
Tavronica Week



@tavronicaweek Day 7 Alternate Universes (sorry I'm late)

AU 1: A timeline where the Skeksis threat is gone, the Gelfling have united. Tavra is a respected leader who works with the other former Maudras under the banner of the Auriel. Everything's great but... Onica is the spider. D: AU 2: I redid my High School AU picture from a few months ago. Learn more about my whacky highschool AU: Thorn Hill Ridge Academy (THRA) here.

I love this!!! So many gorgeous details! 


If you have any unfinished art, fics, poems, edits, or any other WIPs for Tavronica Week, we still want to see them!! 

Greatness takes time, that’s why we are having a Tavronica Week “Catch All” day - this Saturday, March 20th! Tag us and we’ll be sure to share your work here, it’s not too late!


Unfavorable Tides

Aight, the FIC IS COMPLETE! 8D

The plot: There’s a snitch among the Paladins, and Tavra faces the consequences for being discovered meeting in secret with a Sifa. As if an angry All-maudra punishing her daughter isn’t enough to deal with, Tavra has to navigate the challenges of her relationship with Onica, and decide if she wants to interfere with a rumored coup against the newly instated Sifan maudra. What trouble did the seasonal tides bring in this time?

You can find it on Ao3 here because it has all four chapters now and it ended up huge. –sorry not sorry–

I’m not sure if it matches any specific prompt in @tavronicaweek but I really wanted to commemorate it with SOMETHING since I’ve wanted an event like this so much. But my drawing muse was barren as the desert so I thought I would actually finish this fic instead and launch it into the void ❤

There is an archive warning on it because writing some bits in the final chapter made me a bit squicky with the battle scene so I thought other people may feel the same.

If you read and enjoyed it, please stop by and let me know so I don’t die in a pool of tears, doubts and self-loathing : D Also pretty please reblog for the greater good of highly stressed writers that need validation ❤

Also tagging a few people that might be interested in reading because shit like this will get lost in the dash or not show up at all

Ohhh! Very excited to check this out! Sure it’s amazing!


@tavronicaweek Day 7 - Alternative Universe

What’s a shipping week without me giving the happy couple a cute little baby? I’m not sure if I want to make this a real OC, or even to keep them as Tavra and Onica’s son/daughter/other, but I like them!

❤️ Likes appreciated ❤️ 

⭐️ Reblogs ADORED! ⭐️

Very adorable!


Day 7: Alternate Universe

So This Is Princess Onica (Roleswapped with Brea), and Songteller Tavra (Roleswapped with Kylan) I have more of these, but no one seems interested in it. But anyway, Enjoy!! @tavronicaweek This not the same as Poultry Blocks’s Roleswap Au..

the characters are blended so well, so cute!


Tavronica Week Prompt 7: AU

And now, for my final entry for this year’s first annual Tavronica week. I decided to set it in modern times. They’re still on Thra and still Gelfling, but they’ve adopted a way of life similar to humans, including going to college and playing sports, such as ice hockey. Tavra is team captain, single, and focused on helping her team win the final game of a tournament against their rivals, lead by Tolyn. Onica is a Psychology student who recently became single and is dragged to the game by her best friend, Tae. Tavra always seemed like she would be a jock if she were real, and the only sport I really ever played was ice hockey, so I decided to write her playing it. I hope you like this last fic. It’s been a blast writing for this event, and I’m proud to say I met my challenge of 7 prompts for 7 days. Can’t wait to do it all again next year! So now, sit back and enjoy my final entry for this year. Beware, it’s the longest one yet.

Wow this is a great mix of Thra and the human world! Loved Tavra and Onica’s chemistry at the end ☺️


Tavra X Onica: Secrets

Fenth ❣️Eiria

The lights were dim in the library as Tavra rushed through it’s halls, she was stopped by the Librarian. “Where are you going, child?” “To see your daughter Onica.” His eyes went wide, he was shocked. “You still love her, even after you two first dreamfasted?” “Why, of Course, Loti. Why wouldn’t I?” He pondered as to why, when he looked back up, Tavra was already out the door. “Wait! I will help you!!” He ran to go help her, as he grabbed their cloaks. When the both got there, they could see their Sifan lovers. The Librarian was the first down, “Cadia!!” The Sifan Elder whipped his head around, his face lit up “Loti!!” He caught his beloved, “I missed you!” While all of that happened, Tavra reached for Onica, who only pulled away. “Onica? Is something wrong?” Onica put a hand to her stomach, Tavra couldn’t see.. “No, nothing is wrong.” She was sweating, Tavra could see that. “Onica.... What’s the matter?” Onica started tearing up, Tavra gently put her arms around her. “Onica, please tell me. What secret are you hiding from me?” “IM PREGNANT!!” Cadia and the Librarian, whipped their heads around to the sound of that. Tavra’s ears where down after making her love angry. “I didn’t mean to offend you..” “Tavra, we are going to be parents!!” Tavra’s mouth dropped, Tae came over and pushed her mouth back up. “Onica, that’s incredible!” Tavra squeezed her affectionately, “Hey don’t get to close!!” Cadia was excited but still cautious of the Vapran princess..

@tavronicaweek Yeah, kinda crappy. But tomorrow you will be amazed^^

This is so sweet, thanks for writing!

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