
Smokingbomber Reblogs

@lasmokingreblogger / lasmokingreblogger.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm smokingbomber & senshilegionnaire. Multifandom! Sailor Moon, The Old Guard, The Raven Cycle, The Locked Tomb, Yuri on Ice!, Rivers of London, Good Omens, The Witcher, Star Driver, Star Trek, Doctor Who, OFMD, some DC and Marvel, and a lot of queer ships. Also Discworld obviously.
  • Sailor Moon

The music of the composer Takanori Arisawa in Sailor Moon, is incredible, he also made the music in Digimon. I love that to this day I can hum his melodies.


Every time I watch Sailor Moon I am struck with the urge to make an illustration for every episode. That is NOT happening, but I did the first episode just to get it out of my system!


I decided to draw Usagi and Mamoru to catch up=^^=

Have you ever counted how many tropes and all sorts of romantic scenarios this couple has in the canon? I figured out:

- from non-friends to friends to lovers

- forbidden love of people from different worlds (the theme of the love of the lunar princess and the earthly prince, I think, has not been revealed)

- when one of the lovers loses his memory, and the other does not

- when one pretends that he does not love another to save his life (Endymion's dumbest idea)

- lovers in a past life

- meeting their future selves and their future child.

And that's not counting fighting side by side, fighting each other, and self-sacrifice to save the life of a loved one. And I'm sure I missed something else)


Happy New Year!))

If anything, then you should thank Michiru for this drawing, I had very little idea about all of this, except for her pose, it was originally conceived that way and she really insisted that I draw it))

С наступающим!=^_______^=

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I had a question regarding comment etiquette in fandom, especially with fan fiction.

I know it's rude to say any variation on "please update", but is "I can't wait to see where you take this next" acceptable? I don't want to come off as pushy or demanding, while also expressing my excitement. Help?

You're asking *me*? XD wow!! sure, i wouldn't mind seeing that in my comments. :)


the most compelling thing a guy can ever say is to another guy and it's "i wish you were a girl" . like record scratch. wow the implications that this phrase has. i think it needs its own bechdel test

Vulgate Cycle: Lancelot Part II

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