
Spork of Humanity

@iam-hydrogen / iam-hydrogen.tumblr.com

I'm just an awkward non-binary pansexual that posts random stuff. I post any cute animal picture I find and basically anything that interests me.

why is trying to make a new friend so embarrassing. hi. me again. asking for your attention once more even though i am literally just some random person to you. it's because i want to be not just a random person to you. please understand


I think it's unfair that dressing boys in maid outfits is more popular than dressing girls in butler outfits. There should be solidarity and equality.


i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.

did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss


so I started a new anxiety medication this past week and so far it’s been going very well except that I have extremely vivid dreams and apparently sleep texting. I seem to have sent this at 3am and i have no memory of it

but i am Right

okay this reminded me. i’m disabled and i’ve gone to the hospital a lot and one time in college during finals season i had to write my professor an email excusing my absence but the dilauded kicked in and well

i was not born in 1998


I have been absolutely LOSING IT at "hurbubeudb" for like 10 minutes and my wife is asleep next to me and I'm trying SO HARD not to wake her up but I can't stop "hurbubeudb"


They really awake his bloodlust, uh

The virgin pit bull vs the chad Great Pyrenees


Listen. I grew up with these dogs. Im a cat person, no shame, but Great Pyrenees are hands down my most trusted domestic animal and are hardcore as fuck.

When I was a kid, between six and fifteen, one of our Pyrenees would escort me, off-leash, between my grandmother's house and mine. I'd just have to call him, and he'd show up and walk me there, placing himself between me and anything he considered threatening- Cranky farm animals, holes in the ground, bodies of water, etc.

That same dog found a (unfortunately deceased) lamb my grandfather had buried a few hours earlier, dug it up, realized it was cold and not breathing, and carefully carried it to our barn, where he covered it neck-deep in straw and tried to cuddle it warm again to bring it back to life.

One of our older dogs, at about sixteen years old (keep in mind, this breed tends to average out at about 12 years max) had arthritis in his hips, a bad back, and a respiratory issue, was fucking ancient and essentially palliative, but would still go stock-still out of nowhere, let out one subtle "boof", and then set out at an awkward-yet-speedy bunny-hop sprint at the slightest whiff of a cougar, bear, or wolf. Like, grampa would jump fences. Gentle geriatric giant would kick up to 7k to protect the family, never mind the three other, much younger dogs already on the case.

When I was a baby, like a literal in-diapers infant, he would lay on the ground and let me dress him up as a wizard and crawl all over him with zero complaint.

His nephew was 100lbs and often alarmed visitors who mistook him for a bear, yet never so much as bumped into a person in his life and feared only string and kittens.

a Great Pyrenees is not Balto. A Great Pyrenees is Robert McCall, John Wick, and John McClain wrapped in Marry Poppins and a snuggly Mr. Rogers wool sweater.

They are not only the best dog, but I would argue that they are also the MOST dog.

I will die by this


I have a female 2 ish year old Great Pyr we rescued and the ONLY reason she has not fought the coyotes in the woods to the fucking death is because I don't let her.

With me she will lay on her back on the couch and plop her giant goofy fluff head in my lap and paw at me with her giant crime paws until I pet her gently, and then she will snuffle happily as I do so. She is very careful with the cats. She likes to nap sprawled on the floor like an inconvenient white shag carpet, preferably right over the air conditioning vent. She won't bite into an egg I give her unless I break the shell for her first. When I walk her past the neighbor's cows she has to sit and stare at them and the calves for a bit. When she was a stray she was chased out of several cattle barns because she kept trying to get in to sleep with the cattle and calves. Never tried to hurt one. She will also sit and stare at chickens for hours very happily. Won't hurt them, will just, you know. Keep an eye on things.

But holy fucking shit if she hears a coyote nearby she is a snarling ball of canine rage in about a tenth of a second and nearly snapped a heavy duty leather leash she was on trying to charge off and commit coyote murder. If someone broke into our house without me telling her it was okay that dog would kill or die no questions asked.


Flock guardians are the BEST. Their prey drive is almost absent, but their desire to Protect is in every hair they shed (all over everything). Herding dogs have to have a job to do, to be kept busy. Guardians, though, are doing their job while they're draped all over your lap: they're watching and listening, and storing up love for their charges so they have the courage they need when it's time to rain Hell on something dangerous.


Some days, DID looks like constant spacing out and never seeming fully there. Missed bits of conversations and a memory that doesn’t seem like it wants to work.

Sometimes it looks like talking to myself, constant internal noise and heightened sensory sensitivity.

Some days DID looks like being emotional for seemingly no reason, crying, laughing, anger over something I don’t know, emotional bleed-through from other alters.

Other days it just looks like severe PTSD. Avoidance, spacing out, needing help to ground myself. Flashbacks that I honestly can’t remember the triggers of, or remember the full event of, but that I know are flashbacks.

And sometimes it just looks like nothing at all. I seem put-together and relatively normal. You’d never know I had a dissociative disorder.

The day-to-day severity of my symptoms do not determine what mental illness I have. I still have DID and I still struggle with it whether you can see it or not.


by will mcphail

iT's fUnY beCAusE mEn aRE DumB

No dumbass, it's funny because women are usually left out of these pictures. And most of history. While actually, you know... living full lives and contributing to society. Just like men do. But men are always in the fucking picture.

This isn't a comic about men being dumb, it's a comic about women being forgotten, ignored, and excluded. But you were so ready to be pissed at mean feminists that you took something personally that absolutely wasn't and got offended by something that wasn't being said.


The artist was a man but women still got blamed for the “misandrist joke” by a redpiller calling himself a “big dick americhad“

i love this dude he’s made a bunch of other ‘misandrist jokes’ as well


cant talk rn obsessed over the design concept of this 2017 production of pinocchio as a stage play where pinocchio is the only character played by a human actor and the rest of the cast are portrayed as puppets ,,,

like. how insanely poetic is this . you are a boy and you are made of wood but you know so entirely that you are more than wood, you are as human as anyone made of flesh and bone and it's not your fault that you came into the world with sap running through your veins instead of blood. and your entire life you are searching the world for what it means to be human but the dramatic irony of it all is that none of them know how to be human either. you keep reaching out for humanity and they seem so big and powerful but they are just puppets of a greater design too performing for an audience you cannot see. and whether you know it or not you are more human than any of them even if they are convinced you are just wood and paint and magic. im on the floor .im losing my mind over here. gimme a second guys hold on. wait a minute guys wait a goddamn minute like. wahta a good fucking design concept. head in hands !


To anyone wondering if it's worth it to tear down fascist posters or whatever. I spent a few months last year engaged in silent battle with another student at my school who was putting anti trans stickers up everywhere. I had it down to a system where every night I would walk the five block radius they went up in, and tear down all the ones I could reach, and use a stick to put duct tape over the others. Like, within hours of the stickers going up, I would have already purged the whole zone. I knew the basic schedule of whoever put them up based on when and where the stickers appeared. I probably could have found them in person if I'd wanted to. And I told all my classmates and friends what the stickers looked like and got them to rip them down too. And after a few months of this, the stickers slowed, and then stopped forever.

My point is, a lot of this fashy or right wing stuff is one local weirdo. And if you pay attention, and do a little light organizing with your friends, you can basically make their efforts into a giant sisyphisean exercise in misery. You control your streets!


If you know anyone who seems really chill to the point of being virtually indestructible, like nothing could ever bother them in any way, could get hit by a train and just shake it off and be totally fine, laughing it off as soon as they've dusted themselves off and stopped bleeding, but who occasionally just randomly falls apart to complete fucking smithereens with seemingly no cause nor warning, only to get back up again a few minutes/hours/days later like "ok yeah I'm fine again that was weird lmao", and you've ever wondered what the fuck is up with that:

They are actually not ok and most likely are not ok at any point. The whole "hardiest person you know who just collapses randomly sometimes" thing isn't a deliberately constructed façade, as a matter of fact it might be something that they actually personally believe themselves to be. But in reality this is somebody who's either unintentionally learned or has been deliberately trained to hide negative emotions and mask symptoms at all costs, as the #1 priority that goes over any other survival needs.

So even though it may look like they go from 1 to 100 completely at random and unpredictably, and then swing right back again to being totally fine, you have no way of knowing how long they've been at 95% before the last line of defense broke down and the system collapsed. And once they flip back up, odds are that they just managed to scrape their shit back together again just enough to get their backup masking systems running. The "check engine" light never turned on because the wire was clipped years ago.

If this is you, this is your callout to seek some sort of help. I'm telling on everyone in this room including myself.

Every engine failure is "unpredictable" and "random" if you've taped over the Check Engine light.

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