

@ffsewats / ffsewats.tumblr.com

I'm not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she LOVES it and doesn't want to change ANYTHING. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do or achieve. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be.
“It’s December first! Which means one thing. Lots of crowds and lots of fun things to do that I won’t get to do because I’m doing this show. Hi I’m Justin and you’re watching TRL.”
‘It also means there’s only twenty-four days until Christmas which is both exciting and terrifying. I’m nowhere near as prepared as I normally am. Although, I guess that doesn’t matter as much while we’re in here. Hey, Justin. I’m Emma.’
Well this is definitely going to be a new, interesting experience. As soon as I get my stuff unpacked and organized. But for those who don’t know me, hi, I’m Lauren.
I’ve been here just over two months and I’m still not organised. It’s certainly been an experience though! Welcome to Big Brother, Lauren. I’m Emma.
The most wonderful time of the year is finally here! Yes, that was me giving a Christmas Concert in the shower this morning. I didn’t realise it was that early…  Anyway, I hope we get the chance to do some Christmas shopping soon, because I’ve just spotted the perfect gift for a certain someone.  Now, had anyone seen our Irish Santa? I’ve gotta give him my letter and the Naughty/Nice list I’ve been working on all year. Spoiler alert: you’re all on it.
That was you? I was going to join in but I didn’t in case whoever it was didn’t want to be interrupted! You’ll have to invite me next time. To duet, I mean. Not to the shower. 

I don’t know who Irish Santa is, so nope. Haven’t seen them. 

Christmas is now a month away, so am I allowed to break out my elf costume and sing Christmas songs? Or is it to soon. I just really love Christmas! 
I think that sounds like an incredible idea! I’ve been singing Christmas songs since October. 
One of Emma’s favourite things, if not the favourite, about being on Big Brother was the simple pleasures such a show offered them. Though being monitored twenty-four seven by cameras was far from easy, there was still a lot to be said for the spare time it opened up. For being able to just soak in the bathtub or watch an entire television series without interruption. Her otherwise-busy schedule never allowed the chance for such luxuries in the outside world. Content, little smile appeared as Emma approached the bar, an oversized shirt hanging off her small frame as she pinned damp hair up. ‘Hey,’ the actress greeted. ‘I was just going to grab a bottle of wine and watch something on Netflix. Do you want to join?’


Moving bedrooms each and every fortnight had been a fun experience at first. Emma rather liked having the chance to get to know other contestants. However, overtime the packing and unpacking of one’s items had grown tiresome and she found herself longing to be given just one permanent room. Somewhere she could feel more settled. Dragging her two suitcases through Room Dre’s open door, the actress flashed a flustered smile at the other occupants. ‘Wow, this house is a lot bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside, huh,’ she breathed. ‘It took me thirty minutes to find this room! Am I too late to pick the bed closest to the wall?’
@danielhowell-bb @dylhq @jbcrnthals​
You did for sure. I’ve already watched it about three thousand times on Netflix. Shut up, you’re too fucking sweet. I think I would die from excitement if I was ever asked. Though, I must say, I’m still bitter towards Disney for not casting Jade as Princess Jasmine. I’m not Anna, Emma! Elsa!
Thank you! That means the world. Belle was such an important part of my childhood. Her character really was the beginning of me discovering my own voice and what I wanted from life, so, having the chance to slip into her shoes was both incredible and nerve-wracking all at the same time. They didn’t cast her? Why the hell not? She would’ve been perfect. I know, I know, but still. Everyone always sings that one song.
“They better not. They don’t have much of a choice,” Perrie told her. “Oh my gosh, that sounds surprisingly fun. Minus the Terror Tram. You’ve just made this thing a bit more tolerable, babes.”
‘I haven’t been here long but everyone seems super nice so far. I’m sure they’ll understand the odd scream. I mean, unless you’re sharing with Taylor? You’re pretty much screwed then,’ Emma commented, nose wrinkling just slight. She’d spoken to the blonde singer just a few hours ago and her sour mood had been glaringly obvious. ‘I’m glad I could be of service! Do you want pumpkin cocktails first or spiced rum shots?’
At Emma’s compliment, Louis let out a cheesy grin. He was very quick-tempered and easily riled up but the rest of the time, he was an extremely optimistic and enthusiastic lad. He wasn’t ever going to come into the house all miserable and shit because that’s not him, and also because what’s the point of bringing everyone down? “Why thank you, love. I’m pretty good at sharin’, since I have a billion siblings and all, but two people per bed? Nah, fuck that, love, me bed partner would be sleepin’ on the bloody floor.” Lou shook her hand, gentlemanly and charming as he liked to think that he was, “yes! God, I was literally a baby, but I remember. I was terrified, but I think I’ve got me shit together over the years. I’m Louis.”
‘Wow, a billion? That must’ve been interesting at Christmas,’ Emma joked, smile never faltering. She was relatively new to Big Brother herself, having arrived a mere month or so ago. It had been a difficult adjustment at first. She never knew who to approach or how to introduce herself, but it’d gotten easier. It helped that most contestants, both old and new arrivals, were pleasant. ‘I have to agree. I’m a kicker. I don’t think people would like me too much if they had to share a bed with me.’ Confession came with a soft laugh, perching on the couch armchair after they’d shaken hands. ‘It must’ve been an odd experience. My first premiere was insane, I don’t think I spoke to a single person. I just stared at everyone. Look at you now though! All these years on and one of the most successful people in music. I definitely should’ve gotten your autograph back then, I could’ve sold it for a fortune on eBay now.’
thin legs swirled around the warm bubbling water beneath her, several strands of her hair blowing about in her face as she struggled to keep them in tact inside of her ponytail. she had been aching to take a dip in the hot tub since her arrival, and now that she had found the time to do so it was proving difficult to actually pull her away from the area. she reached for the freshly opened bottle of red wine she had taken from one of the bars, filling her glass back up before disregarding the bottle to her left. “feel free to join me,” alycia spoke as she went to take a sip from her glass. “i got wine and snacks.”
Emma had been a contestant on Big Brother for just under two months now, and she still hadn’t explored the house in all it’s luxurious glory. There just hadn’t been time. Her initial tour had been interrupted by their Halloween event and by the time they returned, the second tour just never happened. She’d been too distracted by free wine or getting to know her fellow celebrities. Tonight was her first time breaking outta that habit and she was starting with the infamous hot tub. Approaching with a book borrowed from Nina tucked under one arm, Emma smiled when she realised someone else had beaten her there. ‘Oh, wow. That sounds like quite the party,’ the actress commented. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind though? I don’t want to interrupt or anything.’
Gigi was still making an attempt to get used to things around the house. Maybe she was no stranger to reality tv, but Big Brother was a totally different ball game. Sure her mom had the real housewives but there were schedules for the times those cameras were around. Having cameras everyone 24-7 was a completely different story. 
No only was being filmed all the time an adjustment, but the model had been working non-stop for as long as she could remember. Even just having free time was something she was working on getting used to. At present she was lounging on one of the couches, with a magazine in her lap. The blonde had a blanket wrapped around her, as she clearly had the chills. She wasn’t feeling too great and even though she tried to hide that fact with her expert use of makeup, it was still visible as she flipped through the pages.
Big Brother was definitely a strange and surreal experience. Whenever Emma thought she might be getting used to everything, another camera would reveal itself and it served as a reminder of just how much was on display here. That there were thousands upon thousands of people sat in their homes right now, watching her every move, listening to her every conversation. How did anyone ever get used to that? Hands instinctively wrapped blanket a little tighter around herself and she approached the nearest seating area, offering a faint smile to her fellow contestant. ‘This is all so odd, isn’t it? Being here. Being watched,’ Emma commented, wondering if other people struggled too or if it was just her. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your reading. Are you alright?’
“I’m back from being hide and seek’s world champion. Now, I hear I’m also back to being fucking public enemy number one around here. If that’s true, let’s start a fucking fight? Come at me, take a free hit. You’ll only get the one.” Brendon said with a smug grin on his lips, he really just wanted a good fight to occur.
‘Oh, uh,’ Emma hesitated for a long moment, unsure of how to respond to his hostile statement. The actress hadn’t been here long. In fact, she wasn’t even sure Brendon had spoken to her before now and while she’d heard conflict sometimes happened Big Brother, she had been fortunate enough not to witness it so far. She really didn’t want that to change anytime soon. ‘I’m not much of a fighter. The only person I’ve ever punched was Tom Felton and that was just because a script told me to.’ Light smile was offered then, stepping forward to introduce herself. ‘Maybe we should start over. I’m Emma.’
Ashley had always used distractions to deal with pain, the pain of Hanna, the pain of Brendon returning. Her go to things, were sex, booze and drugs, the last one she couldn’t use due to being on her last warning with big. But as she laid next to her lay for the night, she felt a overwhelming sense of relief. Reaching over she took the wine from the bed side table and took a long sip. “Want some?” she offered, a small smile on her face. “By the way if you are wanting to go for round two I have to piss first.” Ashley rose an eyebrow, she was drunk, and heartbroken, she really didn’t care what anyone thought. 
Don’t sleep with anyone. That was the one rule Emma had made herself when she first agreed to join Big Brother and already that rule had been broken. It was difficult to regret it too, body now thrumming with a satisfaction she hadn’t felt in forever. Sex had always been the one thing that could bring her peace. Of course, it also brought her a lot of stress too, but she tried to ignore that part for now. She could worry about falling back into old habits later on when she was alone. Head turned to face the other woman beside her and Emma laughed. ‘I’ll just take the wine for now. We can talk about round two later,’ the actress replied. At least they’d managed to make it to a Shag Pad rather than one of their bedrooms. The double beds were far more comfortable than those tiny, child-size things they usually slept on.
“I feel like pranking someone. You wanna join me? Do you have any ideas on what we could do?” She asks, raising her brows before taking a large drag of her cigarette, one leg crossed over the other, jigging solemnly as she overlooks the pool in front of them.
‘I don’t know. I’m terrible at pranking people,’ Emma confessed with a laugh, reaching forward to pour another glass of red wine for herself. ‘That was always Dan or Rupes’ strongest forte. I usually just kept watch or pretended not to know anything when someone asked. Who would you even prank? More importantly, do they deserve to be pranked?’
“ Thank you very much Ms. Watson. Well I think you just made my day. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Not gonna lie little freaking out cause Hermoine was my woman.”
‘What do you mean was your woman? Has Hermione been replaced? Just kidding. The pleasure is all mine! I’m a huge fan of your music. You were even my ringtone at one point.’
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