
my psychology notes

@oh-mystudyblr / oh-mystudyblr.tumblr.com

25 | psychologist | switzerland
my studygram: @ohmystudygram

tips on writing essays:

  • skip the title! You can always come back to it
  • skip the intro! It can often be the hardest part
  • skip all the body paragraphs
  • skip the conclusion
  • skip the whole fucking essay fucking do it who gives a shit 

i thought this was gonna be a serious helpful textpost about essay writing.. i hate this


08.09.20 ~ It’s been a while ! I had vacations so I tried to rest by watching series and retake my habit of reading. Last week my second semester started, I still have online classes because of coronavirus and in my country the situation is not great :(, but fortunately I’m not exposing myself and the economic situation of my family is steady. How are you with this pandemic?

Annnd during the vacations I change the pictures on my white board and I pretty happy with the result 💕

Go see my studygram for more digital notes/bujo inspiration (it’s in Spanish tho)


late night revision and some camomile i picked in a meadow earlier ✨

this wasn't even chamomile btw they were oxeye daisies. this whole account is a sham


Productivity in studyblr community is vastly overrated. Productivity is supposed to be individualized—structured and systematic that help you be a better person the next day. It’s NOT about making endless to-do lists, getting overwhelmed, and failing to follow the plan. If you feel better about studying for a minimum of 2 hours, that’s okay. If you feel better about studying 14 hours a day, then that’s okay too. What matters is by the end of the day, we are a step closer to the person we aspire to be.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk! 🤪 Day 3 of reading for the incoming sem is going strong. It’s also raining this afternoon so I’m all settled on my desk, reading and making flashcards each physiology topic, my now cold coffee in hand. I have been loving this method and wish to finish strong this July!

Would you guys want a link to my quizlet? 😋✌🏼


How to make the learning process more eco friendly: ✎ I write lectures that do not require drawings / diagrams on the iPad, so as not to use paper ✎ I also keep all the textbooks online or take them from the library (by the way, almost all online libraries are free for students, you can ask for a username and password when you receive a library ticket in the state library or in the special office of your university) ✎ I print the necessary materials in the font ‘ecofont’ (available for free) or through the printer setup ‘draft’ / ‘low quality’ ✎ I buy printing paper with a marking confirming the legality and environmental friendliness of wood production (FSC, PEFC, SFI, etc.) ✎ I do the paper for the notebooks myself, cut the office paper with the marking and make holes with a hole punch ✎ I write, I highlight the text with pencils, I also have a refillable black marker for special occasions (I want to try the fountain pens, they seemed pretty eco-friendly to me) ✎ whenever possible I choose local manufacturers of stationery and notebooks - my favorite brand is falafel (diaries, notebooks, pencils etc)


06.06.2020 | sometimes i do colourful notes, but most of the times i don’t. too lazy.


08.06.20 ~ I’ve been pretty busy ultimately, with a lot of exams and assignments! And the last week I received a set of highlighters that I bought on aliexpress and I was very excited to try them. They are “fake” mildliners but I definitely love the colors 💓 (and they were cheap!)

Go see my studygram 💕 I post different notes there ☺️


my last video was a psychology related one, if you haven’t seen it yet: ✨



Para un ramo necesitamos que muchas personas conteste esa encuesta, es bastante larga pero se los agradeceríamos mucho ❤️

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