
Don't Forget to Be Awesome

@boazach-27 / boazach-27.tumblr.com

I honestly have no idea what this blog is about, but I hope you enjoy it.

iris by goo goo dolls really is insane though. I'd give up forever to touch you? you're the closest to heaven I'll ever be? all I can breathe is your life? and I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think they'd understand? when everything's meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am? does anyone hear me.


My problem with heterosexual romance novels (which I am reading under duress due to my coworker book club but find somewhat entertaining cuz they're not something I normally wld read) is that whenever the love interest is an asshole the author also makes him all dommy dom. when what I really want is for him to be thoroughly put in his place. All of these shithead Christian grey knockoff guys in these books would be excellent brat material but nobody cares what I want. Nobody cares what I want


not interested in getting involved in the rest of this discussion, for the most part, but to me this is a GREAT piece of advice that many people these days don't seem to be getting or understanding.

not everyone you meet or interact with is your friend, the requirements and expectations for respectful behaviour between friends is not the same as between strangers.


I don't want to cite my references. I want a puppet rat to pop up from the bottom of the screen holding a sign saying "It's True!"


sometimes i wonder if every part of my personality these days is a glowing beacon that shrieks to the world "this woman has a tumblr account!" and i start to get legitimately concerned about it except then i remember that all the people best equipped to recognize the signs in the wild are also on this website so. devil's sacrament, etc. the fact that the phrase "devil's sacrament" came so readily to my mind just then is probably a point in favor of an affirmative answer to that first question isn't it


watching a group of mutuals reblog the same post like theyโ€™re passing the salt down the table for everyone to season their food with


being a woman is just [scared of becoming my mother] [wondering if I deserve better] [wondering if im good enough] [going for long walks alone] [being plagued by imposter syndrome and self doubt] [crying] [feeling the weight of all my female ancestors suffering and pain] [making myself small and silent] [unlearning guilt and shame]๏ฟผ [scared of marrying a man like my father] [forgiving my parents for the mistakes they never apologised for] [forgiving myself]


i must not get takeout. takeout is the wallet-killer. takeout is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face the kitchen, fridge, and pantry. i will make choices about what to cook and then execute them. when hunger is gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.

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