
consume the darkness, return it to light

@rikudera / rikudera.tumblr.com

Dirk/30 This is just a random blog of things that I find interesting, as well as a few creative endeavors here and there. My AO3 - My Twitter - My Playmoss

A bit of a video showcase for the gorgeous, gorgeous binding of Written by the Victors!!! @daemonluna typeset it and @rhipidurafan made this copy for me!! Things to notice--the absolutely gorgeous endpapers! The dyed blue edges! The different fonts--type for bibliography, and then, even more excitingly, later, different fonts for the poetry, the songs, the early and late Atlantian dialects segments. Absolutely beautiful. This sort of hand-made art just floors me; it's everything wonderful about fandom IMO!


Tolkien Tolkien Tolkien Tolkien i'm begging of you please don't kill my man

His beauty is beyond compare His stature tall, and long his hair Like every other man you wrote has been I know the more you speak his praise The fewer his remaining days How easily you break my heart, Tolkien


I think this song is made of lies Your fave's your fave because he dies Or 'cause his pain gets worse in every scene. If what it took to make us care Was fairness, wisdom and great hair We'd all be on here stanning Finarfin.

What slander found within these notes! I stan Finarfin, love him totes But in the text he largely stays unseen He lost his sons, his daughter banned He suffered plenty at Jirt's hand Death isn't the worst fate cast by Tolkien But Elrond and Finarfin show What we all here already know The chance of getting out alive is lean How many more were slain and lost Their tales compel, but there's a cost My love is true, it belongs to Tolkien Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien i'm begging of you please don't kill my man Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien An Andreth, Turin, Finrod, Beleg fan

I'm sorry if my rhymes have vexed For my part, when I read these texts I seek catharsis, not a tale serene My favorite story is the Fall Ironic deaths are best of all It might be that I need some medicine

Yet those of us who love the elves Have this poor comfort for ourselves, The afterlife for them is known and seen To their old house they just go back To friends and lovers they once lacked Only the living pity need, I ween
The suffering perhaps is worse the working of an awful curse the madness, anguish, maiming and the spleen we watch the world eviscerate turn love and beauty into hate and wish the misery remained unseen
Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien I'm begging of you please don't break my man Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien, Tolkien Don't make him wish for death, I know you can

in b4 95% of all websites in june 2024 announce that "for security" they will only work with browsers that use manifest v3


The more people who use Firefox the better! It's got versions for the desktop, android, and iphone, all free. In addition to ublock origin there are thousands of addons. You could also consider using one of Mozilla's paid products, such as their VPN, or donating to the Mozilla Foundation, in order to ensure they're able to keep going.


Not to be Old on main but I remember this exact thing happening in the late 90s and early 00s. I remember it very well. Microsoft pushed out all the browser competition with Internet Explorer, at which point both browser and web innovation stagnated for years because why fix something that's broken if everyone is using the broken thing anyway because there are hardly any other options. If you want to know how bad it was, Internet Explorer did not have browser tabs and it certainly did not have any sort of adblock. And everyone just lived with it.

I am watching the exact same thing happen with Chrome in real time today and that's why I always reblog these posts and sometimes am extra annoying and add on to them. I don't want to see it happen again because it sucked. Please use Firefox. Use it on mobile too (it has browser extensions!!! Including ad blockers!!!) And reminder that Edge/Brave/Vivaldi are all built on Chromium and you should not be using those either. Those browsers will show up as Chrome on tracking analytics and it does not help the overall project, which is showing web developers that Chrome is not the only browser people are using.

Your passwords and other useful things transfer to Firefox, btw. Go make the switch. You have nothing to lose.


Most websites that tell you they need Chrome to work are lying, even if they block you from accessing them if you're not using Chrome. They just do not want to support the dev work to optimize for anything else, or may have a special deal with Google.

Fortunately, there are Firefox extensions that just basically tell websites "yeah, I'm definitely Chrome. don't worry about it"

Please note I have not used either of these, because adblockers and script blockers are good enough at disabling those annoying messages.


non homestuck dont understand. if you have cosplayed terezi, sollux, or dirk at  ANY point in your life you have bought shades from the same man. like its literally just one man whos making HUNDREDS of pairs of specialty cosplay glasses. it is literally JUST one man who makes those glasses on the entire internet


this one man controls the entire pointy anime shades supply. if he ever dies we are all thoroughly fuckt and left to make our own like animals


“homestuck keeps the lights on” im not crying youre crying

I figured I’d track down and link his etsy, so here you go:

I’m not a homestuck but hey this guy needs to eat so here’s a link if any of y’all are


that comment about how you should not borrow grief from the future has saved me multiple times from spiraling into an inescapable state of anxiety. like every time i find myself thinking about how something in the future could go wrong i remember that comment and i think to myself: well i never know, it might get better. it might not even happen the way i think it will and if it does happen and it is sad and bad ill be sad about it then, when it happens. and it’s somehow soo freeing


so this chart is 100% accurate for maladaptive worrying.

there is plenty of worry, however, which is actually useful. worry is useful if (a) it is something that you can control (b) if the payoff (factoring in both the stakes involved, and likelihood of the event happening) is such that it is worth worrying about.

for example, if you are about to leave your house, and are worried if you turned the stove off, and there is a significant chance you didn't turn it off, it's worth it to check it, it takes a few seconds and prevents you from burning your house down, or at least burning some food and ruining a pan.

on the other hand, if you just checked the stove twice and it's off and it's just an intrusive OCD thought, it's not constructive and it just leads to suffering.

similarly, if you're worrying about something totally random like randomly imagining some horrible thing that might happen to you or a loved one for no clear reason, that's not useful.

i do web app development and there are a lot of things i worry about. for example i worry "is this not going to be as clear to most users as it is to me?" and "are users going to come up with some unexpected way of breaking this interface that i didn't think up?" and "is there some data that can be input into this form or algorithm that will cause it to behave in a way that i did not intend?"

99% of the time the answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES. and figuring out why is an important part of quality control. i've been doing interactive websites for nearly 20 years, and yet I still consistently underestimate just how bad things will go when the users get involved. in short, I don't worry enough, and worrying about this stuff is precisely what makes me kind-of alright (as opposed to absolutely abysmal) at what I do. and often i think i need to worry a little bit more.

if you have a mind that tends towards worry, you need to learn to see it as a resource, an asset. you need to rein it in and channel it out. you need to listen to those worrying thoughts and then decide when they are junk and when they are golden.

if you can control your worry and use it as one of your many senses, a sense that sometimes can trick you and play games with you, you will become a powerful person. you can use worry to protect yourself and those around you, you can use it to become highly competent at certain jobs, to fix things in ways that they don't go wrong again, to solve problems and to help people.

just keep in mind it can play tricks on you. learn to realize when you're in one of those maladaptive worry scenarios like the OP's diagram is talking about. and then maybe remember that way of thinking and set the worry aside. be like "yeah, I heard you, this is not your time" and go enjoy yourself.


This guitar came with a Barbie Extra pet and I do not care about barbie pets but I have found a superior use for this guitar


ok so like. imagine. you're a high-ranking government official and one of your colleagues has announced his decision to step down and retire, and named his successor, so you and your coworker-bestie-husband(™️) go on an official administrative business trip to go meet said guy. and then you arrive and you find A Cat in the bushes outside the office. it's in poor shape but its microchip says it actually belongs to your other colleague-and-friend. you are bullied into taking the cat to the vet AND letting it tag along despite your protests. and you finally find the guy you were supposed to meet and the cat is like. staying in the room. where you are supposed to conduct aforementioned highly confidential job interview. and you try to shoo it away but the guy you're trying to interview is like No i want the cat to be there. Because i'm nervous. About the job interview. Let the cat stay. I trust him because my pet bird loves him :). so the cat gets to stay. and then you keep going and you bump into yet another old acquaintance of yours (now retired and living her best hippie life) (which is highly frowned upon) and she goes Oooooh! Is that my cat you've found? :) and you're like, what the fuck is the deal with this goddamn cat, but you can't say that outright because you are a government official on a very important mission, so you go "i wasn't aware you even had a cat? also the microchip says it belongs to our other colleague" and she goes "oh well no i don't but clearly this cat is wearing the collar i give to all my pets so it must mean he's come from the future :) where i will own this specific cat :) hi little kitty! pspspsp!" and you're like, what the fuck is wrong with everyone today? and then the cat looks at you and says "she's right. i come from the future. where everyone has been turned into cats since the world ended. also i will kill you in about twelve thousand years from now. fucker."


hello character who is desperate to be a good person; i want to play a game. in front of you is the one person you will never be able to save. you have the rest of your life to make peace with this. there are no defined repercussions if you fail, but we both know you're going to attempt to win regardless. your time starts now

don't worry about the fact it's just you and a mirror in the room.

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