
This is literally the most heart warming story I have read on Twitter so far. I think this is exactly what friends should do, and I feel everyone deserves people like this.


Let’s be real, the Avengers??? They’d be extra as fuck. It’s six dysfunctional superheroes all crammed together in one tower. We’d have Thor summoning lightning every five seconds bc the toaster wouldn’t work and he’d want to give it a little boost. Steve Rogers probably out there making the most of 21st century culture by starting a tumblr/ insta/ twitter and then just calling out the bigots and roasting them while the whole-ass world watches. Clint and Natasha probably get arrested every other day and I bet my ass Tony Stark gets drunk & impulse-buys the state of Texas purely to rename it ‘Yeehaw Town’ because Rhodey bet him he wouldn’t. Meanwhile Bruce is out there just shooting out Science Papers and Thesis’s and when someone challenges him he says ‘Bitch don’t think I won’t eat you’ and no-one knows if he’s joking or not.

Robert has really been incredibly thoughtful in his care of the other actors, me especially. In the beginning of this franchise, I was really nervous, but he extended his kindness and warmth and helped pick me up in a lot of ways and gave me confidence and direction and support. - Chris Evans
I really couldn’t imagine anyone else in that role. It’s probably the highest degree of difficulty of all the superheroes in the Marvel world to get right. There’s just a certain confidence and humility you had to have going in. Chris has gotten more and more detached from his own neurosis or judgement as the years have gone by. And to look good in that helmet? It was just the right guy for the job. - Robert Downey Jr 

that little old lady in the captain marvel trailer: [smiles]

me: ok

carol danvers: [punches out the old lady]

me, trusting carol w my life: idk what that old lady did but she’s evil and had it coming


study moods by subject

chemistry: a seat in the first row, diligent note taking, falling asleep in a textbook, color coded sticky notes but with no real system, fingers running across old ink

literature: studying in bed, a cat snoozing on the pillow, orchestral movie soundtracks playing softly, rereading passages that were absentmindedly passed through

math: strong cups of coffee, graph paper planners, crowded lecture halls, a furrowed brow, warm sweaters, that one special spot in the library

history: clicking pens, stacks and stacks of books, annotations in the margins, study sessions spread out on the floor, flickering candles, working in complete silence

biology: colorful illustrations, well worn flashcards, reusable water bottles, always breaking pencil lead, carefully drafting important emails

art: getting lost in readings, pastry and a coffee, receipts repurposed as bookmarks, love for rainy days, in class hand raising anxiety, a whirlwind of a backpack

world languages: early mornings, a deep seated quizlet addiction, studying with friends, practicing presentations aloud in an empty room, fidgeting in chairs, detailed study guides

engineering: hands running through hair, cups of tea either drank while they’re too hot or entirely forgotten, typing quickly, the sound as hallways fill in between classes

music: stretching fingers after long periods of writing, 11:59 submission for a 12:00 deadline, celebrating the completion of a task with something sweet, deep respect for teachers

peter: nono it was so cool, mr stark! i webbed in there and he was all like KNIFE TO MEET YOU and he stabbed me and i was like woah!! nice one!! and th -
tony: you got??? stabbed???
peter: well yeah but like hE MADE A PUN MR STARK

my question is, does Mamma Mia take place in

1) a universe where ABBA doesn’t exist and they’re just making up the songs as they go? 

2) a universe where ABBA DOES exist and everyone has rehearsed and memorized all of their songs just in case the situation arises where they might need one?


Concept: The Avengers doing a body positivity ad in which they all show off their various disabilities/ scars/ imperfections. Tony gets a close-up shot of all the scars on his chest. Steve showing the stretch-marks that were caused by the serum and never really went away. Bucky stands tall without his prosthetic on. Clint signs in ASL over at the camera. Natasha shows off the ugly scar that runs straight up her spine. Bruce just stands there in his underwear, showing off his love handles and his lovely round tummy and smiling like a sunbeam. Thor takes off his eyepatch and then winks with his one good eye. They all stand next to one another, laughing, completely comfortable. The slogan of the ad says ‘no one is perfect- not even a superhero’.


It’s safe to assume that due to the spider-sense, Peter is very aware of his body/surroundings. His body was disintegrating, he could feel his body constantly trying to repair and heal itself but failing, which in result gave him a lot of pain. As the youngest and the least experienced, he was the most scared of the heroes.


The best hashtag evah

The firmer you grasp the fish, the more complete your understanding of sea life will become. Underwater labcoat completely necessary for this step, unlike breathing apparatuses like a snorkel or a regulator. Real marine biologists grow gills upon getting their diploma.

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