
same energy

How dare you. The animation for Shrek at the time was INSANE.


I feel like what people who were born after Shrek always miss is that it was actually a huge unironic cultural sensation. The minions want what Shrek had. The mcu sits awake at night cursing lord farquaad because they could never have a villain as well written as him


the worst thing yzma did in emperor’s new groove is hating on kronk’s spinach puffs. everything she did to kuzco is understandable because he’s been a dick to her so many times, but kronk is an innocent


I actually followed a recipe online for them and they were tasty af

Here’s the recipe I followed if anyone wants to try it out just find a new chef with tasty food seriously just check out this dude


the dynamic between heinz doofenschmirtz and perry the platypus would probably come off as v romantic and gay if they were two people in a similar age range rather than a dude and a platypus. no i dont ship them but think about it. villainous monologues are already a very romantic and gay thing in itself (don’t question me on this you know im right). listening to somebody ramble excitedly about something they’re proud of is even more romantic and cute af. also doofensmirtz is already gay anyway. the only thing preventing this from becoming Peak Gay is the fact that perry is strictly professional and also a platypus. thanks for coming to my ted talk

“Perry is strictly professional and also a platypus”

I love the fact that “professional” is the first reason and “platypus” is the second, because this is extremely plausible for Perry.

“Yeah no I can’t fuck I’m on duty”.

Did you know that…?

1.Doofenshmirtz isn’t evil anymore,allowing Perry to date him

2.Romance betweet animal/human isn’t frowned upon in the Dwampyverse

we even got humans falling in love with inanimate objects, albeit played for laughs


one of Doofenshmirtz’ dates ditched him for a whale

we are talking about a universe where this is canon

for god’s sake

Look, I’m not that knowledgeable about Phineas and Ferb lore (although I’m very glad that my post resonated with the Gay Scientists Dating Tired Platypuses fandom) but what, pray tell, the fuck is going on? am i having a stroke? im willing to accept the teacher falling in love with her desk because language teachers just are like that but is this nerd about to bang an ice cone?? hello?????

It’s the ice cream machine,and her name is Carla

Let us also pop bottles for the time Doofenshmirtz had to help his ex-thwarty call’s current nemesis become desirable for punching again. 

I thought Perry was with the Panda?

That’s a funny history actually.Peter the Panda is also dating his respective nemesis,he even got to met his parents

‘‘our boy is all grown up’‘ ‘‘why is he a panda bear’‘

had me crying

I think there was a scene where Peter and Perry were having dinner together at a fancy restaurant. But that was before Doofenshmirtz stopped being evil.

what the fuck is going on in Phineas and Ferb

@deenalloh you have to watch milo murphy’s law season 2 to know what’s going on with Doofenshmirtz life.He stopped being evil to commit to his future self: ‘’Professor Time’’ inventor of time-travel and a public figure.

and he is trying to be a good guy now

also there’s 2 more time lines where he ends up good

1.Science teacher

2. O.W.C.A agent (The OWCA Files)

this universe is big and vast and doesn’t end at Phineas and Ferb

Okay but saying that just because some people in that universe are in love with animals/inanimate objects doesn’t mean it’s normal.

I mean, in our universe, someone wanted to marry the Eiffel Tower.

yeah..but you see..there’s this wonderful thing in cartoons that real life doesn’t have and its animals being actual sentient/anthropomorphic. So,you can’t compare our life with a cartoon ship in this case

Also Perry is arguably one of the smartest characters on both shows when it comes to deductive reasoning, common sense, and social intelligence. He could tell just by looking at a room exactly what happened there a few hours ago. He can problem-solve on the fly, and does so very often. He has basic engineering skills (or at least, “basic” for this universe, which is kinda masterful for our universe), and can communicate complex thoughts to others despite being physically incapable of speaking English (he even knows ASL!) To claim that Perry the Platypus is incapable of providing consent simply because he isn’t human is a disservice to his character. And honestly, if we’re going by the anthropological definition of “human” (bipedal, opposable thumbs, ability to communicate complex thought), then he is by all means “human.” He’s just… A Human Platypus. …?

What the fuck became of my post

Also Doof is legally an Ocelot

Logan that only raises more questions on an already strange post

It’s canon. In the OWCA Files. Him legally being an ocelot is what allows him to be an agent.

What the FUCK

Yeah, in one part of his long, tragic backstory, he was abandon and raised by ocelots


I was wondering when someone was gonna bring up the ocelot thing


but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol

how many hands you got

two? don’t see how that’s relevant

allow me illustrate you

that’s still four people

i truly can’t make this any clearer

will smith isn’t gay. he has a wife and three beautiful, talented children

don’t know what you’re on about. will smith and slightly wider blue will smith have been married for years. they’re a hollywood love story


me: *is sad*

some random shiny thing with no function or monetary value half buried in the dirt at the bus stop:

me: oh ho HOOO

we’re all just crows with rights and anxiety



yesterday i was taking a guest’s order and they were staring at the menu and the question they asked stunned me into silence and has been burned into my brain for life and i will present it to you verbatim today. they looked at the menu and turned to me and asked “so like, the more we get, the more expensive it is? is that how it works?”

enjoying the public response that i encountered an alien


Other actors playing real life bad ppl: I tried to really,,,,, get in his Mind you know,,,,,,,, I tried to understand what made him,,,,,,, the way he was,,,,,,,,,

Taika Waititi, galaxy brain:

How can you not include this quote from the article:

Waititi was asked at TIFF last year why he wanted to play Hitler, especially since his own mother is Jewish, and he replied, “The answer is simple: what better fuck you to that guy?”

solid post and outstanding work on Taika’s part as always, but the way that blurb is written reminds me of a post I read the other day about how Jewish celebrities are very often distanced from being Jewish by pushing it off to relatives. unless I’m seriously misunderstanding how this works, “since his own mother is Jewish” is a needlessly elaborate way to dance around “since Waititi himself is Jewish.”


“they’re just little kids let them win at mario ka-”



“it’s not fai-”


I was raised by a man who would NEVER let anyone win.  It was like, against his religion.

You won for real or not at all.

Maybe that’s partially why I am not a snivelly liberal.


sometimes i remember the age of zuko was banished and that means he was in charge of a ship full of sailors at age 13. i don’t know about you but if my ass in seventh grade tried to be any kind of commanding officer over sailors, it would NOT go well. in the middle of giving an order and your voice cracks so loud someone on the moon could hear it. god damn. 

a boy with a default facial expression of looking like he’s about to cry from anger and he only comes up to your belly button decides to stomp up to you and say “GET BACK TO WORK!” wyd? 

Zuko, having had his dialect shaped by sailors for months: where the FUCK is the avatar

Iroh didn’t tag along as just a mentor to Zuko. They had to have somebody there to actually command the troops lest there be a mutiny 20 minutes after leaving port.


me coming home to my gamer wife and children: greatest of keks everyone, score any sick headshots today??? oh thank you honey I’d love a bowl of soda soup, please don’t get triggered if I don’t like it this time

Zelda sweetie, you’ve hardly touched your Doritos. What’s got you so butthurt?


people should just embrace jewel tones already if I see one more house entirely decorated in washed out neutral colours I’m gonna sue someone

hell is not a fiery demon pit its a never ending white and cream minimalist apartment, every time someone paints a room entirely white and adds a pale blue throw cushion for “a splash of colour” they are carrying out the work of the devil


Writing one’s home-nesting tendencies around resale value is itself playing into the Devil’s hands.

Paint your walls. Install catwalks for your kitties. Transform your home into a hobbit-hole or the innermost chambers of a D&D dungeon owned by a particularly campy lich. Grow a rainforest of plants in your southern-exposure window rooms or strangle your house in vines.

Horrify the Petunia Dursleys of the world by your mere existence, and be happy.


A while ago Facebook kept trying to advertise some kind of design magazine/website to me with an article “The Most Colour-Soaked Home We’ve Ever Seen” and I finally clicked the link and all the pictures were a bunch of white and off-white rooms with a couple of vases and books in bright colours scattered around. Like bitch you’re advertising this to me in Atlantic Canada we don’t do “splashes of colour” we let the floodgates open. Your lame-ass pallid designs have no power here.


When it’s foggy 350 days of the year, you’ve got to be able to pick out your own house from a distance. 


I almost started crying because?????? They’re so pretty??????????????


Fun fact, hammering metal spikes into tree trunks is a federal crime in the US because environmental activists used to do it in the 80s to fuck up chainsaws and logging equipment.

So you should never use this effective strategy for disrupting logging operations because it is illegal.

hey guys! a lot of our followers have been reblogging this post telling us that doing this will harm workers and trees! i understand your concern, and i even get why you believe that. the thing is, you don’t spike every tree in a forest and then walk away. you spike a few of the trees that are slated to be cut down, then you put up a sign or send an email telling the loggers that some of the trees in this area have been spiked

spiking a tree has a small chance to cause an infection in the tree. but cutting a tree down has a Huge chance of killing the tree, and they cut down a lot of trees

this has also never harmed workers. iirc, there was one example of a logger getting hit with a chainsaw chain, but it was disputed as to whether or not the tree had been spiked. in reality, it only harms their equipment, making it very expensive to cut down any of the trees in the area, just in case

many of us believe these things, because the logging industry dumped tons of money into propaganda to stop us from protesting their actions, either by convincing us that what they’re doing is good, or by convincing us that what we’re doing is worse

so remember, do your own research, punch nazis, and buy recycled paper

~mod Civ


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