
lee sage


primary for @glitteryteenpoems and @writingtipswithlee . 15, they/he :)

hey, friendo!

I realised that though I've had this blog a while I haven't really made an intro post, so this is it, I guess!

I'm lee, I'm 16, and I use they/he pronouns. I'm a Gryffindor, an Aries, and an ENFP-T, as well as an avid writer, musician and kayaker.

I love Orla Gartland, The Pixies, and Regina Spektor, and my favourite author is Erin Morgenstern. I'm also a huge classics nerd (thank you Percy Jackson phase) as well as loving sci-fi movies and books.

Current Fav Book(s): Song of Achilles-Madeline Miller, The Night Circus-Erin Morgenstern, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue-V.E Schwab, Normal People-Sally Rooney.

At the moment I have one WIP, called Rises the Moon (sequel to be 'Follows the Sun') and it's a YA fantasy novel, currently writing the 6th draft!

Feel free to reach out/start a random conversation with me :)

(instagram @glitteryteenpoems)



rinse your rice before

you cook it

become the waxy

woven fabric

wash yourself free of sins

but be careful not

to flood your veins

with blackened blood

sins are like holy water

infinitely concentrated

my body is a vessel

a canvas

a trench

i am the ocean

the painter

the sea floor

you are the diver

the critic

the darkness

creeping over my life

like blackened blood

i do not care

what i have created

myself to be

as long as you

take those parts of me away

dilute my sins



the shape of the moon

the whisper of a breeze echoes through the house we’ll never live in

it kicks up dust  from your unused wicker chair and rustles the dead flowers on the windowsill

outside the overgrown garden aches to be frolicked in  our bones feed the flowers

wild the way you wanted to be growing free as our house rots a perfect sphere shining in the moonlight

the moon put the wind in your bones so you could visit once more without considering how hard it would be to leave again

easy for her to say she ebbs and flows but we’re only buried once

we fall apart  slowly, slowly.


a (brief/permanent/fleeting/forever/nonexistent/nostalgic) return of @glitteryteenpoems ? it's more likely than you think.


i love it when you read multiple works from a writer and you start being able to pick out the things that stick with them. like the themes they keep thinking about, that can’t be satisfied with just one poem or novel or story. or the motifs they like to reuse and recycle throughout their works like an extradiagetic thread. it’s like drawing a map through a writer’s collection of all the things that keep them up at night


part of the reason i started @glitteryteenpoems was so i could see and watch the growth in my poetry, and look back on my older stuff and pick up on the themes that stick with me. like. bones. the moon. gardens. wings. fear. growth and change. all of it is scattered heavily throughout my poetry at this point in my life and it has been for the past year or so. i think it'll be interesting for some future version of me to make the same comparison when i'm no longer glitteryteenpoems but like. glitterypoems. or something else. seperate. different. i look forward to that. i hate growing up but art makes it bearable, makes it measurable, makes me feel like i am growing and changing. i love potential!!!!!


Master Post of Notes on Stephen King’s Book “On Writing”

Here is the collection of posts I made summarizing this book and King’s practical advice on writing. I read this book and took notes on it to improve my own writing ability, and then decided why not share my notes with others?

So here are all the posts I made regarding this book. They follow the order of the book. All quotes are from the book, and I cited the book at the bottom of each post. Sometimes I interject my own musings and occasional counterarguments. 

If you like writing and want to know more about how others do it, King provides a very practical, easy-to-understand breakdown of his own methods. I found it very concrete and enlightening. Hopefully you will too!


Thank you so much for the tag @deadpoetsorgy <33

honey and lemon or milk and sugar, musicals or plays, lemonade or iced tea, strawberries or raspberries, winter or summer, beaches or forests, diners or cafés, unicorns or dragons, gemstones or crystals, hummingbirds or owls, fireworks or sparklers, brunch or happy hour, sweet or sour, rome or amsterdam, classic or modern art, sushi or ramen, sun or moon, polka dots or stripes, macarons or croissants, glitter or matte, aquariums or planetariums, road trip or camping trip, fairy lights or candles


honey and lemon or milk and sugar, musicals or plays, lemonade or iced tea, strawberries or raspberries, winter or summer, beaches or forests, diners or cafés, unicorns or dragons, gemstones or crystals, hummingbirds or owls, fireworks or sparklers, brunch or happy hour, sweet or sour, rome or amsterdam, classic or modern art, sushi or ramen, sun or moon, polka dots or stripes, macarons or croissants, glitter or matte, aquariums or planetariums, road trip or camping trip, fairy lights or candles

thank you for the tag this was super cute :))


Prompt bingo: autumnal spice box

Make yourself a cup of tea or a pumpkin-spiced latte; put some cinnamon in your coffee; and grab the nearest pen. Writeblrcafe is hosting a prompt bingo inspired by autumnal spices!

Try to complete the prompt bingo by writing for several prompts and then ticking off the spice boxes. If you have written for three prompts in a row or in a diagonal, you have a bingo! The first writer to complete this prompt bingo will get a little surprise from us with some spice.

We encourage all forms of original writing. You can check out our other prompts here. Make sure to tag your piece of writing with #wcprompt within the first 5 tags and mention which prompts you used. We will reblog every spice order!

Cinnamon: a candlelit corridor

Turmeric: moth metamorphosis

Star anise: Write a haiku about autumn.

Ginger: One foggy morning ...

Juniper: fallen leaves on the ground (Bonus: a scene of two characters raking up leaves together)

Pimento: A note appears on the library table. It says: "Help us."

Cloves: The leaves never grew back on the trees after winter ...

Vanilla: Write a scene using the lovers to enemies trope.

Nutmeg: an abnormal supper with ghosts


I quest for nothing

But to prove I had a life

To tell them I lived


Little Infinity
I'd like to blame it
on some fault in our stars, but
it was always me.

the word tastes like coffee spilling out of your mouth it’s bitter and dark and i wanna take your tongue out

when you call me a villain with your hands on my body do you hear yourself and find the truth in my pain? will you call me a victim just while you’re mourning?

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