
i'm glad he didn't beak me

@juggey / juggey.tumblr.com

header: amyjake

anyone got a line on bee twitter i’m absolutely dying to know if this had an impact on the bee economy


We're Pigeon Boys - Pigeon Simulator

Michael: Oh, dude! There's a fucking advert for I Am Bread! Right there!

Gavin: Duuuude! I almost vomited my stomach out.

Michael: I was in London last week.

Gavin: Yeah.

Michael: And we rode the tubes a bit.

Gavin: Yeah.

Michael: And Lindsay saw an advert that was like, she so perfectly summed it up. She looked at it and she was like "Is this why Gavin is the way he is?".

Gavin: I would assume yes without even hearing it.

Michael: The fucking, the fucking- it was the same thing, the, you know the little sign like that and it had a bunch of butterflies on it and it said "If all the lights in the world turned off, would butterflies or would moths fly to the moon?". And I was like, 'holy shit that's absolutely something he would say on the podcast.' like that's- I, I, at that point I assumed you were a fraud and just everything you said was a series of billboards and ad reads that you had seen your whole life.

Gavin: Yeah, billboards and matchboxes...

Michael: I don't even remember what it was for!

Gavin: But you remembered the message.

Michael: I remembered the message but I have no idea what the were selling.


(awful) doodle comic from a stream i did. i apologize.

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