
Cryptid Queer

@words4bloghere / words4bloghere.tumblr.com

34 | abigender | asexual | demipanromantic | ze/they | please ask for tags because I forget

Something salient that I learned about having any sort of relationship with someone who has anxiety:

The concept of "fair" is horrifically skewed for them.

Someone I was with today expressed how he didn't like that I was "always" accommodating him in regards to where we went for food/shopping/outings/etc (spoiler: it's not always, but I'm learning that anxiety makes people exaggerate these kinds of things to themselves and holy shit I worry about them)

To which I replied "It would be more unfair for me to put you through extreme discomfort just to keep our arbitrary tally marks the same amount."

Me paying for his coffee after he paid for the sample platter we split is fair.

Me making him stress out when I don't even care about the venue in the first place is unfair.

If you're like me and don't have anxiety but love someone who does, make sure to calibrate your definition of fairness with them so they don't implode.


Look alive, we detected a surge of girls nearby.

Girls inbound. Get ready!

Wave 1/10

This post sure as hell became relevant in an unplanned and unforseen way due to the surge of sexbots as of late, huh.


Wave 2/10

stay alert, they’re coming in fast!


Neptune out there showing off 🤩

okay so this is really fucking amazing that we can take a photograph of this from (basically) Earth now. We only learned that Neptune even had rings in 1984 (that's 40 years ago!) and it took until 1989 before we got any photos that showed them with any level of detail, thanks to the Voyager probes happening to be passing by at that time. And the 1984 discovery was by mistake, so it would have been very well possible that 1989 would have been when we first knew about them!

This is probably the best photo we had of them until now, which required us strapping a very large camera to an interplanetary probe to do a flyby:

The JWST is amazing.


fucks me up that by total coincidence the sun and moon's size difference is exactly matched to their difference in distance from us, thus making our beautiful total solar eclipses where you can see the silver threads of the sun's corona possible because the moon just covers the sun completely

The stars (literally) aligned just right for this experience to be possible. It's likely that aliens don't have this

The moon is also absolutely gargantuan by moon standards. It isn't the largest moon in the solar system, but it is BY FAR the largest in comparison with its planet. Ganymede is the largest satellite of Jupiter and the largest moon in the solar system. Its diameter is only about 3.8% of Jupiter's. Titan's radius is 4.4% of Saturn's. Callisto and Io are the next largest in the neighborhood, with 3.4% and 2.6% the diameter of Jupiter respectively.

Our moon is number 5. It is smaller in direct comparison to the above moons. The diameter of the moon is 3475 km. That is a full 27% of the diameter of the Earth. More than a quarter. That's ridiculous. It's unheard of. The universe is large enough that the word unique probably doesn't mean a lot, but this might be about as close as you get.

This has had a huge impact on our planet. Other things aliens might not have are significant tides. One of Mars's dumpy little potatoes wouldn't be able to move oceans the way our moon does.

Our moon has also stabilized our axis to a massive degree. Without her up there our axis would wobble all over the place and our climate would be far more chaotic. Aliens might not be quite so lucky.

I guess what I am really trying to say is that the moon is extremely cool. I like the moon.


Just want to add that the reason we have such a large moon is because a whole planet crashed into proto-Earth. Theia (the planet) and Earth got so superheated by this collision that their component cores fused and the impact jettisoned a lot of material into space. That massive amount of jettisoned material became our moon. So Earth and the moon have very similar composition. This does not seem to be a common method of lunar formation.


moon is the load bearing png. of a fruit in our excistence

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