
Craft of The Future



Latest Car Tech Brings Car Apps In Spotlight

Mercedes is taking the auto industry by storm by leading the way with technology integration. We’re not talking about assisted parking either. The luxuries that you enjoy on your phone are coming to a car near you. Malone’s Service & Performance outlines some of the coolest features you can expect such as:

in-car apps and purchasing

secure encrypted access to the internet from your car

self-driving vehicles that are connected to the internet


Is The GOP Really Unstable?

There have been a lot of questions recently regarding the stability of the Republican Party, especially considering the speech ol’ Ted gave last night without mentioning any sort of support for Trump. While this may seem to indicate that there are divisions, I am sure that these will settle down once the actual race for the White House begins. 

Politicians are always looking out for #1, and they will fall back to their normal trends once all of the dust settles and the calm before the storm takes over before the race. 


Unstable Times For Business?

With so much going on in the world today, is business facing instability? Well, in the markets outside of the US, this is definitely true, but the United States seems to be recovering slowely from the recent recessions and is showing no signs of stopping. With the mandates and regulations that were put into place following the most recent crisis, it seems that we are on the road to recovery.


Business And Real Estate Following Brexit

With the Brexit vote done, and the country apparently still confused as to what this means, you can take time to research using this site. It should help you gain insights into your local market and capitalize on buying or selling before any major fluctuations begin.


Turkey’s Future

The people seem to be on the President's time this time during the attempted coupe, even though his reputation has not been the best. It seems that the Turkish people are tired of instability, and accept what they have.


Stocks Following Brexit

What will the Brexit vote mean for investors? Now is the perfect time to begin research into which stocks to buy following the Brexit vote in order to capitalize your investments Great places to start are CNN money for some insights.


Global banking system under attack - what you need to know

Hackers known as the "Lazarus Group" are sneaking into banks worldwide, moving around more than $100 million -- and so far, getting away with it. from Latest financial news - CNNMoney.com http://ift.tt/1XDieW0


The Dynamic Nature Of Oil Prices

Extreme changes in the prices of oil may be becoming the norm for the future. With the various wars and events spurring up all over oil rich areas, the future of oil prices may seem to be troublesome. We may begin enjoying bouts of low prices and high prices. Only time will tell.


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