

@calumsbicth / calumsbicth.tumblr.com

lover of LANY

I saw an opportunity and I took it

This is what they mean when they say life flashes before your eyes as you die

For those wondering, the song is ”Mr. Blue Sky” by ELO.

Perhaps someone beat me to it, but here are ALL of the featured vines, in order of appearance:

  1. I won’t hesitate bitch
  2. Hi my name is Tre and I have a basketball game tomorrow
  3. Whaddup, I’m Jared I’m 19 and I never fucking learned how 2 read
  4. Kermit the Frog jumps off building
  5. Fr e sh a voca do
  6. back at it again at Krispy Kreme
  7. There is only one thing worse than a rapist
  8. Club Jam (yes a really good book)
  9. At least the taco was free
  10. I am the Sand Guardian, guardian of the sand
  11. Grandma loves ping pong too much
  12. If your name is Junior
  13. Welcome to Target
  14. I’m just cooking pizza
  15. Cole Sprouse dress-up game
  16. On all levels except physical, I am a Wolf
  17. Kid hits ceiling of gym with rope (breaking free)
  18. Kid smacked by fly swatter
  19. Fuck it up Kenneth (my boy going to school)
  20. Um I’m not finished (Tyler the Creator)
  22. SAIL
  23. I’m Squidward
  24. So I’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my tiddies
  25. So no head? (breaking skateboard)
  26. Actually, Megan (I can’t sit anywhere)
  27. No off topic questions (Chris Christie)
  28. What the fuck, Richard
  29. Drop it like it’s hot (its just luke)
  30. Bored as shiiiiii
  31. Liberian accent (plasma globe)
  32. New haircut (Parker Kit Hill)
  33. Summertime sadness (chicken)
  34. More like hurricane TORTILLA
  35. I got an a-bor-tion
  36. All Around the World (TheJasminator)
  37. When there’s a cutie next to you at a red light
  38. Snake licks lollipop
  39. Accept yourself, love yourself
  40. Be whatever you wanna be
  41. Don’t touch Zac’s music (LENARR)
  42. Whoever threw that paper, your mom’s a ho
  43. Can I please get a waffle?
  44. Turn off the flash you fucking moron (Star Wars)
  45. Ebony Jenkins (shut up!)
  46. Kevin, watch the light dude
  47. Horse meditation
  48. A girl a dream & a clothing hanger
  49. Is that a weed? (911 microwave)
  50. Helium balloons (floating car)
  51. Fireplace fairy
  52. I’m your freestyle dance teacher
  53. I can’t believe you’ve done this
  54. Which way the Quiznos is
  55. Impossible paper toss shot
  56. Hemtube (dancing with cat)
  57. I nurture my skin (Shaq)
  58. Why are you running
  59. Happy birthday?
  60. Thicker than a bowl of oatmeal (courtroom)
  61. Farkle falling
  62. Fuck you (soda machine)
  63. Squash banana (the branch I was holding broke)
  64. Take On Me
  65. And now my sock is wet (water gun)
  66. All I ever wanted was some motherfuckin guala
  67. When there’s too much drama at school
  68. Two bros chillin in the Hot Tub
  69. What’s your name? (ouija board)
  70. Chillary Clinton (chillin in Cedar Rapids)
  71. Guy drops slurpee (7-Eleven)
  72. Girl scared of convertible car
  73. Guy who is self-conscious about his lisp (Rice Krispies Treats)
  74. Would you like the spider on your hand?
  75. Shopping cart crash
  76. We actually have the chip reader now
  78. Dinner with Zayn Malik (Chihuahua eating spaghetti)


this gave me such a warm feeling i legit teared up no joke

the most iconic memes of our decade 


Dear teen girls,

Stop abusing your boyfriends and yes what you are doing is abuse.


  • Yelling at him in front of his friends 
  • Hitting or slapping him when he does or says something you don’t like
  • Telling him he doesn’t have a choice when it comes to decisions that involve both of you 
  • Telling him he can’t hang out with friends because you don’t like him
  • Telling him to not talk to other girls even if they are his friend
  • Forcing him to spend every moment with you 
  • Belittling him and pointing out all his flaws
  • Calling him stupid or making fun of him for making a mistake
  • Threatening to break up with him if he doesn’t do what you want
  • Being emotionally manipulative and crying until he does what you want
  • Accusing him of cheating every time he’s not with you
  • Blow up is phone if he doesn’t text you every five minutes 
  • Telling him you are the must thing that has ever happened to him and no one else will love
  • Physically attacking him when ever you are mad
  • Forcing him to have sex despite that fact that he said he didn’t want to
  • Invading his privacy by going through his phone
  • Getting mad at him for changing his password and demanding he tell you what it is

If a guy did any of these things to a girl it would be considered abuse but since its the other way around its considered normal. Throughout High school I saw many girl treating their boyfriends like shit. Sometime even physically abusing them in the hallways and no one trying to stop it because its a girl attacking a boy. 

Boys: If your girlfriend does anything on this list leave her. It is abuse and you deserve better.

Girls: if you find your self doing anything on this list to your boyfriend you need to knock it off because you are being abusive. 

!!!!!!!! My brother was abused by his babies mom and it started like this and escalated to child abuse and neglect.

You don’t deserve to be screamed at, ignored, or assaulted.

Not showing affection when she wants or not hugging her before class) or missing a phone call doesn’t warrant getting cussed out or hit.


Lol, I lost 5 followers from reblogging this. That’s fine, y'all can go

Whole lot of grown women do this too.

Just wanna throw these in too

  • Being passive aggressive with him when he wants to spend time with friends or doing other things 
  • controlling when he’s able to go out with friends
  • Breaking up his friendships with other girls just because you’re insecure
  • Making him feel like his opinions in decisions that affect the both of you are irrelevant and don’t matter
  • testing him in anyway in general without his knowledge or permission (example: catfishing! it’s manipulative and weird don’t fucking do that)
  • taking money/credit cards without permission to spend on things without his knowledge ( had an ex friend do this constantly to her boyfriend and she’d always condone it because “he’ll get over it” )
  • guilting him for hanging out with friends/family over you  and making him choose between you and friends/family
  • telling him “you don’t love me if you *insert harmless activity he wants to do here* “
  • being rude or mean to him in front of others to assert dominance or power over him
  • downloading apps to spy on his phone activity (yes, this is a thing “”regular”” people do) or snooping on his social media to see who he’s talking to
  • hitting him, slapping him, punching him, shoving him. literally how do people not understand slapping your male partner is bad. people tend to find this funny in media and society and its weird. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR PARTNER WITHOUT PERMISSION. 

I come from a family of very forward and manipulative women and i see it in media all the time. it’s fucked and people need to not be accepting of young girls acting like snot-nosed, abusive shit heads that think they can get away with manipulation and cruelty because they happen to be girls.



if you have an abusive teen or young adult gf right now fellas, leave. don’t let her use you to get her shit right. you’ll be so fucked up by the time she gets it together if she ever does and believe that most likely she won’t.  


Can i just add that ive seen young queer girls do this to their girlfriends. Girls can be abusers and you are right to leave. 

Women/young girls can definitely be just as abusive. I knew a young man that got ran over and had his leg broken by his girlfriend because (in her words he annoyed her) He refused to press charges. Another young lady started to hit her ex boyfriend because he wouldn’t take her back because of the abuse. He called the cops on her and they literally started laughing at him because she was very petite in comparison to him. Anyone can be abusive and I wish more people understood that.

dammit I’d spam my blog if i reblog this more than once but dude this is really important.

Oh my god. This is so important.

This is legit the reason why so many guys I know are too scared to be in a relationship



Spread the word!! Don’t stay with a girl who abuses you!

Y'all aren’t in love. If you loved the person, you would want the best for them and not treat them like shit. Y'all don’t love them. You’re being manipulative and an asshole.


5 states in the US have banned abortion from the point of heartbeat detection. Following that logic, I propose two additional policies:

1. Child support starts at the same point, including 50% of all medical bills

2. If the mother dies in mandated childbirth OR the child is stillborn, the father and doctor are charged with involuntary manslaughter.

See how keen they are on their “Pro-life” horseshit then.

3. Pregnant women can’t be in jail because the fetus would be in jail, and since it’s a full human you would be punishing an innocent person

An exciting and spicy addition


4. Fetuses are counted as a full dependants going back to the moment of conception which is measured from the last day of the last period. All benefits (food stamps, housing, etc) must be immediately adjusted to reflect this change.

What am I now? What if I’m someone I don’t want around?

FALLING | Harry Styles


What a cuddly baby 🥺


does anyone else remember being in, like, middle school and every adult over the age of 30 being like “drawing or writing on your hands is literally the most EVIL thing you can do and can KILL you”

My friend once put her maths homework in a bottle of water and drank it, then became ill and wasn’t able to go to school the next day, pen ink is really bad y'know

ok but you see what the difference here is, right? like you see the difference between drawing on your hands and drinking homework juice, right??

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