-am-just-saying.tumblr.com/post/649268125510090752/i-thought-this-fandom-actually-cared-about-flag TL;DR: people only cared about the flag smashers because it gave them an excuse to hate john walker but when zemo killed them no one is outraged) and i decided to make a post because i forgot not everyone can see my discord server where i rant about this show

now to preface, i hate john walker as much as the next person, but like,,,,,holy shit guys! the flag smashers fucking BLEW UP!! zemo fucking murdered them!!! and there wasnt even like.....music under it??? the narrative didnt even make a big deal out of it?????? what the actual fuck!!!

honestly for a second i didnt even realize what had happened because of how little fanfare it got!

we just spent half the show watching these guys and their struggle. we watched them morally struggle with karli's methods. we watched them fight to keep each other safe and try to help refugees. and then they just blew up and we got a five second news story and zemo with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

when walker murdered nico, there was outrage. the narrative made a huge deal out of it. even though walker was doing it out of anger at lemar's death.

and thats good!!! he deserved to have that outrage!!!

but zemo killed at least three of them at once because he was miffed. plus a probably innocent truck driver and anyone that might have been standing too close.

no one actually seems to care.

i'm not trying to excuse walker because trust me i hate his guts he can go die but what about zemo?? i literally dont understand why i seem to be one of the only ones who hates zemo as much as i hate walker. is it because he's hot and i'm ace? is this a case of "villain sexy and funny so not as bad"? or maybe i'm just not following the right blogs or tags to see the angry posts.

whatever the reason, can we please just take a second to remember the flag smashers and be angry about the way they died?

tl;dr: not enough outrage about the flag smashers' deaths. fuck zemo.


Why did you give up that shield? Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?

Sam’s expression says it all. He feels for Bucky. And he feels for Steve; he respects the decision he made in handing that shield over to him but Sam, as he points out in his next line, also knows that the shield carries more than Steve anticipated when slung on the shoulders of a black man. Sam, at this point, has already checked Bucky’s privilege once before (re: this is what you’re not going to do. you’re not going to […] tell me about my rights). He can see that Bucky is in pain, in limbo, in need of confirmation that he is on the right path, or that he’s even capable of getting onto the right path. Steve gave that to him. Steve knew him, and believed in him. In the same way he believed in Sam. And rightly so. Everything Steve saw in Sam is very much there. And in someway… Sam doesn’t doubt that. He doesn’t doubt that Steve wanted him to be the next Captain America. And he probably would have wanted to carry on the legacy if he didn’t already know exactly how this shit would turn out. And honestly? Bucky should have an idea by now, too. Sam has already shut him down once. Bucky has already seen first hand the fate of black heroes (see: Isaiah Bradley). He literally just witnessed racial profiling with his own two eyes and has some small insight into what life must be like for Sam on a day to day basis. And he still doesn’t accept that the decision Sam made to not take the shield had nothing to do with Steve, nothing to do with Bucky. And everything to do with the way his entire life has been like up until now, with no hopes of it really changing in the near future — at least not enough that Sam can even think about being the one to instigate that change, rather, would likely lose all ability to make a difference and help people if he did actually take up the shield. So Sam’s expression? (And god, Mackie’s acting is just PHENOMENAL, Seb’s too)! There’s sadness there. For Bucky. Because his friend has been through a lot and is struggling with so much still. But there’s sadness there because his friend is so completely oblivious to Sam’s own struggle, and has unknowingly made it about himself.


you know what i love

stairs in well intended love

yes i need more sleep


God I really wish carrying stuffed animals around with you was socially acceptable

I don’t mean to take over a post, but I actually did a project on this for my sociology of deviance class in college!

I carried a large stuffed rabbit whenever I went in public for about a week to observe the reaction of others. The point of the project was to do something harmless yet unusual to see if the action would be considered deviant, in which case someone had to try to correct or shame the behavior.

Long story short, nobody tried to correct my behavior. I was asked about it casually, had a few lingering stares thrown my way and when I was with my boyfriend, shop employees would direct questions to him instead of me. However, nobody refused to assist me when I was alone in a store, nobody said anything about the rabbit besides “oh, thats a cute bunny!” and I attended college classes without even a teacher questioning it.

In conclusion, it is socially acceptable to carry a stuffed animal, its just not a societal norm. ^^


My friend gave me a stuffed monkey plushy when I was struggling with uni, and I took him everywhere for like four years, usually velcrod to my backpack. No one said a damn thing, except my renaissance professor who saw it one day in the hallway and cracked the fuck up because I had a literal monkey on my back and he just looked at me like, “oh god, me too”. I used to leave him on desks during classes and exams (the monkey, not my prof). It was my reminder that someone cared if I was coping. But more than that it was soothing to have something to fidget with that wasn’t a pen. I used to ping those fucking things across the room I was so agitated. Harder to hurt people with a projectile stuffed monkey.

I got what I thought was a normal screen cleaning kit for my computer while I was in college. Much to my delight, instead of a little washcloth or whatever, the kit came with a tiny stuffed pig. 

So I carried this pig in my backpack all through college, periodically taking it out, spraying my screen, and using the pig to wipe it off. 

Now, I kept the pig in the side pocket of my bag where he was completely visible.

Then one day in screenwriting class I pulled him out to wipe my screen. 

One of the guys sitting next to me looked appalled. “You’re wiping it off with your little stuffed animal??” 

I explained what the pig was. 

Turns out, the guy had noticed it and just thought it was adorable I carried a stuffed animal with me every day. He’d never mentioned it before. 

Honestly, people do not care, and will not say anything. No matter the reason for your little stuffed animal friend. 

And if you’re still really nervous about it keep a stuffed animal keychain on your bag. I have a cute little frog that stays on my backpack so when work gets stressful I can squeeze it.

For my anxious followers.

Confirmed. I take my Venom tsum tsum to uni when I need a little mental boost. The little goo always brings me good luck and overall makes my day just a tiny bit better. I haven’t received a single comment about them so far.

Bring your stuffed buddies to class/work/whatever, guys. People don’t care.


I have a couple of Ikea sharks* and have had cause to periodically carry them around in public - one of which I bought with the last $15 I had at the time, after making a series of big life changes. “This is frivolous and I don’t have to care about that because I’m getting paid shortly—I’m going to do it!”

The reactions I get range from amusement through delight and “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT” but so far, never disapproval.

The moral of the story is Carry Your Emotional Support Plushie With Pride, You Deserve It.

*pictured: not my shark


true story: I once had an appallingly awful day at the hell job and it coincided with my giant squishy Baymax being delivered from China, and no lie I hugged on that Baymax to keep from crying until it was time to leave

I travel with DC (”Don’t Care”) the Emotional Support Honey Badger.  I go through TSA with him attached to my backpack, I hug him when I sleep in transit, I prop him next to me in cafes in cities, towns, and rural areas.  The only time anyone’s ever so much as raised an eyebrow at me was the TSA agent who recognized what he was, and asked it he could get his picture taken with him.

People don’t judge.  Kids think you’re awesome. You get a companion who never judges you.  It’s all win.

I know probably everyone has seen this post already, but its too good not to reblog.

Don’t be afraid to carry your comfort items around with you! :D I take some of my stuffed friends to work sometimes, and no one ever bats an eye at them!

*looks at my pink teddy bear I named Ruby* you’re coming to college with me and that’s not a choice

This post made me cry bcuz sometimes i feel bad for having stuffed animals/plushies

i needed this a lot


the boyfriend had to go to hospital two years ago, big heart surgery and he wanted something of mine so I gave him my stuffed Toothless which I’ve gotten from the BFF a while back. Toothless sat on his nightstand in three different hospitals, watching over him and nobody even batted an eye. some nurses asked about him, but that was all. He was there when he came out of surgery and has been HIS ever since. so yeah, carry your emotional support plushy with you. It helps YOU and that’s all that matters!!! 

I take Tigz, the plushie Tiger I’ve had nearly forty years, with me on holiday because I can’t sleep without him. Every hotel I’ve stayed at I’ve come back to find room service have made the bed, changed the towels… And tucked Tigz up in the bed with his squashed little head on the pillow, or put him by the window so he can enjoy the view, or put in a comfy armchair with a book for company.

Seriously, if anyone takes offence to your plush, it’s their problem, not you. And IKEA sharks are AMAZING

I carry an emotional support chao plush with me everywhere, nobody cares


oh it totally does, but you can’t hear it because space is a vacuum and sound can’t travel through a vacuum! 

and that’s a good thing, 

because the roar of the sun would clock in at around 120db heard from earth, about the equivalent to having a train’s horn go off three feet from your face. 

constantly. all the time, even at NIGHT. there would be no escape.


this is simply terrifying. how do you erase knowledge please ?


NASA actually recorded the sun, if you want to hear it:

And they recorded the planets too:

so, the sun and the earth sound about how i would’ve expected, and a lot of other planets just make strong wind sounds which is perfectly reasonable but venus sounds like pure dread?!?! WHY IS SATURN SCREAMING?!? pluto isn’t bad and is actually kinda nice but it’s very strange to me too like Why Does It Do That. jupiter is super chill 10/10. pluto and jupiter need to collab i would buy that album


oh, fuck, guys, you know what this means? it means the ancient world was right about the music of the spheres. 











i can hear these photos and i don’t like it

Good to know we’re surrounded by slumbering Old Gods.

The sound design in Star Trek: The Motion Picture makes much more sense with this context.


Oh good, I’m glad to know the sound effect for the sun in one of my favorite horror films, Sunshine, in which the Sun is a threatening presence that drives you insane as you get closer to it, was actually just a recording of the Actual Sun.

Also I’m now terrified to shit of Saturn.  Several of these are like, anti-ASMR


i was not ready for pluto

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