
Do I really have to name this thing???

@myehtasticsith / myehtasticsith.tumblr.com

formerly dartheldur \\ she/her \\ desi

ya'll didn't see this coming, did you? (neither did I)

I haven't drawn in over a week, my hands ouchie :(( (also, there'll be more gerrymichael fanart don't worry)


I couldnt help it… Neil slayed 🗡️🩸

[ Originally posted to my Insta & Twitter @ MadQueenMaddie ]

Home is where the weirdos are ⛺️

POV: your cute little vampire boyfriend just took care of the “family drama” and needs a hug.

Anonymous asked:

every time i remember that gifset of daniel laughing and talking pre-race with max and his dad in spa 2014 and realize that max saw daniel win his third race and red bull's 50th race live and IN PERSON....like daniel must have seemed so cool and larger than life. and then come to find out a few weeks later it's max's test and he had made a welcome video for him. like...it's too much they're TOO MUCH.

This response got ludicrously long.


i just know it kills the recent barrage of daniel-hating max fans that max wants to dick him down five ways to sunday in front of the rb20 and god. based on the fact that they post more about daniel than daniel fans do, i know they see the zendaya laughing and the world’s longest game of gay chicken that max verstappen refuses to lose. they have to constantly scroll by and see that their number one enemy has max’s jaw unhinged, open, and waiting like a snake ready to swallow an egg. you will be calling daniel a washed terrorist while max will be in front of the camera defending him with his actual wheel knowledge and a lust in his loins that hasn’t stopped burning since daniel made a special video to congratulate him on his super license and caused a sexual awakening so intense it registered on the richter scale.


am I the only person being uncomfortable by of the way the official F1 account, Red Bull Racing and other big fan accounts are posting so much about Penelope, Kelly Piquet and Daniil Kvyat's daughter, with Max?

she's 4, she's a kid and I feel like they're are using her for PR because she's cute and people seem to like her with Max. I don't think there's anything truly wrong with content selected and posted by the parents, but official accounts with millions of followers? that feels wrong to me. and not to mention grown adults making edits about her too, she's just a kid. I don't even follow/support Max but I've seen the moment in parc fermé and under the podium over 10 times in my fyp, only today, and the amount of engagement with those posts is crazy.

a few days ago I've seen people on tt saying that the f1 admins were trying to be "too close" to the public by using the drivers' nickname, ship names, fan's inside jokes and I think that's also a good example. they are creating parasocial relationships, she is a kid that we don't know, she shouldn't be used as PR by the F1 account, they filmed her under the podium and posted it, Red Bull shouldn't either and fans should know the boundaries, she's not a public personality, she's a 4 year-old that shouldn't be used like this.

Anonymous asked:

having conflicting thoughts about having her daughter’s face all over my tl. i do acknowledge that at the end of the day it's not any of my business at all (just sharing an opinion here) and that her parents definitely know what's best for her but celebrities/influencers who plaster their toddlers faces all over the internet just rubs me the wrong way. i'm sure it's cute and adorable to see but that's still a child and there are still creeps out there on the internet and if they still wish to believe that that's best for their children... then well i just feel for those kids then

i always find your discourse on PR interesting and was just curious to know your thoughts on this

P.S. this may come across as a sensitive topic so no worries if you wish to not respond to it.

Hello! I had answered it at length here, but to add to this:

Anonymous asked:

imo i hate the way fans act over penelope… like she’s a 4-5 year old. there’s no reasons for fans to be posting about her and acting like fans of her being like “omg penelope crumbs”… it just is nasty behavior sorry and i judge everyone who reblogs it

I’ve got a few things to say about this. First of all, Max has said it several times himself, in interviews, that he doesn’t consider or see himself as her dad and she very much has a father and their relationship is good. Daniil not posting his child on social media doesn’t equal him being an absent father, as some on the internet seem to believe.

Which brings me to the point: especially if you’re famous, keep your children’s faces off the fucking internet. It’s not cute to use children for likes on social media because your engagement is abysmal otherwise, it’s not cute to post pictures of your naked child on social media. You’re willing to completely sacrifice your child’s privacy and dignity for some cheap engagement and likes. Children posted on social media were never given the choice; they’re not old enough to make that decision. The internet is a scary place for children, especially with the rise of AI, and you’re contributing to that by constantly exposing your child.

I unfollow every single blog or page I see resharing this content, because, yes, while it’s already out there, there’s no reason to continue to engage with it, further encouraging more content.


it's truly weird and concerning how much P is posted in fandom spaces. I won't deny that it's cute to see how much P adores max and the other way around but at the end of the day she is a CHILD that cannot consent to being posted all over social media. it's bad enough that her mother is constantly showing her on Instagram but in the end that's not our decision. what IS our decision is to not further spread pictures and videos of her especially in fandom spaces.

it's weird as fuck

she should not have any kind of presence in fandom spaces. give her the privacy she deserves and get her off your blogs and tags!



that's the 20yo max im telling you red bull invented time travel

via redbullracing on instagram, Japan 2024
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