
Triwizard Tournament oc

@triwizardtournamentoc / triwizardtournamentoc.tumblr.com

Annual Triwizard Tournament hosted by Hogwarts where 4 competitors from 8 wizarding schools compete for the Triwizard Cup.

Congratulations to the remaining schools of the Triwizard Tournament for completing our first competition!

In your box, you receive a slip of paper containing the following ingredients:

  • Doxy egg
  • Chizpurfle Carapace
  • Potio Nimbus
  • Porcupine Quill
  • Octopus powder
  • Onion Juice

In order to prepare for the third and final task, you will be put into the forbidden forest to gather the ingredients for a specific potion before time runs out.


Within your school, one witch or wizard is chosen to be in charge of a map. Surrounding the forbidden forest is a force field, meaning no one is able to get in or out for one (1) hour. The chosen teammate is standing outside the force field along with a marauder’s map and a two way mirror. Your job is to guide the rest of your school to each ingredient using the map. You will encounter creatures such as gnomes, chizpurfles, etc, so make sure you start researching how to distract them.


  • This task is mandatory, which means you will receive 0 points if you do not submit anything at all. It is better to submit something than nothing at all. However, if you completed the practice challenge, and have yet to use it, you can use that to substitute.
  • As of now, the task 2 deadline is September 6th (due date may change) You may ask for feedback, but no scores will be revealed
  • This challenge requires RP as an entire School. The RP will take place on your Hangouts School chat. If you do not have Hangouts, you may RP individually on tumblr or ask your teammates. Your administrator (Viv, Rose, Rachel) will be controlling the RP. Due to our busy schedules, RPs may be delayed, meaning you may get an extension.

▪ If you are given a task such as casting a Patronus, you may not immediately shout “Expecto Patronum”. Keep in mind you are a student and you are not invincible. The admin will be controlling the RP.

▪ Discuss a good time when everyone is free to RP. You may not RP without the admin. 

▪ If you write anything that did not happen in the RP, you will lose points for your School.

  • - Everyone must create their own submission, despite having a group RP. You may use anything to fulfill this challenge such as fics, edits, videos, moodboards, etc. Please tag your submission with #twtoc and reblog it to the net.

▪ The points given for this challenge will be based off of creativity and originality. You will earn points mostly on your submission. Your RP will add extra points. Keep in mind that even if your OC did amazing in the RP, that does not necessarily mean you get more points. The points of the RP will be based on how realistic your OC is, their cleverness, etc. Remember, there are always multiple ways to solve a problem. Creativity will earn you the most points.

Apologies for the long overdue post! Our admins are currently very busy and are trying our best to make time for the twtoc. We hope you understand!


Congratulations to all the champions who finished the first task! Unfortunately a few schools have failed to appear for the competition therefore their school will be eliminated from the Triwizard Tournament. The following schools are no longer champions: 

  • Mahoutokoro 
  • Castelobruxo 
  • Uagadou

Now to discuss the contents of those mysterious boxes. As you know you all received a box and during the first task you retrieved the key. Inside the box you will find your hint for the next task, be sure you do not lose it as it will be vital for completing the second task. 

The only thing found inside your box is a note with the following scribed onto it: 

  • Doxy egg
  • Chizpurfle carapace
  • Potio Nimbus
  • Porcupine quill
  • Octopus powder
  • Onion Juice

The second task will be posted shortly. 


Tri-wizard Tournament Task One

Dance beneath the stars
as you drink in the night.
Let the thunder overtake you
as lighting fills the sky.
Feel the force of nature
penetrate your skin,
spin with the world 
as the magic sinks in.
-  Christie Ann Matine


(ooc note: this is unfinished, so sorry about that but i figured turning in something is better than turning in nothing. today has been a bit shit for me and schedule-wise i just didn’t have much time to tie up all the loose ends that i wanted to. i hope what i do have prepared is enjoyable, anyways!)


Challenge 1

It was not the time to channel Machiavelli, she soon learned.

To say Ava was having mixed feelings would be an understatement. As she stood on the slippery, wet dock overlooking the glossy black surface of the Great Lake, she knew with a complete sense of finality that everything was about to change. She could see the mighty towers of the Hogwarts castle towering in the distance, calling for her to return to the warm embrace of its sheepskin couches and her ancient, four-poster bed with green silk hangings. It took all of her willpower to lift her chin up and shove her feelings aside. Now is not the time to be a baby, she thought to herself. I was chosen, I am capable, and most importantly I’m a serpent - I  go for experiences that others are too afraid to go, she reminded herself.

She sized up the other Hogwarts champions, all three stationed by her side. She did not know any of them, they were barely acquainted; so she thought, Can I trust them with this and possibly, my life?

As Headmistress Mercier began to speak, she felt her heartbeat thundered in her chest. “Hello Champions, are you ready? We’ll begin in 2 minutes. You can take this time to give a pep talk or discuss strategy.”

A champion named Eric Nohr; a burly, brunette boy with glowing amber eyes exclaimed, “I am ready as ever! I truly think we’ve got this down pat.”

Ava could barely restrain herself from snorting - she couldn’t believe that this boy was taking this so lightly. Squinting, she could almost see a small, a golden lion etched on red pin embedded on his swimming tank. She couldn’t believe her luck, Gryffindors are certainly not very dependable when it comes to magic, and they tend to favor daring boldness than focal intelligence. A Gryffindor, she thought, so can I panic now?

Headmistress Mercier continued, “Make Hogwarts proud! Here’s a hint for you: expect the unexpected and be prepared in any situation!”

“Okay, this is only slightly terrifying.” A Ravenclaw girl named Emerett, possibly the same age as her, quipped. She gave a genuine reassuring smile to the group. This made Ava felt better, she definitely needed someone with a ready, sharp mind.

She gripped at the string bag that was looped around her toned arms. This was it, she thought. Everything that I - we - need to survive is right here.

“Once the sparks fire, dive into the water. Take any steps necessary to keep yourself breathing and able to talk to one another first.” Headmistress Mercier urged. Red sparks were then shot from the tip of her wand, and Ava dived head first into the lake, her nerves hardening like steel.

The coldness of the water chilled her to the bone. It felt like her skin was pierced by hundreds of silver daggers simultaneously. She quickly performed the bubble head charm, and it seemed to calm her down as she tried to cunningly assess the current situation.

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