Anonymous asked:

any tips on writing an asexual character?

A couple of key points:

  • Asexuality is the lack of sexual desire, NOT the inability to have sex.

An asexual person’s sex organs work just fine, and are just as functional as anyone else’s. Many ace people have sex, for their partner’s sake, out of curiosity, for procreation, or even because physical pleasure can occur for them during intercourse (there just isn’t any physical desire or cravings leading up to it). A lot of ace people even masturbate, it’s just that it’s typically a completely physical act - that is, it’s not directed at any object of desire, it’s just a thing that is done and can feel good.

  • Asexuality is a spectrum.

There are people who are asexual who have no sexual desire whatsoever, and are very weirded out by sex as a whole. There are people who have no sexual desire, but are still okay with or indifferent to having sex. There are ace people who can experience sexual attraction, but only after forming a strong emotional bond first. Decide where on the spectrum your character is.

  • Asexuality does not equal aromanticism.

A person who is asexual can still desire a close romantic relationship with a partner, and can enjoy acts like hugging, kissing, and cuddling. A heteroromantic asexual person feels romantically attracted to people of the opposite gender, and can want to create an deep emotional bond with them without sex (and a homoromantic ace is romantically attracted to the same gender, a panromantic ace is romantically attracted to any gender, etc.) A person can be both aromantic and asexual, and it is more common for an ace person to be aromantic than it is for other sexualities, but it’s still not as common a romantic-sexual-orientation-pairing as some people think.

  • Asexuality does not equal celibacy.

Celibacy is the choice to abstain from having sex, and, while many asexuals choose not to have sex because they simply have no desire to, people who experience sexual attraction can also choose not to have sex, often due to religious or other personal reasons. Not having sex does not make a person asexual, and having sex does not negate a person’s asexuality.

  • There’s no moment when you realize you’re asexual.

A lot of people can talk about their sexual awakening, or pinpoint a time when they first realized they were attracted to the same gender. This isn’t case for asexuality. There are no asexual urges that you feel to tell you what your orientation is. It’s just a whole lot of waiting around for those sexual desires to pop up, like they kept warning you about in middle school, and it never happening.

  • Asexuality is not a mental illness.

And I cannot possibly emphasize this enough. It is a legitimate orientation, like any other sexual orientation. It is officially recognized by mental health professionals as such. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders do not diagnose a hyposexuality disorder in patients who identify as asexual. It is found in lots of other species besides humans. It is not caused by trauma or by emotional problems. It is not something that needs to be “cured.”

  • Asexuality does not determine a person’s personality.

You’ve probably seen portrayals of asexual people who are terrible at social interactions, who have a hard time making connections of any sort, or who have a robot-like emotional spectrum. No. Asexuality does not cause any of this, and none of this is symptomatic of asexuality. Sure, an ace person can be emotionless or socially awkward, but no more frequently than people of any other orientation.

  • Asexuality experiences A LOT of erasure.

I cannot even begin to tell you how often a person who identifies as asexual has been told that they just “haven’t found the right person yet.” Sex is everywhere in popular culture, and people insist that everyone wants sex. People make fun of virgins, people will tell their friends “we have to get you laid.” Everyone is told that sex is an inherent part of relationships. And, despite the fact that as much as 1% of people are asexual, there are still very few people who recognize it as a legitimate orientation. There are even pride parades and LGBTQIA organizations that do not welcome ace pride. It’s frustratingly common for people who have come out as asexual to have people simply not believe them.

I am asexual myself, so, if you have any specific questions about asexuality, feel free to ask, and I’ll answer as best I can!

Anonymous asked:

Do they sell black rings in any stores in Canada? My mum doesn't let me buy things online.

I’ve never left the states, so I have no idea, but I’ve seen hematite rings in just about every new age-y store I’ve been to, so you *should* be able to find something somewhere. Good luck!

Anonymous asked:

Is it possible that I was allosexual a few years ago but I'm graysexual now?

Absolutely! Sexuality is much more fluid than many people seem to realize.

Anonymous asked:

Dear my asexual brothers and sistes and enby sibs: There are people are selling ace rings on amazon for 1¢!!!! It'll cost a few dollars in shipping, but not much. And don't worry about parents finding it in the mail. When I ordered mine, I was terrified, but it was just: "Here's a package for you," "Oh thanks," "What is it?" "A ring from amazon," "Oh, cool."


I think this is so important.

If we’re talking about sexuality, the least mentioned is probably asexuality. @thisisfusion is doing some really cool work representing loads of under represented groups. Totally reblog this.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I haven't seen much aegosexual (autochorissexual) and abrosexual positivity, education or support on here. While these orientations aren't often heard of they're still ace so I just wanted to inform you and your followers! :)


Hi, my name's Nico and I’ve started a blog documenting my experience as an/aro ace in the hopes of raising awareness about the two. I was just wondering if it's possible for you to give me a bit of a signal boost and share my blog with your followers? I’m a journalist by trade and hope to use that footing to try and get my story out to as many people as possible (and the more followers I have the easier it is to convince editors there's an audience for this topic). Thanks, Nico (@asexandthecity)

Anonymous asked:

This isn't really a question but ... I really wanted an ace ring and I couldn't find one... and I didn't have any money to get one anyways but then I got a really good idea for anyone who doesn't have one or lost theirs. I have black sharpies and i draw the ring on my hand almost every day or whenever is wears off. Idk if anyone else has already done this but I thought it was a really good substitute for people who don't have one at the moment!

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I'm trying to start up a blog for Muslim Aces and would appreciate it if you could help in spreading the word. The url is muslimaces and I'm looking for others who can help to get it off the ground to offer help to struggling Muslim aces and to become a sort of gathering place to those who'd simply like to talk. I'm really not sure what I'm doing at the moment but I'm determined to sort something out so thanks for your help!


Tfw someone is wearing a black ring and you just wanna shout HEY ARE YOU ASEXUAL CAUSE IM ASEXUAL AND ITS SUPER COOL AND WE SHOULD BE FRIENDS


I’ve been trying to find a perfect tattoo design with the spade and one that perfectly will show me being an asexual but I never found one.

So I went along and made my own. I plan to get this as my next tattoo on my should once I get some money in the bank.


I think every aro/ace knows that feeling when your parents start talking about finding the love of your life.

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