
We're all out of our minds, haven't you observed?

@yoohoosoakedratmaze / yoohoosoakedratmaze.tumblr.com

"Think of this. A sword is like a bird. If you clutch it too tightly, you choke it - too lightly and it flies away." -Doutreval of Dijon OK. If you know me IRL, please do not hand out my URL without asking first. I'm not comfortable with it. Thanks.

«Freddie was madly in love with life and did not want to lose a minute. Freddie valued every moment and didn’t want it to go to waste. That’s it, briefly, but that’s how I remember him. A man who appreciates every moment.»

– Brian May


vampires who go to college for a history degree b/c they weren’t paying attention and want to know what they missed over the last 5 centuries

Yes, but what about the vampires that were newly turned and want to study history so that they can talk with older vampires and not feel left out. Or the ones that want to pretend that they are super old to freak people out then when someone asks how long they’ve been a vampire that can be like “Like 5 years dude”

“How old are you?” “17.” “How long have you been 17?” “Like four months.”


Would it be like being a convert to a new religion and just being so hyped about the culture and stuff, so they go and learn all this history just so they can have a conversation with a 5 centuries old vampire who just goes, “…wut?”

“you lived in england during the Battle of Hastings? who did you side with? did you ever meet William the Conqueror?”

“um I think I spent that century as a bog hermit….collected leeches for a living…good money in leeches”

“what’s one thing the history books get wrong about WWI?“

“I literally lived in a well until it was over”


i appreciate how things that are set up in seasons one and two of Schitt’s Creek as ongoing jokes or moments of ridiculous suddenly get real starting around season three as these characters start becoming real people and not just the seeming caricatures they started as. things you’ve laughed at or sideeyed since the beginning start to take on an actual emotional resonance, which is an impressive bit of trope subversion, really.

like for example Alexis and her constant casually tossed-off stories about being kept captive by this prince or that potentate and all the trouble she got into as a world-traveling gorgeous young socialite. it’s a running gag. no one seems to react overmuch to these wild stories, or give them much weight. until David has his whole speech about “who do you think was back home worrying about you during all of that, it wasn’t mom and dad it was me” and suddenly you’re like oh noooo babies about something which was played as just a joke.

or David’s galleries. there are those moments talking about the performance artists he had, the ones again played for maximum WTFery, those moments of like oh those foolish rich people, thinking that is art! but David has clearly been proud of it and he talks about it a lot, he makes his comments about how he doesn’t have much but he still has taste. it’s all he has, really – and then Moira says to him and who do you think bought all that art? who do you think bought your patrons? and again, oh no, something which had been a fundamental running joke line for the character is undercut entirely. the one thing he always thought he had… did he have it at all?

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