
@necro-effect / necro-effect.tumblr.com

necro / her/she / 25
i write fanfic once every 300 years

I just love the Detective Boys so much. They are the perfect blend between wholesome childish shenanigans and unadulterated chaos. Conan and Haibara examining corpses together, identifying the time of death. Genta and Mitushiko discussing the putrid smell of a corpse. Conan watching Haibara nap next to Ayumi with a fond smile on his face. All three kids knowing Conan acts cute to manipulate adults and being embarrassed by it. Conan and Haibara stealing each other's phones out of pettiness. All of them know that their badges have tracking devices in them and are completely okay with the fact that Conan basically micro-chipped them. (And Conan didn't think twice about micro-chipping his new friends.) They actually stood on each-other's shoulders and put on a trench coat and convinced an entire audience they were a Single Adult Male. If Conan has a weird picture on his phone they'll rip him to shreds but if he tells them to assault someone five times their size they will not hesitate. They will ditch collecting firewood to explore a creepy mansion but ignore an ongoing murder investigation to look for a four-leaf clover. Will they find a dead body if they go camping this weekend? Probably. Will they care? Who knows!


I'm giving up and just posting my part in Detective Conan collab here. It would have been cool if you could see others participants' parts (they all look nice💕) even without Shinichi :') Anyway, it's their choice to post it or not.


Give me a fanfiction trope and I’ll grade it:

  • A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it.
  • B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
  • C: Neutral. A good author might be able to sell it, but a bad one will kill it deader than dead.
  • D: Not my favorite. I avoid it if I can, but it won’t necessarily put me off reading something.
  • F: Hate it. Will immediately make me nope out of a fic.

That feeling tho when you find that fic writer that just absolutely fucking

  • understands the characters to their core
  • writes so well they–just so–they just—their writing is—-THEY WRITE GOOD
  • shatters your bad mood with a new update
  • writes a fic that you can read over again and still clutch at your heart like HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE–I LOVE THIS FIC
  • writes a scene that has you all giddy in public and that one random stranger asks you like “ooo you are smiling :) :) is that a boy :) you are talking to :)” and you’re like “no I’m reading a Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies AU, please leave”
  • understands and portrays the characters better than the people who make MOVIES with those characters
  • amazing. just amazing. fic writers are awesome

Regarding a Common Misconception of Hakuba Saguru

Lately I've been doing some reflecting on Saguru & the various ways I've seen him portrayed, as well as the ways I've portrayed him in the past. And then I was rereading some MK manga, and had some realizations. I've been feeling like rambling about them! So here I go, rambling.

[Disclaimer: I'm not personally taking issue with anyone's interpretation or impression of Saguru - just sharing my own impressions! This is just for fun <3 ]

Misconception: Saguru is constantly accusing Kaito of being KID


I'll add that the misconception and portrayal of Hakuba consistently hounding KID seems to be a thing more seen in the English fandom -- this is not something I've noticed in either Chinese and Japanese fandom portrayal of Hakuba. I think this is partly because of the English translation which of course influences fanon. The early fan translations got a lot of Hakuba's lines muddled, his famous line "KID is the only person who can lead my thoughts astray/affect my logic and thinking" is translated as "KID is the only case I can't solve", which loses some of the more complex feelings underneath the first line. In the nightmare case, when Hakuba realises KID has covered up who Nightmare is for the sake of Kenji, the fan translation simply said "he stole the truth, huh?" Whereas the whole line is "For that child... He stole the nightmare named truth", which is both a callback to the title of the case and shows Hakuba knows more about Kuroba's way of thinking (and maybe even background) than he lets on. In the manga Kuroba refers to Hakuba as "hebo-tantei" which is an semi-endearing-insulting term that is not translated in the English fan version I've seen, hence doesn't get referenced often in English fanworks (whereas it makes a regular appearance in Chinese and Japanese fics). Same in that interview where Gosho said Kuroba's weaknesses includes fish and Hakuba, the word 苦手 is translated by fans as "dislike" whereas it means something like "not good at, doesn't know what to do". I could go on but yes, the manga canon suggests Hakuba and Kuroba have a much more relaxed relationship with teasing and jabbing and an implicit kind of mutual understanding (Like that Paris phone call, "I'm not KID! ...OK go on") rather than outright antagonistic relationship.

Thank you OP for writing a long post like this ❤️

This clears up something I've wondered before, because I've very sparingly seen "Hebo-tantei" used as a term somewhere and wondered where it came from. Also, I feel robbed - there is so much more depth to the phrase "KID is the only person who can lead my thoughts astray/affect my logic and thinking"!!! Thanks so much for sharing that.

I really appreciate your input here, it's super helpful, and just better backs up this impression of Saguru as someone who is invested in Kaito and wants to help him. Thanks for helping me learn a little bit more!

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