


Military medic. Grad student. Lover of science, blood, and guts.

steadily recognizing that i’m allowed to exist in public spaces and not feel embarrassed about it… can you believe i used to feel weird about/too inadequate to sit on a bench in a public space. it’s ok. you’re allowed to be. just be. just sit on a bench. it’s ok

The trick to getting to this point is to just think of yourself as an extra in a movie.

I used to be so self conscious about existing in public but I’ve slowly realized that if I just saw some random fat guy in the background of a movie I probably wouldn’t even think about him.

This is why I’ve come to describing myself as just some guy. I’m just some guy! Nobody gets mad at just some guy for reading a nutrition label in the grocery store. He’s just some dude. He’s a part of The Public. The Masses. The Customers. That’s what this place was made for!

Oh good I’m going to get a good grade in Being a NPC, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve


the secret to life is to always use more spinach and less rice than you think you’ll need

the second secret to life is that fresh air warm sun and a cup of tea will make your problems small enough to start handling

the third secret to life is that violence sometimes really is the answer


Strongly considering chopping off all my hair for the sole reason that it will make scrubbing myself down thoroughly after work a million times easier. The problem is that despite being the type to cut my own hair, there is literally no way for me to give myself a pixie cut easily. I also really like having long hair and what little vanity I have would totally get in my way, because I looked horrible with short hair when I did it in the past.

One more day til I start on the dirty team…just as we’re anticipating a surge in the coming days to weeks. You can be sure my hospital isn’t providing us more than masks and safety glasses (while supplies last).

I have this horrible sense of foreboding and really hoping my colleagues and I make it out of this alive.

Officially taking suggestions/recommendations for what to do with waist-length hair while on COVID wards.  Like…obviously gonna need to wash it daily because I’m gonna be a walking biohazard but also it’s trained to only need washing 1-2x/week so this is probs gonna straight up destroy it.


Literally one shift away from going full Britney...

For real though I've been wearing mine in pinned up braids to minimize contact with anything. Scrub cap when I can get one.

Holding onto hope for you and your colleagues. For us all.


My brother saved this document and everytime he gets angry at our neighbours for being loud he prints it to their wireless printer and you can hear the wife shout “Why the fuck would you print this AGAIN?!” to her son.

every time we serve chicken at work i think of this post

1.  If you were wondering, you can type the numbers in the works cited into google and they appear to be medical journal articles about using medical imaging to detect and diagnose a rare form of Gastritis.

2. Please enjoy the offical powerpoint presentation of this paper at an academic conference by the original author, complete with Q&A:


oh m god please watch the video it’s some of the most contagious laughter on the planet


When I saw this cross my dash tonight, I smiled and thought “yess, the chicken chicken chicken post, I get to reblog it again and inflict it on all of the people that have followed me since last time”, and then I scrolled down more and to my utter delight there was A VIDEO, needless to say my night has been made




The bell

The last question

The woman howling in laughter 90% of the time

It’s all beautiful

It’s all

So beautiful

I love that he was absolutely 100% prepared for a question in chickenese.


“I do not feel capable summarizing this article”



The mashup you never thought would work


I would pay so much to have this as a ringtone I’m not even joking.


The face I made while listening to this was so visceral I had to draw it before reblogging it



Well. That was indeed a thing that happened.

(Would’ve been better with a different version of POTO but it’s irrevocably stuck in my head so…eh.)

Holy shit.


Mary Robinette Kowal on twitter:

“Me, talking a writer down from imposter syndrome: How long have you been writing?

Them: Three years.

Me: And how old are you?

Them: 28.

Me: Okay.  So you’re a level 28 human and a level 3 writer.  How good were you as a level 3 human?

Them: Oooooooooooh.”


I’ve seen the “get thee to a nunnery” scene done where hamlet has no idea he’s being spied on and just goes off on ophelia because he’s hangry. I’ve seen the “get thee to a nunnery” scene done where hamlet knows he’s being watched from the start and the whole thing’s an act. I’ve seen the “get thee to a nunnery” scene done where hamlet figures out he’s being watched half way through and gets super mad at ophelia for betraying him. now I want to see the “get thee to a nunnery” scene done where ophelia covertly nods at where polonius and claudius are hiding, hamlet gets the idea, and they’re both in on the performance the whole time. I want classically trained shakespearean actors to give us their best best show of bad acting. I want ophelia to mouth some of the most cutting lines to hamlet before he says them. I want hamlet to frown exaggeratedly at her and for her to take this as a cue to start crying. I want hamlet to go grab her by the wrist, her to wince, and him to automatically loosen his grip. I want them to stage hamlet dragging her around by the ear using classic stage-fight techniques. I want them to be aggressively in cahoots with one another because they know each of their bastard father-figures are watching. 

I want this for the lols of seeing them trying to fake-fight on the spot, to give ophelia more to do than just be the victim, and so it never crosses ophelia’s mind that hamlet’s actually losing it a little bit.

that is, until she hears how her father died.

Oh my GOD.

OPHELIA [talking just a bit too loudly and clearly] Good my lord, How does your honour for this many a day?

HAMLET [distracted, not quite getting it yet] I humbly thank you; well, well, well.

OPHELIA [even louder, pointedly so] My lord, I have remembrances of yours, That I have longed long to re-deliver; I pray you, now receive them.

HAMLET [caught off guard and genuinely perplexed] No, not I; I never gave you aught.

OPHELIA [exasperated silent sigh, meaningful stare] My honour’d lord, you know right well you did; And, with them, words of so sweet breath composed As made the things more rich: their perfume lost, Take these again; for to the noble mind Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. [in an undertone, gesturing with her head to where her father and his uncle are hiding:] There, my lord.

HAMLET [after a second or two of silent realization, loud and theatrical] Ha, ha! are you honest?

OPHELIA [exaggeratedly startled] My lord?

… and so on. 


You’re a genius

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