
Raven of Domain Kwaad

@raven-of-domain-kwaad / raven-of-domain-kwaad.tumblr.com

I'm Raven (she/they) and this is a side blog for my SWTOR OCs and nostalgia for the old Star Wars EU. The Kine Family | Other Kine Legacy OCs Always happy to talk Star Wars with people. I follow and like from @The-Raven-of-Highever. Header and icon are by the very talented @palepinkycat

The Kine Family / Links masterlist

This post below the readmore is a list of my main OCs that are all a part of the Kine family during the SWTOR era. Links for other masterlists below.

Kine Legacy OCs (Great Galactic War, Second Galactic War)
Kine Legacy OCs (Third Galactic War)
The extended Kine Family not part of the SWTOR era and the Kine family crest.
My timeline post KOTFE/ET as I diverge heavily from canon.
Writing Masterlist

Have a basic family tree to get a quick look at just who is part of this family (this will not cover Lord Loyat or Lana Beniko as they are NPCs in game and not my own OCs)


"I am so glad I found you and didn't kill you."

A little illustration of Mara Jade Skywalker. I’m slowly working on a mural of a lot of the Legends characters and am enjoying putting my own little twist on them.


Free art (limited, sfw)

Hey guys. If you would like me to draw anything for you, just reblog this with references of your OC, a background, and an action. I can draw more than one person, up to maybe 5 or six.

Just keep these SFW for now. I'll try to take up as many as I can, till I have to stop.


My first sketch is ready! Lana, Ryscha and Loyat for @raven-of-domain-kwaad

I'll move on to the second one today :)

So pretty!!! My Knight Ryscha and her Sith wives!!!

Thanks so much for doing this @anchanted-one! You are an amazing artist and person!


OC fact swap

Ryscha Kine has kept the lightsaber crystals from both Tarnis and Angral's lightsabers. She keeps them as a way to humanize the people of the Empire who had previously been a fairly faceless enemy she was raised to fight against. They are a constant reminder that the Empire is also made up of people with families and people that they love and she can't ever forget that


Teshe is pretty much the opposite – he never sees Imperials as people. At first, they're just targets. He gets paid for taking them out, and he's nothing if not professional. And then he learns that the Empire kidnapped, imprisoned, and eventually killed his mother. The Empire ruined his childhood and indirectly set him on the path of never-ending fight for survival. Somebody's gotta pay. For all he cares, every single Imperial is an enemy who doesn't deserve to live.

He wouldn't try to change Ryscha's mind – other people's opinions aren't his business. But he would genuinely struggle to understand her.


Teshe is valid for that. Young Ryscha still has that ideal jedi mindset that everyone is a person and that she needs to remember it. Teshe would probably make her feel sad, thinking that he is an example of what war does to people.


OC fact swap:

Although Ateitis is one of the Emperor's Children and spends her formative years doing his bidding, she has no respect for the man. As far as she's concerned, he's leeching off her abilities and the Empire as a whole. It's only fair that she gets to use him in return and borrow his authority to do whatever the hell she wants. When he dies, she like that "Oh no! Anyway" meme.


Bryala's greatest fear is becoming as obsessed and overwhelmed by power as her grandfather Vitiate/Valkorion. Because she was raised on Zakuul by Arcann and Senya, she was very aware of his influence on her aunt Vaylin while also being told how sweet Vaylin was as a child. Realizing that the Emperor could harm and twist someone as sweet as Vaylin into such a broken person, Bryala fears that her blood may one day lead her down a similar destructive path.

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