
A Dream of Serenity

@adreamofserenity / adreamofserenity.tumblr.com

A FFXIV and Art Blog! I play 'Chizuri Dawnchorus' and 'Tsaganarii Divaajin' on the Balmung server. I'm Oceanic/Australia based. :3 I don't do commissions right now due to my hectic schedule, sorry!

Commission for @nightmaze of @geisterfuchs‘ Carina, matching the one I did of Ilwe’ran a year ago. Thank you! ♥


I am, since very long, a fan of @thornedembers‘ work and now a friend (KIIIIIIIIIIIIH !!!). When I commissioned them for drawing Ilwe, it was like a dream come true and I regretted to not have asked for Carina as well, now I have a pair and I’m just SO HAPPY ! Look how STUNNING it is ♥ !!!


I’M MELTING! I woke up to this and it is so stunningly beautiful and pretty and awesome. What a surprise! 


Posting the comic page by itself, too. Hopefully will give me a larger resolution.  I’d like to start working on my own comic, so I’m trying to figure out how to do that. c: 

RIP Mahi. She thought she imagined the Moogles. 

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