
Var Lath Vir Suledin

@sinneadair / sinneadair.tumblr.com

Adair -- 28 -- Female Ballsy yet shy and everything in between. I am also prone to fangirling quite easily -My reblogs include: --Gaming --Fashion/Dresses --Political Issues --Fantasy Art --Romantic Junk [Sidebar image © CaptainCrapster // Avatar © zyca

Farmer witch and wolves under the moonlight!! Thank you very much for the support and happy new year everyone!


Today the lady behind me in line at the grocery store checkout politely tapped my shoulder and when I turned around she motioned toward my giant bundles of kale and asked: “what do you do with your kale? Do you cook with it, or make juice, or…?” And i admitted there in front of god and the world “oh I feed it to my peacocks.” And she just looked so taken aback that I said “I’m sorry that’s not the answer you were hoping for”

And that’s how I learned other people don’t really know what to do with kale either. We’re all pretty sure it’s edible, though.

People are sending me kale recipes like they honestly believe I will try to eat bird food


I’m sorry I’m hung up on the part where op owns peacocks

Purple ones:

And peahens. This one sleeps on a fluffy rainbow unicorn stuffed animal:

Her name is Artemis and she’s allergic to food.

This is Stan. His color morph is called Cameo so I named him Stan Lee:

He’s Artemis’ boyfriend.

They both love kale. I suppose someone’s got to.


OP Tell them I love them!

Are they good guard birds?

That depends on your definition of ‘guard.’

They won’t defend other birds from predators like raccoons or weasels or coyotes or anything. They’re just as likely to get eaten in those cases.

However, they will harass snakes and other small, novel animals like mice, rabbits, wild birds, etc if they can get away with it. They will also yell at anything they disapprove of including but not limited to:

  • Your car
  • Neighbors
  • that one leaf that moved in the wind
  • the wind
  • deer in the woods
  • a hawk overhead
  • an airplane that might be a hawk overhead
  • each other
  • a noise they heard
  • a noise they thought they heard
  • sparrows
  • seriously, fuck sparrows specifically, they are DISALLOWED, completely intolerable, must chase off, shake train, and/or yell about it
  • that one kiwi fruit that was up to no good
  • the feather that fell off their own body and scared them
  • thunder (how dare the sky yell at them)
  • the sun arriving
  • the sun departing
  • sometimes predators I guess

How to Escape a Hair Grab or a Neck Grab ? Look at them, carefully.

tai chi pants on http://www.icnbuys.com/tai-chi-pants give you surprise at the new year.

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self-defense is important.


Is this relevant to my blog? No. but currently there are 13K of you following me and this could help some of you. 

I didn’t even hesitate to reblog. You need to study this. Save yourself from this awful world and the people in it.




no offense but bucky not remembering what he does as the winter soldier makes his & sam’s rivalry so much funnier

sam: you know im STILL not over the time when you ripped out my car’s steering wheel!

bucky: the time i WHAT

sam increasingly realizes he can just say whatever tf he wants & bucky’ll be like


Sam: I can’t believe you stabbed Caesar



“I can’t believe you shot 2Pac”

This just keeps getting better and better


Just a head’s up, when meat eaters say things like “I’m glad you’re not like most vegans you’re cool about it” what they really mean is “I’m glad you’re silent about animal cruelty so I can eat animals without having to think about it.”

No actually what they likely mean is “I’m glad you’re not like PETA and compare women’s bodies to beef and pork” or “I’m glad you’re not the type of asshole who blames poor people for not being able to afford healthy vegan foods instead of getting upset at the grocery chains who throw out tons and tons of perfectly good produce”


see also: “im glad youre not one of those vegans who compares the meat industry to the holocaust”. anti-semetic, sexist, racist, and classist rhetoric is unfortunately quite common among vegans and it’s disingenuous as hell to act like having an issue with that is silencing vegans.

Also “I’m glad you aren’t one of those vegans who thinks I should put my health on the line”


“I’m glad you don’t harass me over my life choices because you’re a decent fucking human being who realizes that throwing humans under the bus so you can have an ego trip is a shitty thing to do”

Also: I’m glad you’re not one of those vegans who lies about what’s in food they’re feeding me when I ask about my allergens so that I don’t have to risk literally dying

“i’m glad you’re not literally blaming global climate change on me, personally, for liking cheese while corporations dump pollution directly into the ozone by the ton because it saves them a few dollars”

“i’m glad you’re not getting on a moral high horse about animal cruelty while ignoring the human rights abuses that go into farming your vegan faves like quinoa”



I love how, because of that “Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure” Onion headline, “cinnamon roll” has become a commonly accepted phrase for “a character who is cute and kind and typically gets more pain in canon than they deserve”.

Like, we didn’t have a real phrase for that common phenomenon (wubbie maybe, but that has negative connotations ie “this character has been wubbiefied by the fandom”) and then someone used a screenshot of a headline from a satire news website to describe it, and then everyone else was like “yes good let’s use this”. You couldn’t make that shit up. I bet there are people who use that phrase now who didn’t even see that headline.

Language is evolving right before our eyes in a very weird and beautiful way and I am very very sorry for future linguist who have to puzzle this shit out.  

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