
writing blog

@thearchangelwrites / thearchangelwrites.tumblr.com

hi, i'm mer! i'm 23, an aspiring college student, and a writer! she/they

writeblr reintroduction of the artist formerly known as kentwrites: thearchangelwrites

hey y’all! i’m mer, and i’m coming back to writeblr. i’m 22 years old, born on halloween, and i’ve published a lot more fanfiction that i’ve ever even written in original work. that being said, let’s get down some basics.
  • she/they pronouns
  • scorpio
  • 4thewords user (93 days into my streak let’s go)
  • genderqueer lesbian
  • planner and pantser, but only sometimes a plantser

now onto the work ->

the tangoverse

originally titled after what is now the seventh book (tango colgada), the tangoverse follows the osmond family, particularly the children of a reclusive millionaire who come into themselves without the guidance of a parental hand. now the first book, dancing volcada is what we’ll be looking at today. dancing volcada follows dancer and youngest child dina as she graduates high school and must come to a decision- what’s next? journey complicated by six siblings and a childhood better not discussed, dina has another thing to contend with as well: meeting the girl of her dreams, and whether timing really can ruin everything.

innocuum: a series of snapshots

introduced two years ago, i’ve also been working on innocuum lately, a story centering on a young trans man named harley austin. harley’s summer of self discovery begins on a mostly dirt road, crumbled pavement crunching beneath his tires, as he careens into the life of local boy thomas sparks. summer spent in the georgia heat, following each other all over the county, harley and thomas are both at a tentative time of their lives, and it would take nothing to break it wide open. will they? or will both of them run away from what they could have?

find the phrase tag

thanks for the tag, @acertainmoshke!! my phrase was, “are you sure?”

“One of who? Just-”
“A zombie, Colton. He’s a zombie. Nearly killed us, but we managed to get away.”
“No, that’s not- are you sure? I mean-”
“We’re sure, Colton. Saw him with my own eyes. Threw up down the side of my truck and then came at me like he was hunting a turkey. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true.”

tagging; @thearchangelwrites ; @kronwrites & @arionawrites ; as well as an open tag. your phrase is: “what is it?”


find the word tag ;

tagged by; @artdecosupernova-writing (thank you!). my words; seek, combine, tell, number, sigh, cold. tagging; anyone in my taglist and an open tag. your words; stick, panic, enjoy, green, round.

seek (1 occurrence)

Later, when Aunt Violet is laid in the ground and black outfits have marched their way down the hill, I seek Sienna out again. She’s funny in the way that weird kids are always funny, even if we’re all grown up and working real jobs and hardly see each other anymore - and I could use some funny right now. Aunt Violet was old from before when I was born, withered hands and fading eyesight and missing more teeth than she had. She had a cackle like a bird call, kept her nails painted on any day that ended in y, and gave out costume jewelry for Christmas as if they were precious family heirlooms. I liked her though, in the way that kids like people even if they don’t understand them, and though that has waned the older and more world weary I became, I’m still going to miss her.

combine (1 occurrence)

But again, how could I have recognized him, when this illness has already sprouted raised freckles across his neck, turned his kind face angry, and made his broad shoulders ever wider?
I hesitate, and that is enough to put me in a rough place. Combine that with his girth, and-
“Calla, watch out!”
One moment I am looking death in the face, and the next I have a face full of grass and a sharp pain in my upper arm; Sienna has grabbed me, throwing me to the side like I am nothing, and stepped into the place that was meant for me.

(continued under cut)


🧠 Brain Ask Game

Because I am a NERD who has taken multiple neuroanatomy classes and love brains!

Send me a part of the brain 🧠 and an OC (or I'll pick) to find out...

I have their (over)simplified functions listed, for your Education.

  • Frontal lobe (executive function) - What is their defining personality trait? What is the trait that, if lost, this OC would become unrecognizable?
  • Parietal Lobe (physical sensation) - Are there any physical sensations (e.g. temperatures, textures, etc) that your character extra loves and can't get enough of?
  • Temporal Lobe (auditory, emotion, memory) - What is their most emotionally poignant childhood memory? (good or bad)
  • Occipital Lobe (vision) - What do they consider the most beautiful thing to look at? (e.g. colors, scenery, a person)
  • Cerebellum (motor coordination) - Has there been a time where they were just an utter clutz? Please tell us.
  • Hippocampus (memory) - Are they the kind of person who can remember things easily, or do they have to write everything down?
  • Basal Ganglia (lots of shit, including learning & motor movements) - How quickly does your character learn a new skill, and what kind of help/teaching style do they benefit from the most?
  • Thalamus (signal relay, attention, consciousness) - How is their attention? Can they multitask well? Do they have ADHD?
  • Broca's Area (language expression) - Do they express themselves well? Do they communicate better in writing or speaking?
  • Wernicke's Area (language comprehension) - Do they prefer to listen or read? Are they speed readers or very slow?
  • Meninges (support, protection) - Tell us about a time when this OC protected someone or something they care about.
  • Midbrain (pain signals) - What is the most physically painful thing they have ever experienced?
  • Pons (cranial nerves for eyes, face, & hearing) - Do they have an hearing or visual deficits? Do they wear glasses or need any supports?
  • Medulla Oblongata (heart, breathing, unconscious functions) - Who or what is their lifeline?

Gimme asks! I already have a bunch of tags to catch up on but please add to the pile because I want to do this ask thing.

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