

@qwordy / qwordy.tumblr.com

Booklr. Writeblr. Youtuber. Dogs. That's me.
Anonymous asked:

Just stumbled across your channel again (was a viewer a while ago) and OMG congrats on the weight loss! i know its super awk for me to comment on but as someone whos been through something similar i think you deserve some serious props!

Thank you. I kind of needed this as it's been a struggle lately.


guillermo de la cruz is literally THE most character of all time. hes gay. hes latino. hes fat. hes badass. hes a serial killer. hes a mamas boy. hes insane. hes the most normal one here. hes by birth and lineage a vampire killer. hes spent 13 years trying to become a vampire. hes my best friend hes my pal, my homeboy, my rotten soldier, hes my sweet cheese my good time boy


I just got my audible report for the audiobooks and I want to scream and not in a good way.


... how bad? :/

Out of a total of $1,162.73 in sales, I earned $290.68 after Amazon took its cut. That's before tax.

And it will actually be a lot less than that because out of the 80 sales I made, 26 Amazon credits were returned within 7 days.

I want to say they were returned in good faith because the persons realized the book just wasn't for them, but a sizeable chunk probably just wanted their credit back to use on something else after they were done listening to it.

And like... yeah, thank you for everyone who did buy it on Audible that's still $290 I wouldn't have. But considering Audible made $872.05 in profit from my book and I'll be the one paying for the refunds I am... yeah.


Anyway, here's my Payhip and a list of alternatives to Audible.

Also, please use library lending services instead of abusing Amazon's return policy. I am outright begging at this point. I made negative money on ebook sales for the last month due to that TikTok "hack."

I hate it here. And by here I mean "this timeline in general."

Holy shit. please don’t do this yo your authors guys, I had no idea it was that bad.

@thebibliosphere is there anywhere people can go to buy your book without giving money to amazon?

I linked them in the post above. Payhip and then the links under Flirting and Fluff Edition.


@thebibliosphere for those of us who have bought your book already, is there anywhere we can just donate to you or otherwise help you out?

Thank you, that’s very kind of you to ask.

My ko-fi tip jar is pinned to my top post in case anyone ever wants to toss a coin my way and ensure Holly Mop gets kept in turkey chews and squeaky toys.

I’ll actually be working on updating it later today with discord integration. Unfortunately I can’t link any of my work there due to ko-fis ban on NSFW content, otherwise I’d make the books available there too.

If your library doesn’t have these books, request they get them.

If you want a deal on audiobooks that doesn’t cheat the author, Kobo has an audiobook subscription service that charges $10 a month for 1 credit which buys you 1 audiobook. @thebibliosphere can correct me here, but I believe the author gets full royalties. You then own the audiobook. There’s none of this “take backsies” bullshit Bezos/Amazon is using to screw authors over.

I’ll need to double-check, but I think for Kobo, I get a 45% royalty rate for audiobooks, which is 20% higher than Audible. (I get 80% for ebook off the top of my head)

I’m uncertain if you use the subscription service if it means I get 45% of the $10 as opposed to the actual price listed on the book (I’ll look into it), but that still makes the earning through Kobo audio subscription higher than Audible, even though Audible costs more per month.

So, if you’re in the US and looking to switch from Audible, please consider Kobo a valid alternate!

They pay authors better and also don’t demand exclusivity to pay the higher royalty rate, unlike Audible, which would pay me 45% royalties if I agreed to go Exclusive and not sell anywhere else at all for seven years.

At present I am locked into a seven year contract at 25% royalties with Audible because that’s what they demand for distribution. I can alter the files if necessary, but I can’t take them down. I also can’t set the book's price or control when it goes on sale.

I’m currently toying with the idea of not using Audible in the future again just because seeing the numbers in black and white is so bleakly depressing. By contrast, this morning, I’ve sold ten copies on Payhip at the minimum price and already out-earned what I earned from eighty sales on Audible. That is quite a difference; I’m sure you’ll agree.

Again, thank you to anyone who did buy through Audible; it’s still more money in my pocket than I would have had otherwise. You didn’t do anything wrong by using Audible.

I just wanted to show how little we actually make from sales via Amazon, and why using Amazon like a library is devastating for indie authors because I feel like people don't truly get it and think authors are crying into our big wads of cash.

We’re not: we’re starving on scraps while the most prominent retailer and, therefore, our best possible source of income because everyone uses it, eats our profits, and makes us pay for their “easy” refunds.


Just a reminder my blog is trans inclusive. It’s bi inclusive. It is pan inclusive. It is intersex inclusive. It is ace/asexual inclusive. It is aro/aromantic inclusive. It is queer inclusive.

I don’t support terfs or exclusionists.

If you came here looking for an ally in your bigotry you came to the wrong blog. Go away. You are not welcome here.


anti-egg vegans are always a hoot. like, she’s not using it. it’s not fertilized. it’s going to rot and attract predators. you want me to just throw it in the trash??

its still animal exploitation, is it not?


do you think a chicken with zero emotional attachment to the egg she popped out feels exploited when that egg leaves the coop?

if that unfertilized egg cracked in the pen there’s not a chicken who would wait 0.002 seconds to slurp that shit down raw and unseasoned but I’m supposed to exploit foreign children farming for slave wages and ship all of their staple crops across the world to me instead. and this feels like the moral high ground to them. alright


REblog if you are Asexual, support Asexuals, or spend most of your time actually thinking about Superheroes.


could use some help

Hey all, I doubt anyone here still actually looks at my posts much but thought I’d throw this out there. I just got slammed with a huge medical bill and I just moved so my accounts were already thin as it was trying to get back on my feet from that and adjusting to a new job.  I’m just in a bit of a bind with paying this $2300 bill.  I’m not asking for anyone to pay a lot but I do have a kofi page where you can commission me for things or purchase copies of my books. I could just really use a little help so that I can afford some food or keep up with my smaller bills while I try to wrangle up the funds for the bigger one. 

Anything helps and is much appreciated. I feel so ashamed to have to ask people because I have so much guilt and shame when it comes to my finances but yeah, thought I’d attempt this.  


current mood is playing messenger between an ex-theatre kid and an ex-warrior cats kid trying to decide who would win the most important battle of our generation

i’m still right that the warrior cats would demolish the jellicles while they’re busy being sensual and singing

You’re just mad none of the warrior cats are as sexy as Macavity the Mystery Cat


Heartstopper + text posts pt.2

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