


The most significant (and heartbreaking) Dabi-focused chapters (so far).

I can't help but imagine all the things that went in baby Tōya's head as he fled back "home". He must have been so hopeful. He must have thought about how he actually loves his family so much, Shōtō included.

"I can't be a hero, but papa will still be happy to see me right?"

"Maybe I can give advice to little Shōtō about how to make blue flames!"

"Oh man, I should apologize to mum, I've been mean to her last time we talked. She'll forgive me, right?"

"Did Fuyumi-chan ever got a boyfriend? I need to look after her. Maybe I'm taller than her now!"

"Does Natsu-kun still play football? Damn, he must be huge now..."

Only to be mercilessly crushed.


What hurts me the most I think is that when Touya woke up from a 3 year long coma the first thing he thought about wasn't how he survived, where he was, what these strangers did to his body (they literally used other people's skin and body parts to repair his body that is horrifying), he didn't think about how he just lost 3 years of his life, and his body has basically been destroyed and he'll never be the same. The first thing he thinks about is his family, that they probably miss him and are worried about him. The first thing he thinks is that he said "terrible things" and should go apologize (Touya baby no). That's just... So sad to me.

Then to go home, after escaping a horrific place like that where he was literally experimented on against his will while in a coma, just to find his family thinks he's dead and has moved on without him. That's crushing. That's so sad. I feel so bad for him


This entire chapter is heartbreaking.

I can't help but think about how Tōya felt about his own body when he had time to realise what really happened to him.

Not only he was healed using other people, but his body is now three years older than him. And it's not like he went from 25 to 28, when you're pretty much already an adult.

He went from being 13, so a child, to 16, a teenager. The body undergoes massive changes during that period! I mean, how did he deal with the effect of puberty? Did he even know what was happening to him?

Also it explains his child-like behaviour from time to time. Like "Ice melts! :D" isn't the line of someone who's 24. It's a young teen talking at the moment! Same with the little dances, the extreme mood swings, etc.

Like if you compare to Shōtō who acts like an "adult" to cope with trauma, Tōya does the opposite and stays a child in some ways.

Yeah actually an anon brought that up to me last night that Touya was in a coma during a very important stage in physical and mental development and he probably never caught up or matured like he was supposed to, especially since from the sounds of it after escaping the hospital he spent 16-23 alone on the street. It does explain his child-like behavior and "immature" responses to things. He never got to grow up or develop like he should have and 3 years of his life are just lost to a coma. That's so sad

His child-like way of seeing the world also explains his interactions with the rest of the league like:

• He calls Toga nutjob not out of malice but because that's how young teens call each other. Same thing with Spinner, whom he calls Lizard.

• He relates to Toga a lot and burns the house down for her probably because in his head, they're around the same age

• He calls Compress "Mister", just like Toga does because he feels much younger than he is and probably sees him as some sort of figure of authority/a fatherly figure

• He calls Tomura "Boss" both because he has an inferiority complex (since he was a potential replacement, and since Tomura hasn't failed, then it means he's worth more than Tōya) but also because well... He probably feels like a teen/younger than Tomura and so Tomura is actually his boss

Also his clothes when he arrives in the LOV definitely look like teenager clothes and maybe they were the only thing helping him connect with the age he feels he is

You're right! There's other things too. Like how in smash comics he doesn't seem to understand Magne flirting with him and comes off as very naive. Or his relationship with Compress and whenever Compress gives him advice he kind of acts like a kid being scolded. Little things like him tapping his foot when he's impatient, dancing around when he's excited, getting all pouty when things don't go his way. It makes a lot of sense. I also love this bc I've headcanon'd he age regresses for a while, and this supports that too so yay

Exactly!! He legit doesn't get flirting to the point that Shigaraki asks himself if anyone knew how innocent Dabi is. And that says a lot! I mean, Shigaraki's experience with dating is probably limited to otome games soooo... (Fun side notes: who gave Shigaraki the talk? Like... Did AFO sat Shigaraki down and told him about it??)

Talking about Smash, have you seen Dabi's pyjamas??? It's a kid's one. I'm willing to bet that Dabi behaves 100% like a child when he can and regresses to feel better.

And yeah, he has a lot of child-like mannerisms in the manga like you pointed out. I'm pretty sure he only behaves like what he thinks is a cool edgy adult when he really needs to put up a front/look dangerous or cool (I mean seriously, he definitely sounds like an edgy teen sometimes, like what was this "now it begins" line in the forest, baby who are you talking to?).

Otherwise, he's basically as bratty at USJ-Tomura, just more introverted.


I think this article sums it up better than I can, so:

"Traumatic life events can cause the child to become ‘stuck’ at a particular level of psychological development for an extended period – he may, therefore, often seem immature as development was frozen at an earlier stage.

For example, an eleven-year-old child who was abandoned by his/her primary carer at age four may throw tantrums similar to those one might expect of a four-year-old when left with an unfamiliar babysitter.

In other words, he may regress behaviorally to the developmental stage at which s/he became frozen.

Such regressive behavior is a temporary reaction to real or perceived trauma. Severe trauma can result in commensurately severe developmental delays.

For example, a ten-year-old child who has experienced severe trauma may not yet have developed a conscience (even though a conscience usually develops around the of ages six to eight). This does NOT mean that the child is ‘bad’; it is just that s/he has not yet reached the relevant developmental stage. This can be rectified by the child identifying with a parent or carer and internalizing that identification.

It is vital to point out that if a child has never had the opportunity to identify with a safe and rational adult and has not, therefore, been able to internalize adult values, we cannot expect that child to have developed a conscience. Indeed, if there has been little or no justice or predictability in the child’s life, and he is ill-treated for no discernible reason by adults in a position of trust, developing a conscience may not even have been in the child’s best interests.

In extreme circumstances, for example, it may have been necessary for the child to lie, steal and cheat purely to survive; once s/he has learned such behaviors are essential to his/her very survival, these same behaviors become extremely difficult to unlearn."

(More here: https://childhoodtraumarecovery.com/all-articles/child-trauma-arrested-psychological-development-and-age-regression/)

This ^

Great addition. Poor Touya


this was just sitting not getting finished because of the obvious depressed horse man cartoon comparisons


In this episode of keeping up with the BNHA fandom:

• people have been sent death threats, rape threats, suicide baits on anon solely for liking villains and/or not morally pure characters 

• hardcore hero/villain stans wishing horrible deaths to each other faves, even in the character tags, for the sake of upsetting their fans. Congrats on having the maturity of an edgy wannabe 10 years old

• comparing what's going on in a freaking shonen manga about superpowers to real life issues concerning the lives of real innocent people (big yikes!)

• overall toxicity beyond unbearable

What's next? Zombie apocalypse?

Seriously, folks.....

What in the absolute fuck 😀

Y'all good? Need a hug? An exorcist? Both?? The bar was low already but this.... this is beyond fucked up. There's a boundary between wanting to talk about a series, sharing different opinions and straight up being inexcusable assholes. I get the hype of the moment but maybe take a deep breath and calm the fuck down? You're ruining the fun for everyone.

For the fans with common sense that still can appreciate an amazingly written and nuanced story without being dicks: thanks for existing, you are amazing human beings and I wish you a pleasant day.


Horikoshis sketch for the offical third movie announcement


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