
Just.... yikes



This was supposed to be a comic but I wrote way too much dialogue and decided to just draw a scene then post what I had planned or something. The thing has a lot of. Well. Dialogue. Anyways it’s under the read more thing don’t look at me it’s not the BEST. I’m a lil rusty and keep in mind it was for my brain.


“supernatural didn’t have any actual monsters it’s just some guys fighting guys” I know this is a joke but I literally do not know how to explain to you that the fancy effects you’ve grown accustomed to on prestigious television like arrow and riverdale did not exist for the majority of supernatural’s lifetime and also they’ve spent their entire budget on flannel shirts

@cortue I’m obsessed with this now. what does a “set where guys can be guys” mean. they went into a room with 65,000 bees to film BUGS??????? “full body bee outfits” does he not know what a beekeeper’s suit is. I will be thinking about this for the rest of the night

No guys that’s the funniest part. Jensen said at a panel once that the bees didn’t show up clear enough on camera, so they ended up just using CGI.

They went through the trouble of hiring a beekeeper, filling the set with tens of thousands of bees, getting bee keeper suits for the whole crew, the actors getting stung multiple times, and it was literally all for nothing



i think many of you people need to stop drawing teen/child boy characters in booty shorts n crop tops n very obviously sexualized outfits

extremely good call

I didn’t even think of crop tops as sexual, sure if it’s like lingerie but like why do we gotta sexualize this kinda stuff, they are both comfy,,,,,,

thank you for the ONLY good addition to my post


it’s not a slur, it’s just an outdated and useless concept which tends to be used as a bludgeon or a pedestal, and both are harmful.

Copying this because some people need to read it again

it’s not a slur, it’s just an outdated and useless concept which tends to be used as a bludgeon or a pedestal, and both are harmful. 


Do new ace people these days know about black rings?

uhh, i don’t.

yeah! there’s a thing where ace people can wear a black ring on the middle finger of their right hand as a sign to show others that they’re ace!

(I couldn’t find a version of this pic without the bottom text, sorry)

I had no idea this was falling out of common knowledge. Boost to get it rolling again! Quick tip from an ace who’s been wearing the black ring for like five plus years now and has gone through several either broken or too scratched to wear- save yourself the trouble, go straight for ceramic.

there’s also aro rings, pretty much the same concept but with white rings, dont leave us out of it!

It fell out of common knowledge because exclusionists destroyed our communities 

Always reblog

Rebbloging for my aro/ace followers, y'all stay strong

to all my fellow ace specs, you are valid and loved
to all my fellow aro specs, you are valid and loved.

happy ace week!!


me: i respect ace peoples identities and think they need a space or communtiy to talk about their specific issues. no i dont see evidence of ace people being oppressed to the same degree as lgbt people which is fortunate, but there is without a doubt lots of judgemnt about asexuality. that’s something that certainly deserves to be addressed and dealt with on a societal level. I’ve seen both sides of this and have even changed my mind a couple times, it’s undoubtedly a complicated issue that has variables to it that can depend on ur personal beliefs and experiences. but facts remain that the lgbt communtiy was primarily built for same gender attracted and transgender people, and those people should be a priotory because of the oppression and danger they still face

what some discourse gremlin hears: im big and im gay and i hate all ace people

This is actually not true??? At all??? “The facts” do not remain that way.

The LGBT community was “primarily built” out of segregation and violence from the rest of the world. This is true. But it was not built specifically for trans people and same gender attracted people. It was built for people who fell outside the normal cisgender male/female attraction. What does this mean? It means that the LGBT community was made for anyone who was labeled “queer” by the cis/het population. Those are the people that belong in this community. That does indeed include ace people, as they fall onto that category of “queer”. There’s a reason it’s called a reclaimed slur by some people. It’s because we didn’t originally invent our own community. We were forced out of the “normal” community with violence and hate and we formed together out of a need to support each other.

Supporting each other does not mean picking and choosing which identities belong in the LGBTQIAP+ community. There’s more letters than LGBT in the acronym.

The community was not “primarily built” for any specific subgroup. It was build out of a need for mutual support of the rejected and hated people by society. It’s not a competition of who has it worse. There’s no “priority” of people. The priority is stoping hate and violence as a whole.

If you think ace people don’t face any danger, then you clearly missed some things. How many times do we hear about “No means No” not being considered an acceptable answer?

Anyways- we do not have the right to say who deserves to be rejected from the LGBT community. It’s for anyone who doesn’t identify as cisgender and heterosexual.

It’s also called the “queer community” for a reason. Because we’re here. We’re queer. And that means we are supportive of each other’s different identities when others weren’t.


Demisexual “So you mean a normal person?” Don’t hate on things you don’t understand.

Person: What’s demisexuality?

Demisexual: It means you don’t get attracted to people unless there’s an emotional bond.

Person: Oh, so like, a normal person?

Demisexual: Actually, no, although I can see how you’d think that. Most people don’t have sex with people unless they have an emotional bond with them but that’s not really to do with sexuality, that’s just staying safe and having common sense.

’Normal’ people, although not intending to sleep with someone right away, still know, usually, whether they would be interested in doing that within a short amount of time, sometimes immediately. People come up to me and say “You’re attractive, can I have your number?” after just seeing me from across a bar. They’ve never spoken to me, don’t know who I am but still found me attractive and are thus interested in getting to know me more to see if they’d like to start a relationship.

Demisexuals don’t experience that. We don’t see underwear adverts and find the actors desirable. We don’t look at someone from across a room and think “they’re hot, I wonder if they’re single”. ‘Sex sells’ goes over our heads. Dating apps where you swipe pictures across the screen are useless. We literally don’t get attracted to people that quickly.

Person: Oh, I see. So it’s not just being picky or abstaining from sex, it’s literal lack of attraction?

Demisexual: Yes, you’ve got it.

Person: That must make dating difficult.

Demisexual: It does. Many of us are interested in dating but are limited to people we know emotionally. If someone asks for my number I then have to say to them ‘can we be friends for roughly two to three years, by then I should know whether I find you physically attractive and if I do we can start dating’. It’s sad because I don’t want to get people’s hopes up or seem like I’m leading them on. But I literally do have to know them for a while before I can get attracted to them if I do at all. It also meant growing up was a strange experience because everyone would be pointing out attractive people on TV, in magazines and when walking down the street and I just didn’t understand.

Person: Well thank you for taking the time to explain that to me. I understand now that there is a difference between abstaining from sex and actually lacking attraction.

Demisexual: No problem. It’s nice to be accepted and understood.

Demisexuals, you are real and valid. Just because people don’t understand what you go through that doesn’t mean what you go through is fake. Pride is about respecting and celebrating all sexualities and their nuances. 

You should also note that demisexuality is common among those on the autism spectrum. To deny demisexuality is not only illogical but it’s also ableism. You’re erasing people’s symptoms because its convenient for you and because you don’t understand them. 

Demisexuals just want to chill and exist. They don’t want fame and to be mollycoddled. They just want awareness and acceptance. 

Let’s not hate on people just because we don’t understand. 


Not demisexual, but I see these same issues in people’s understanding of asexuality. Demi folks, I feel your frustration!


GOOD post OP. I’ve been wondering “is this me” for some time and you’ve hit several nails on the head, from the confusion/vague distress at being hit on by apparently-sincere complete strangers to the way people become attractive over months and years once you get to know them.


Tonight I’m playing the game of how many sad Roman fanfictions can I read ina row before my body starts vibrating so hard up I i phase through the floor and break everything int he kitchen


how dare you hide this in the tags

also please send me all of those fics like now please and thank you

the new video has prompted SO MANY new good sad Roman fics - I am both living and dying - and I reblog basically everything I read so if you check my ‘fic’ tag there are loads floating at the top like delicious angst croutons.

but! if you want more ~classic~ sad roman these are some I remember off the top of my head -

Contact by @notveryglittery  if you, like me, are struggling to cope with the current Sad Royality times we live in, then here! Sad Royality times FROM THE PAST with hugs and touch starvation and Paton being THE BEST. i remember the exact tag i have for this on my blog because i need to go back and find it periodically so i can Feel my royality Feelings

Icarus - by @today-only-happens-once Ive read this like 30 times its peak. its peak sad Roman read if you want to feel like your heart is screaming directly into the sun

like half of @coconut-cluster ‘s master list  which i once read almost in its entirety during some kind of 4 day fever dream frenzy and then immediately lost  because I forgot their name because my brain is GARBAGE (but refound very recently and there is MORE to read what a blessed time to be alive oh my god)

me. before reading brave by @virgilsjourney hahaha i do not even LIKE prinxiety clearly this will not affect me at all. me, after reading brave by @vigilsjourny: YO DO YOU WANNA SEE HOW HARD I CAN CRY

@princelogical was like, what if? villain Virgil? and i was like, what if? I cried for 300 years??? (also literaly everything they write unleashes Big Emotions and im 100% sure there’s more roman centric stuff so just. read everything. treat yourself

i cant even remember if @lovelylogans has written specific Sad Roman fic but everything they write sends me fucking feral so again explore their mastelrist if you want to feel like 17 different emotions at once

am i biased because @sanders-sides-thuri wrote this for my birthday? yes. Is it also the softest most beautiful blessed logince to ever grace the goddam earth?? ALSO YES is thuri the best human being on the planet today???? GUESS WHAT ITS YES

HkhdlAnnh THE GOLD OF YOUR HEART BY @sher-soc-the-famder​ ITS LIKE A NOVEL LENGTH SAD ROMAN MASTERPIECE, which literary now as a rec it i realised i never fucking finished because i am a fucking FOOL thank you global lockdown, for giving me the time to rectify this, but anyway thats on me not on the fic because its SO. DAMM. GOOD. i needed like a full cup of tea to emotionally manage each chapter i will probably have become a kettle by the end of it

THIS ONE FIC WHERE I CANT REMEMBER THE NAME (because again. my brain. GARBAGE) but it has dark!Deceit getting roman to practice lying (maybe??) over and over again in the theather and convincing him the others don’t want him and at some point the others storm in to rescue him and Logan has a Furious Gaze and its amazing???? does this sound familiar to anyone please i need to continue being sad. 

 THERE’S SO MUCH QUALITY SAD ROMAN FIC im definitely forgetting loads like (PEOPLE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD ON any sad roman angst recommendations welcome)  but also again yeah SO MUCH new stuff coming out all the time at the moment its a beautiful time to be a roman angst lover please try my fic tag or just look at the general tumblr roman sanders tag because its a smorgasbord of sadness and im sure i havent seen everything Y E T 

the one with dark!deceit getting roman to practice lying is by @jenna221b!!! blanking on the actual name but it’s fuckin’ glorious


I still like the idea that Anxiety/Virgil is a very primitive part of the brain and gets tricked into things or thinks about stuff sometimes in a similar way that animals or small children do

Anxiety: Everything sucks we’re going to die I don’t like the look of that person over there are they gonna go through Thomas’ car we should…
Logic: *puts a blindfold on him*
Anxiety: *sudden silence*
Anxiety: Where are the keys?
Logic: In our pocket.
Thomas: *checks his pocket for the keys*
Anxiety: Oh okay.
Thomas: *puts the keys back in his pocket*
Anxiety: Dude where the hell did our keys go
Logan: There are no monsters in the closet.
Virgil: Roman?
Roman: There’s a demon squid in the closet.
Virgil: Logan there’s a demon squid in the closet.
Roman: No wait I was kidding.
Virgil: You need to close the closet.
Logan: But even if it was real that wouldn’t…
Virgil: Close the closet!
Thomas: Fine. *gets up and closes closet*
Virgil: Finally you’re listening to me. Good. Now we’re safe.
Deceit: Patton was never real.
Anxiety: Oh my god Patton was never real.
Patton: Hi!
Anxiety: Oh my god you guys Patton is actually real.
Logan: *facepalm*
Roman: Hey Logan check this out. Hey Anxiety, think fast! *pretends to throw something at Virgil*
Virgil: *flinches and then looks around* Where is it? What did you throw? *checks the couch cushions*
Logan: We really need to talk about how you interact with him.
Virgil: *tearing apart the living room now* I KNOW YOU DID SOMETHING WITH IT.
Patton: I like this horror movie.
Virgil: That girl is gonna come out of the screen and kill us.
Logan: Verge that’s impossi-

I’m gonna keep adding to this

I’m doing all of these…

I love this Anxiety…

Last one🎉🎉🎉


mental illness really is like “oh you’re idle? time to be overwhelmed with massive bouts of nostalgia and anxiety and boredom bc you have nothing to do and you might as well die”

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