

@uhhhh-what / uhhhh-what.tumblr.com

I'm Catherine, 26 years old. I love psychology, makeup, and cats.

Stay away from men who say that makeup is “false advertising.” You are not a product/object and there is no “advertising.” Do whatever makes you feel good and anyone who says otherwise or speaks of you like an object ain’t shit.


executive dysfunction is legitimately physically uncomfortable. i’ll be trapped between two things, weirdly caught on how-much-time-it-might-take-me. i take hours worried im going to take hours doing things. i’ll sit on the floor for the entire day, caught up in the middle of not-doing the chores i actually do want to be doing.

& the amount of mental energy that goes into it. & the legitimate amount of anger and discomfort and self-hate. is not “being lazy”.  it’d be a lot less work if i didn’t have to fight myself to just get up and do it. 

i just need you to understand it’s not effortless. it’s never effortless. it’s not “okay let me just get up and finally start doing this.” it’s more like. i am slamming my foot on the pedal but the car is in neutral and nothing is moving. it’s more like shouting instructions into a dying telephone. it’s more like being trapped in a small electric box, and someone who hates me is administering shocks. 

im trying. im trying. please help me get up.


Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too.

It’s amazing how people in the notes and comments are absolutely FURIOUS at me for the included Frozen comparison. Special shout out to everyone trying to prove that real people look like this.

Not to mention that when people edit these characters to have better facial proportions, the originals look like bizarre fish people.

How humans draw themselves is always fascinating to me

op why are you speaking like you aren’t human i’m scared

Eh…perhaps read my blog description.


this post has EVERYTHING


I think I know the reason for why people prefer “unrealistic” animation.

For some reason, humans really don’t like things that look like humans but aren’t quite human. Hence why a lot of people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and The Polar Express. It looks too realistic to us and sets us off.

Scientists call this the “Uncanny Valley” effect and its thought to be an evolutionary tactic for survival.

The funny part is. No other animals that we know of experience the uncanny valley effect. Only humans. Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival?

Oh hell yeah this is what I’m here for


Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival? 


Okay, I’ve seen this thread a dozen times before, but not with this addendum.

i made the original post in the throes of unmedicated depression because that’s where my sense of humor was at the time. i don’t check my activity page. seeing it barge onto my dash months later with +250k notes and this exchange attached to it like a bunch of rattling tin cans attached to the tail of a rabid dog running loose is fucking WILD

So sometime after whenever humans developed the uncanny valley effect, did we just hunt this mysterious predator to extinction? Or did it die out on it’s own? Or did it evolve as well into something… else? Could it still be living on Earth today?

Idk why dont we ask the “people eating cryptid” who claims to be from a species that’s easy to hide and apparently passes as human who’s like, 3 reblogs above this?

Hey fun fact;

Back when Homo sapiens weren’t the end-all of hominids, we also had some other two legged “humanish” cousins like the Neanderthals, Denisovians, and more!

There were nine different species of “humans”

By 10,000 years ago, they were all gone. The disappearance of these other species resembles a mass extinction. But there’s no obvious environmental catastrophe – volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact – driving it.

Instead, the extinctions’ timing suggests they were caused by the spread of a new species, evolving 260,000-350,000 years ago in Southern Africa: Homo sapiens.

Neanderthal skeletons show patterns of trauma consistent with warfare.

Like language or tool use, a capacity for and tendency to engage in genocide is arguably an intrinsic, instinctive part of human nature.

Optimists have painted early hunter-gatherers as peaceful, noble savages, and have argued that our culture, not our nature, creates violence. But field studies, historical accounts, and archaeology all show that war in primitive cultures was intense, pervasive and lethal.

Basically: the reason we as Homo Sapians find other human-ish figures unsettling and have an instinctual fear/aggression response called “The Uncanny Valley” is because we literally TOOK OVER THE WORLD by hunting down and killing every other hominid on the planet.

Dunno if the “9 species of hominid genocide” was a result of uncanny valley or the cause of it, but it’s a pretty sure bet to guess they’re linked.

This is a wonderful post.

Listen that article is written with such shocking bias, because the facts are correct but the conclusions are so fucking stupid

We fucked our way to the top and I will not allow that to be erased


this man just CHECKED™ his privilege im living

this is what i mean when i say “actually tolerance isn’t all that bad” this guy says several times that he doesn’t understand and even is uncomfortable, but that that isn’t what matters. imo, that’s how tolerance works.

true tolerance is, “i don’t have to understand, because you don’t need my permission to live. my job as a member of your community is to have your back, whether i understand your situation or not.”

I’m going to keep reblogging this forever, because it is such an excellent, clear example of how to approach this stuff from outside.

This motherfucker right here. I think about his monologue sometimes, for years now. It still gives me hope.


me and my partner have been obsessed with the unhinged insanity of this video for the last day. I can’t stop thinking about it.

I can feel parts of my body shutting down in self-defense while watching this. The amount of damage food like this does should be criminalized. The sheer amount of dairy in it alone is a capital crime.

I’m reblogging this to find it to use as an appetite suppressant in future.

it just keEPS GOING


Can we talk about this video and how I CAN NOT.


…the fuck.


The “And One More Thing” quality of this reminds me of the Taco Town SNL sketch

i think what makes this one special is how long into the video it remains credibly edible. like “oh it’s pulled chicken. oh, chicken tacos. chicken tacos in a pizza shape? okay sour cream goes with tacos, the mayo’s weird but. hey wait what are you doing with those frying ingredients”



if anyone wants to know how the employees do it, heres my process

rebloging this because maybe now I can stop feeling like a horrible person at stores because now I can fix it!!



Hey - please folks. If you take a shirt from a pile, re-folding will go a long way to making those clothing dept. employees happy and their jobs just a little easier.


*nudges boyfriend at 3 AM* pretty fucked up that we depict the moon as a girl and the sun as a boy. they’re just floating rocks in space. chad? wake up chad. listen. they’re sexless.


the sun isnt a rock go back to sleep

“If I disappear, know that I’m okay.”

— Unknown


when yr adhd does the intense Anger thing n u gotta remind yr brain that u dont wanna throw yr phone full force at a wall


gentle reminder to myself and those it may concern that “obsess over it silently, completely frozen while you just fume for six hours” is also not a healthy solution

what do I do then?

in the words of one JJ Bittenbinder, throw yourself off your rhythm!

anxiety and anger are extremely persistent in ADHD because we fixate on that input and devote all our runtime to trying to “fix” it when in reality the only way to fix it is to leave it alone. considering we are diagnosed with Chronic Cannot Leave It Alone Disease, that is Difficult.

when you’re outside one of these loops, take inventory of all the things you do that suck you into devoting all your attention to them. when i was a kid, the way i avoided asthma attacks was i played video games while taking my meds, so i wouldn’t be fixating on the anxiety and making the asthma worse. nowadays, i avoid anger spirals by also playing video games (in my experience turn-based strategy is a hyperfocus superhighway so i use those) so i’m forced to divert resources to do this other thing.

joke’s on you, impotent fury, you can’t kidnap my brain if my brain is somewhere else entirely



Me, at my brain trying to suck me into a spiral of self destructive rage:


As a teenager I was pretty unimpressed with adults giving each other tours of their homes and kitchens, but as an adult I now understand this is the equivalent of inviting your friends over to see all your toys and that's chill actually

"Look at this new microwave!” is the adult version of “Look at my new toy truck!” Complete with showing off all the cool things it can do.

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