
The Unrequited Dream

@jennywin / jennywin.tumblr.com

A Song That No One Sings
Jenny | 26 | Leo | She/Her

I finally finished the last pieces of my Steven Universe Fusion series! I figured with all the others I had painted it was time to finally paint the rest of the missing fusions. I’m really happy with how all of these turned out!

To see the rest of my series of Steven Universe Fusion watercolors you can see my other two posts here and here.


I had completely forgotten about this song [link], but today I listened to it again and felt like painting something that goes with it :)


remember that point in time when dropping your phone didn’t break it but instead the back of it fell off and the battery fell out and you just had to put it back on

Isn’t that lovely? Isn’t that cool? And isn’t that cruel? And aren’t I a fool

Spinel and Pink Pearl theory

You know that's my first time sharing a theory, but I'll try my best to explain.

So, I know that everybody remembers the old pink Pearl in Steven's dream/Pink's memory.

She looked like a perfect Pearl in front of the other Diamonds, but she was really playful with Pink.

Now, think about that time when Steven confronts White and she started to talk about the other Diamonds impurities and she goes and say "I don't need you, after all I'm every colour of the light, but you are a part of me, a part I always have to repress".

Pink was the smallest Diamond, she wasn't as serious as the others, she was playful, childish, emotional.

Like, Blue was supposed to be the "emotional one", but she still would shattered Ruby when Garnet happend for the first time.

But back to Pink and Pearl, Pink Diamond was basically a defective Diamond and the other Diamonds must have found out about Pink Pearl's behaviour around her Diamond.

Well, THIS happend, White Diamond must have thought that the reason behind Pink Pearl being defective was because she was PINK.

Look at our Pearl design, she have all the colours of the other Diamonds, but she's also very pale and have her gem in her forehead, just like White, a perfect Pearl.

I do believe that our Pearl and Spinel were given to Pink Diamond at the same time, since when Spinel appear for the first time they recognise each other.

I also believe that Spinel is the only one of her kind of gem, because only Pink needed a playmate, basically they picked Pink Diamond's original Pearl and gave her other two gems to separate playtime from work.

Also look at Spinel's hair here, kind reminds of Pink Pearl's hair design.

That's why I think that Pink have that kind of sad look in Spinel's flashbacks.

Spinel was fun, but she wasn't Pink Pearl and Spinel never knew that, she never saw the sadness behind Pink's smile.

While I think that maybe our Pearl knew this, since, well, the fact that she never have been able to make her Diamond happy, before the Rose Quartz business, was a big thing for her, but maybe she didn't know, we know why Pearls are made for, maybe she felt like she couldn't fulfill her purpose.

And if you think about the why the other Diamonds didn't needed a Spinel, was because Pink was their "Spinel".


In Steven Universe it’s either befriend Steven

or befriend Steven. There is no other option, he exudes friendship energy and healing vibes through personal connection to others

he is the embodiment of this text post: 

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