

@benjaminka / benjaminka.tumblr.com


Anyway if you see this you have to reblog and tag with a delight from ur day -- even the littlest thing counts


#my breakfast was top tier


words are magic.

they're spells, incantations that can make people laugh or cry. they can manipulate thoughts. forge belief. at their most powerful, words can change the future and reshape the past, but despite all this, we pretend that magic isn't real. that it's make-belief.

but it is real. it's all around us, a never-ending influence on our emotions. when we read the wrong words, we feel alone and hopeless, we feel angry and scared. but when we read the right ones, we elevate ourselves. we grow.

this is the truth: we are all sorcerors of this reality, and every day, we're given a choice of which spells we cast. we can encourage, or we can devastate. we can choose joy, or we can choose rage.

our choices matter. they matter because we are more powerful than we realize. they matter because our words shape our world, and they shape the worlds of those around us, too.

they matter because words are magic.

and so are we.


✏️ Sit down, put the words on the page.

✏️ Sit down, put the words on the page.

✏️ They don't have to be good words.

✏️ They don't have to be many words.

✏️ They don't have to be inspired words.

✏️ They don't have to be motivated words.

✏️ Sit down, put the words on the page.

✏️ Writing that exists is better than writing that doesn't exist.

Trying so hard to do this 😭

You can do it!! 💪

Same, although everything going on is sapping my creativity.


Same here. I hope that everyone who shares this gets a sudden boost of inspiration! 💙

I find sprints help even though I have no idea where my story is going


Literally cannot emphasize enough that my #1 writing advice is to stop being afraid. Stop being afraid of sounding too cringe, or too stupid, or too horrifying, or too horny, or too weird, or too much, or too little, or too you. You need to put your entire pussy into your art. Sure, it won't be to everyone's tastes, but if you keep yourself to the blandest tamest safest roads possible you will be of no one's tastes, not even yours.


And the most important thing to remember is that you have time. Time to discover new people and new projects and new places; time to heal from your past and your wounds. You might feel like you’re getting nothing done and nothing is happening, but you have time to discover your soul. It will happen for you <3


ao3 is a drive-thru not a personal chef. you can order anything that’s on the menu and you can have as much of it as you want for free. but if what you want isn’t on the menu then you have to roll up your sleeves and cook it your damn self.


this is the best simile ever! 

don’t complain about the menu, get cooking!

And remember, if you don’t like it or are allergic to it, you don’t have to order it! There’s plenty of other options on the menu that might appeal to you that you can get instead. And again, making your own is still an option.

And don’t abuse the cooks for not delivering your specific meal to your exact specifications.





“But I’ve already written this a hundred times” <- write it a hundred more times, this is not your job, do what you want

“But who is this for” <- do it for yourself so that your soul doesn’t die

“But what if I don’t get any likes or comments” <- this voice is the death of all creative joy, ignore it as much as possible


Oh man, guys, I really like this book I’ve written.

I had to reread that because I have never seen a writer say that ever and as a writer I envy you.


There are so many comments on this post to this effect.

Dude! writers, artists, do what you need to do to gain objectivity and feel satisfaction for what you’ve done!

Art as pain and pain as art and the Eternal Dissatisfaction of the Poignant Creator™ is so 19th century. 

Creating the art you wish you could see in the world but don’t, and then being fucking PSYCHED when you’ve done it™ is very 2018.

When you start loving the things you’ve made, it’s like a switch flips in your brain and suddenly you want to have that feeling all the time! And to feel that way, you make more things. And more things! So many things! 

Seriously- learn to love the things that you’ve put time into. 


I want to have this mentality. Where do I sign up for the coaching workshop?


Think of the story you really want to read. The one that you would have subscribed to for updates and you would go and check it once in a while anyway on the off chance that maybe a new update had been posted. The story that is full of every last thing that makes your id sing. 

Then go write that story. A story where you really want to find out what happens next. Don’t try to outline it. Don’t take away the pleasure of discovery. Figure it out as you go along and at every step do just what makes you happiest. If you are bored writing a scene just set something on fire (literally) and go in a different direction. If you can’t wait for X to bang Y just have them go for it out of nowhere and maybe tell us what triggered it afterwards. If you feel the whole thing has gone off the rails, just finish it off quick somehow that makes you happy and start the next story. 

Don’t worry about whether it is a “good” story. Don’t try to write something that you think is a clever idea or that hasn’t been done. In fact do the opposite. Write the thing you think is a dumb idea that you want anyway, or the story you have read 1000 versions of but really want to read again. Just write something you really want to read and make yourself impatient for the next piece of it. Enjoy the process and you’ll love the product. Once you have learned how to do this you can work on making the story work better and be more polished, and that work will be immediately rewarding because you will be making nicer things for yourself. 

I always love everything I write because I write it for me. :)

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