


Argie β™“ β€πŸ’œπŸ’™ Loki deserved better/ No TERFS allowed. https://ko-fi.com/maria24

Do not forget about Palestinians on this Eid, do not forget about Gaza, do not forget about the lives taken and homes destroyed, do not forget about the joy and life so cruelly snatched from them.

Eid means to us what Christmas means to most of you. And they're spending it digging through rubble and locating bodies to burry.

They have no chocolates, no new clothes to wear, no homes to decorate, they lost loved ones which would gather together, no Eidi to give to children to make them happy, no mehndi, no jewelery, no new toys.

Do not forget about Palestine.

Keep boycotting for them, keep protesting for them, keep donating to the families through the link tree, keep buying e-sims for them, keep sharing the truth, keep exposing Israel for their consistent humanitarian crimes.

Remember the Palestinians, especially today, on Eid, an occasion of joy.

May Allah make it joyous for them after everything they had suffered, may they be free from the Zionist occupation and genocide

Eid Mubarak, to everyone, and to the Palestinians


what’s really scary about a lot of people who talk about doctor who on different socials is the way people are devolving straight back into plain and blatant racism. like it isn’t even sly remarks anymore these people are dead using slurs to refer to characters…


'Ten should've treated Martha better by acknowledging time travelling as a Black person and not comparing her to Rose' and 'Ten and Martha were an interesting duo by having a doctor x doctor pairing an had some great character moments' and 'RTD's handling of race in s3 was dookie' and 'Martha had great character traits and many Black fans felt seen by her' need to coexist. Because I feel like bc of the way things went down in s3 people think Martha never wanted to travel with Ten AT ALL or she would never wanna travel in space or time ever again. All this 'she hates the Doctor' 'she wouldn't wanna come back' whoa hold on now...


Hoy, hace 47 aΓ±os se emitiΓ³ un comunicado en todas las estaciones de radio y canales de televisiΓ³n de Argentina anunciando que desde esa fecha en adelante el paΓ­s estaba bajo un "Proceso de reorganizaciΓ³n nacional" y recomendando a todos los habitantes (y cito) "Extremar el cuidado en evitar acciones y actitudes individuales o de grupo que puedan exigir la intervenciΓ³n drΓ‘stica del personal en operaciones"

Lo que realmente se dio ese 24 de marzo de 1976 fue un golpe de estado, una dictadura que desapareciΓ³ y matΓ³ a miles de personas. Por que no fueron solo 30.000


Las fuerzas armadas destituyeron de su puesto a Isabelita, la presidenta a cargo en el momento, y la junta militar tomΓ³ el poder completo a la fuerza.

Se impuso en el paΓ­s cierta religiΓ³n, modelo econΓ³mico e ideologΓ­a y si no estabas de acuerdo, te mataban. Asi de fΓ‘cil.

Los milicos decian estar en guerra contra la "subversiΓ³n"

Si eras peronista eras subversivo, si eras comunista eras subversivo, si eras militante eras subversivo. Tambien si eras amigo o familiar, si denunciabas una desapariciΓ³n, si estabas en un centro de estudiantes, si te gustaba cierta musica, si tenΓ­as ciertos libros en tu casa o el pelo largo siendo hombre, eras subversivo y por lo tanto, tenias que desaparecer.

ΒΏQue le paso a mi hijx, a mi nietx, a mi hermanx, a mi amigx?

"no esta ni muerto ni vivo. Esta desparecido"

Eso decΓ­a el general Jorge Rafael Videla sobre toda la gente que Γ©l mismo y todas las personas implicadas en esta dictadura mandaban a secuestrar, interrogar, torturar, matar, violar y desparecer.

Porque todos los implicados son responsables. La policΓ­a es responsable, las fuerzas armadas son responsables, la iglesia catΓ³lica y los medios que protegΓ­an a los asesinos son responsables. Y todos deberian ser enjuiciados y condenados. A perpetua.

Mas tarde la junta militar intentΓ³ justificar los crimenes que cometieron diciendo que fue "la unica respuesta posible"

"La consecuencia de esa acciΓ³n de gobierno solo podia ser una: la guerra" DecΓ­a Galtieri, miembro de la junta militar en los juicios.

ΒΏEn que mundo "la ΓΊnica respuesta posible" a cualquier situaciΓ³n es realizar un golpe de estado? ΒΏDesaparecer de mas de treinta mil personas? ΒΏSecuestrar a mujeres embarazadas y entregarle sus bebΓ©s a otra familia? ΒΏMatar y torturar a estudiantes de secundaria por pedir que baje el precio del boleto de colectivo?

Estos no fueron casos aislados, no fueron "excesos". Fue un plan sistemΓ‘tico de desapariciΓ³n y terrorismo de estado que no se limita a un par de personas individuales. Ni siquiera se limita nada mΓ‘s a Argentina, Fue parte del Plan CΓ³ndor, que atacΓ³ con golpes de estado a gran parte de LatinoamΓ©rica.

Es importante seguir hablando de esto, no dejemos que nadie se olvide de lo que paso en nuestro pais hace menos de cincuenta aΓ±os. Hay que seguir buscando la verdad y nunca dejar de marchar cada 24 de marzo, para acompaΓ±ar a las abuelas y madres de plaza de mayo. Por ellas, sus hijos y nietos, los pibes de malvinas, las vΓ­ctimas de la noche de los lapices, y por todos y cada uno de los mas de 30.000 desaparecidos.

Por la memoria, la verdad y la justicia.


Si naciste entre el 1975 y el 1983 y tenΓ©s dudas sobre tu identidad, Contacta a las abuelas de plaza de Mayo, PodrΓ­as ser uno de los nietos que siguen buscando.

Vuelvo a compartir esto que escribΓ­ el aΓ±o pasado, sobretodo por que en ese momento todavΓ­a no sabia que nos iba a gobernar un partido negacionista y fascista. Ahora mas que nunca es importantΓ­simo que no nos callemos y sigamos hablando y concientizando de lo que pasΓ³. No solamente tenemos al presidente sino a 14 millones de personas que lo votaron.

Justo esta semana fue el ataque a una militante de HIJOS de parte de partidarios de este gobierno. Le escribieron 'viva la libertad carajo' en la pared despuΓ©s de meterse a su casa, amenazarla de muerte y abusar de ella. ΒΏDe que libertad hablan?

Villarruel puso cara de indiferencia cuando le preguntaron sobre el caso ayer, "Que se ocupe la justicia". Y despuΓ©s dijo "En los 70 se combatiΓ³ el terrorismo ΒΏDonde estan los que lo combatieron? presos"

Insisten con la idea de la 'guerra'. Las guerras no son entre el estado y los civiles, eso se llama dictadura, terrorismo de estado, crimen de lesa humanidad.

Y de nuevo: memoria, verdad y justicia



now that i've watched quiet on set (2024), here are some of the people who submitted character letters defending convicted sex offender brian peck and asked the judge for a lesser sentence


In Hollywood you can work on a tv show with kids all day, be arrested for your confession of torturing/sodomizing a kid for a period of 6 months, get 16 months in jail and go back to work for Disney right after despite being a registered sex offender. The lack of justice and accountability gone unchecked is so unbelievably sick.


All the stuff uncovered about nickelodeon these last few days through the "Quiet on Set" has been so devastating. Nickelodeon failed their cast, and they failed their audiences.

But something not a lot of ppl have acknowledged is that Dan Schneider is still working.

He was never truly released by nickelodeon. It was a publicity ploy to appease the public. Once Paramount bought nickelodeon, he was immediately hired back on.

Like, right now, he's listed as one of the lead writers and producers of the Henry Danger movie.

At first, I was really excited for a movie, but in this mess, I plan on and encourage all of you to watch your favorite nickelodeon shows/movie (if you still can) through pirating. They don't deserve to profit off the children they abused anymore.


I can't stop thinking about the fact that, of all the roles David could have been nominated for over the years, the one that finally got him the BAFTA nom was Crowley. And it's not just that it was camp, or a love story, or the gayest role imaginable (although all three are quite true). It's that the role of Crowley has become so personal for David. It's that playing Crowley brought him closer to Michael, but even more importantly, it's brought David closer to himself. It's that playing Crowley hasn't merely changed him--it has helped him accept who he always was. And that's something he will have forever, regardless of whether the BAFTAs "accept" him or give him the win.

I really love that for David, on so many levels. I just hope he knows how much he deserves it...

Can we just be happy for David without immediately bringing Michael along?

I feel that at this point people can't barely keep them apart and validate one without the other one being mentioned.


You wanna know something funny? Richonne is also getting shit from Lori stans in TWD fandom.

Guess what Richonne and TenMartha have in common?

It's been years since Rick and Michonne becane a couple and still people complain that Lori was better.


I don't even watch that show and I know that is loser behaviour πŸ˜‚

I can't put my finger on what these actresses have in common πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ...it's on the tip of my tongue...


It's starts with a big R and ends with acism

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