
@weed-cat / weed-cat.tumblr.com

ashbur weed-cat

it's ok 🙂 (adult) (ndn)

ive been blocked unblocked unadded added hated loved but ive never been forgotten

previously makeupisfuckinggreatforaguy, transman-link, baptizedinmyspit, ashbur.

white people who don't make an effort to be decent all go to hell when they die


i love you palestinians im sorry about the world


I apologize if you’ve been asked this question before I’m sure you have, but how do you feel about AI in writing? One of my teachers was “writing” stories using ChatGPT then was bragging about how good they were (they were not good) and said he was going to sell them. To put aside any legal concerns in that, I’m just trying to talk him down from that because, personally, I would not enjoy dream job being taken by AI.


The poor man.

Many magazines have closed their submission portals because people thought they could send in AI-written stories.

For years I would tell people who wanted to be writers that the only way to be a writer was to write your own stories because elves would not come in the night and do it for you.

With AI, drunk plagiaristic elves who cannot actually write and would not know an idea or a sentence if it bit their little elvish arses will actually turn up and write something unpublishable for you. This is not a good thing.


fuck 5150 me and the radical madpunks hate 5150. imprisonment and being stripped of bodily autonomy isn't healthcare.


characters whose philosophy is “if i cannot be wanted, i will be needed and if i cannot be needed, let me be used until there’s nothing left of me.” thank you for everyone’s attention. falls off stage and dies

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