
"I Was Not Magnificient"

@kevin-e-p / kevin-e-p.tumblr.com

Kevin | 24 | ♂ | Aries | Hufflepuff | ISFJ Just a guy trying to get by. Enjoy your visit.

With summer approaching I just wanna remind people that “Hawaiian” is not a summer party theme.

My people, my culture and our history are not your summer aesthetic. My heritage isn’t a theme or a costume.

Those parties with plastic lei and “sexy” hula costumes only add to the harmful ignorance and degrading stereotypes that surround my people.

We’re not sexual objects, we’re not an aesthetic, we’re not pineapple shaped party decorations or paper umbrellas in your drinks.

We’re human beings who deserve respect and acknowledgement. We’re a culture and a history that deserves honor and remembrance.

Casual and ignorant racism is still racism.


I’m crying.


LMAOOOOOOOOO the screaming in the beginning “mr. owl” “oh jesus christ” “please don’t give me that look” “please don’t fly” DYING omg

That owl is 30000000% done

every time this video graces me with its presence i feel obliged to reblog it

This gives me great joy

@is-the-owl-video-cute is this safe for the owl?

Safer than leaving it stuck in the blinds.


Time to feed unprofessional managers what they’ve been dishing out for far too long.

Couple things here, for when you do this to people: 

1. if you get the “answer my call” text, NEVER ANSWER THE CALL

They are calling you because they want to have the conversation verbally, and be able to lie later about what they said or didn’t say. Force them to continue via text or email- force them to continue the conversation in writing or not at all. 

2. “Lack of 2 weeks notice is unprofessional!” or the other version, “Not providing notice is illegal!”

No it isn’t. Neither is true. 

And in the US, all states except Montana are “at will” employment (though you may hear an employer refer to it as “right to work” to make it sound better, it’s the same thing). Sure, at-will employment means they can fire you without cause, BUT! It also means that you are not legally required to give a reason for quitting, or to give notice of any kind. 

Is it polite to give notice when you can? Sure. Do bosses expect it? Absolutely. But that does not make you legally required to provide it. 

3. The only thing I would change in the worker’s interaction here was their response when initially asked to come in. 

Employee: “Hey Mark. Sorry I’m unable to cover the shift tonight because I’m studying for my exam tomorrow.” 

Don’t give a reason for your lack of availability. It may be tempting to. You may feel rude if you don’t. 


You do not owe your boss any information about what you do off the clock, and any reason you give will only ever be used against you. 

Boss: “Hey I need you to cover Jasper’s shift tonight.”
Employee: “Sorry, I’m not available.”

And leave it at that. 

Do not elaborate. 

Do not offer additional information. 

When you boss asks you to elaborate, because they will, be polite but firm. “With respect, that’s personal. I’m sorry, but I’m unavailable to cover this shift/work late/come in early/etc.”

Be a broken record- you’re unavailable. That’s the only information they need to know, and it’s the only information they have a LEGAL RIGHT to know. 

Please stop giving your bosses information they don’t need to know and don’t get to have, because they’re only going to try and use it to fuck you over later. 


“sex scenes have no narrative purpose” is such a funny take on so many levels. people will really believe that the whole human experience is valuable to portray artistically except sex, which of course has never held emotional weight or significance for anybody

“what’s the purpose of sex scenes in media??” well you see sometimes people have sex. sometimes it can be important even

yeah ok but i dont wanna watch straight sex scene number 1231234837582 in the middle of some movie thats clearly not fucking high art or anything, like please, tell me how the sex scene made jason X a deeper movie ill wait

you genuinely think that “the sex scene in Jason X, the movie about jason from Friday the 13th killing people in space, is bad” is a rebuttal to this point? like genuinely? genuinely? like you think that’s the kind of sex scene I was talking about in the original post? you think when I’m talking about the artistic merit of sex scenes in movies you think I’m talking about the bit with the dominatrix in Jason X (2001) dir. James Isaac, the movie where Jason from Friday the 13th gets put in cryosleep and wakes up in the future on a spaceship where he starts killing people in outer space? you genuinely think this is the kind of movie and scene I’m referring to when I’m arguing for the potential artistic value of a type of scene? Jason X? Jason X? the one with Jason on a spaceship? you think that “well Jason X, the movie about Jason on a spaceship killing people in space, is bad” is a rebuttal to my point? Jason X? Jason X? J


the left will fail and keep failing as long as it doesn't offer joy or a vision of the future. Like chris smalls and the union organizers didn't win by writing scathing op-eds about Amazon and sending out long dry newsletters with donation links about Amazon's unfair labor practices to employees, they won by literally meeting people where they were at, at the bus stop where the workers gathered to go home, and hosting cookouts and bonfires. He ate with people and smoked with them and talked to them about their lives and the job, about their rights as workers and how life could be better. He brought joy to them!!! And food and community!! And that's how one of the biggest victories for labor in a century was won. If I can't dance I don't want to be in your revolution


oh to be a nun in 1350 enjoying quiet time and gardening and having lots of lesbian sex and then dying at the ripe old age of 36

Life expectancy statistics measure the average age of death. Because infant/childhood mortality was so incredibly high until recently, it really dragged down that average. If you exclude infant/childhood mortality from your statistic, you’ll see that humans (that survive childhood) have consistently lived into their 70s, meaning if you were a woman that survived childhood and never had to go through pregnancy, you may well get a good 50+ years of lesbian sex and gardening!

Reblog for a good 50+ years of lesbian sex and gardening

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