
Snake Studies

@snakestudiesss / snakestudiesss.tumblr.com

Cambri | ISTJ | Slytherin | Icon by @cyclicstudies | 🐍

funny phrases to use when something goes wrong instead of jokingly saying "i'm going to kms":

  • i'm going to kill god
  • i'm going to delete my blog
  • i'm going to explode
  • i'm going to blow up this entire website
  • i'm going to become the joker
  • this is going to be my villain origin story
  • i'm being so brave about it
  • fuck it we ball
  • god had to nerf me because i was too powerful
  • i'm too pretty for this
  • all according to plan

feel free to add on


i like to pretend i already died and asked god to send me back to earth so i can swim in lakes again and see mountains and get my heart broken and love my friends and cry so hard in the bathroom and go grocery shopping 1,000 more times. and that i promised i would never forget the miracle of being here


bro just add some green onion to that rice dish you’ll be ok. bro? you don’t have any green onion? oh don’t worry bro I saved the butts of my green onions and left them in a cup of water in my sunny kitchen window for a week, and now they are tall and luscious again because growth in inevitable. Here, you can have them bro. I love you.


i need to remind myself im doing it for a sage green kitchen and dark forest green bathroom tiles and a green couch and a green accent bedroom wall and-


Statistics is gay as hell. Things happen because God wills it not because of math


just a reminder that there’s so much more that we still don’t know about ourselves and that’s what makes life so beautiful. next year you could find your next favorite musician or fall in love with someone you haven’t even met yet. you might see a new shade of green that will become your new favorite color or you could become obsessed with a new food that you thought you once hated. we change as life goes on. we grow as life changes. our experiences shape us into a new person. it’s beautiful.


The sheer satisfaction of discarding a completed timetable!! Now it’s just me and my Philosophy readings until 2022 ♡


why does calling strangers stress me out so much to the point where i have to write out scripts for myself. oh no, i'm going to get a bad grade in phone call?


i need to remind myself im doing it for a sage green kitchen and dark forest green bathroom tiles and a green couch and a green accent bedroom wall and-


A stack of my favorite things including some lavender I picked on a walk this morning.

It’s my spring break this week, and I am definitely enjoying this much needed time to slow down and rest.

Anonymous asked:

How do you fall back in love with life?

  1. clean your room.  clean space, uncluttered space, space that doesn’t have miasma clinging to it can work wonders.  clean the dishes.  sweep.  take out the trash.  peel the clothes off the floor and wash them, and then actually fold/hang them.  take a long shower.  scrub behind your knees.  brush your teeth.  (this can be utterly exhausting, but try to get it done in a day, if you can.  the end result is worth it.)
  2. pull out your notebook.  it doesn’t need to be a new notebook, but preferably one that you don’t usually write in, or that you haven’t touched in a while.  fuck moleskins.  the yellow legal pad will work fine.  sit in your room, or in the park, or in the library, and write a list.  count clouds.  describe all the colors that you see, and note patterns that arise.  sketch the cracks in the walls.  note the shape light makes when it enters a space.  talk about what the air tastes like, smells like.  what sounds are there?  even the white nose, break that down: air planes, fans, cicadas, anything.  remind yourself that you are sitting in the middle of a space brimming with detail.  remind yourself that you are not in nothingness and emptiness.  your world is fathomless.  it has potential.
  3. drink cold water and try to eat something that isn’t processed.  it does not need to be fancy.  buy yourself an apple with the change between your couch cushions.  eat it outside.  if you’re someone who walks, walk somewhere afterwards, just to stretch your legs.  take your fucking meds.  remember that its a good thing that you are inside your body.  your body is a fantastic and endlessly intricate machine, and even though society has smacked a bunch of poisonous ideas on it, that doesn’t change its inherent worth and splendor.  take care of it.
  4. read a novel.  underline your favorite lines, and write phrases that twist your heart inside your chest on the back of your hand with an ink pen.  read a novel like it’s poetry.  read poetry, something decadent but unpretentious.  watch a movie you haven’t seen before.  if there are free art galleries near you, walk through one.  take your time.  let yourself bask.  if there are patterns in what makes your soul ache, write those patterns down – marbles arches or soot crumbling bricks or dandelions or descriptions of dresses or whatever it is, write them down.
  5. your chosen family is important.  remember, they picked you as much as you picked them.  the love has no obligation.  it is given freely and it is given from a place of compassion.  you are not a burden.  if you need to breathe, take a minute by yourself and just exist, but remember to go back to your people.  when they need you, listen and be gracious.  always be gracious.  the universe sometimes remembers things like that.
  6. listen to new music.  link jump on youtube or related artist jump on spotify or ask the chap beside you in the cafe what their favorite band is, and listen to that.  listen to something that you don’t usually listen to.  we tend to tie up a lot of memory with music.  we are falling in love again.  the soundtrack needs to be specific to that.  
  7. allow yourself to indulge in romantics.  press flowers in old books.  play movies with subtitles and mouth the words.  dance in your room.  wear something that makes you feel good, even if you wouldn’t wear it in public.  write your chosen family letters, even if you hand deliver them.  write poetry, even awful poetry.  revel in its awfulness.  eat dark chocolate and when your chosen family want to go out, try to go out with them sometimes, even if its just to the market.  

stuff i needed in my dorm room in college

there are a lot of websites that say “what you need” for college and list out a huge list of stuff to pack. they are full of bullshit, and half the shit they say you need you don’t, especially if you’re on a budget. here’s the stuff that i personally needed in the dorm rooms and in my opinion are pretty useful in college: 

  • the beds in college are extra large twin sized, which means they’re longer than normal beds. make sure you have two sets of bedsheets and pillowcases, and that you wash them regularly. i know laundry sucks, but you don’t want to be sleeping in smelly sheets. 
  • if you’re willing to splurge on a mattress pad, get one, because you don’t know what happened on those mattresses before you were there and they also tend to be a bit uncomfortable. but they’re not necessary
  • get a fuzzy blanket. you can get them at walmart or target and they are cheap. you will need emotional support while you study and wrapping yourself in a blanket like a burrito or even taking it to class is one way of getting it
  • rugs, like those cheap floofy ones, are real nice when/if you plan to use your room for hanging out a lot. my best friend had one in her room and we loved sitting on it to watch youtube vids and such. you can also bring pillows if you want to sit around on the floor more often. imo this option is way better than a couch because couches are heavy and you might have to lug em upstairs. alternatively, those dorm chairs you always see in the ads at bed bath and beyond or target for cheap are good as well. they’re popular with college kids for a reason
  • slippers. the warm kind, that you can wear around the dorm in winter. my best friend had ones with dragons on them. alternatively, fuzzy socks 
  • shower slippers. the plastic kind, that you can wear into the shower so you don’t get foot fungus (do NOT shower barefoot. i cannot stress this enough)
  • consider air freshener. cheap shit like febreeze or whatever, not for your own room, but for the communal bathroom. sometimes they smell realllllly bad (PRO GAMER TIP: if you find that there’s a communal bathroom farther away from your room but used less often, USE IT I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. communal bathrooms are GROSS and more traffic = grosser bathrooms) 
  • a cheap vacuum. one of those battery charged, compact ones. you will never know how much you will love having a vacuum until you don’t have one. some dorms keep vacuums on their floors, but they almost always smell bad. if your dorm doesn’t have carpet, congratulations! i wish i was you 
  • a tea kettle. if your dorm allows them, get one. you never know when you’ll want tea or instant ramen late at night
  • in some dorms they have open closets without doors. if you get one of those cheap shower rods, hooks, and a curtain, you can put a barrier on your closet, which is nice especially if you have people over and you don’t want them to look at your stuff
  • i think having just one set of utensils and a couple of mugs is enough in college since you eat a lot of cafeteria food anyway, but always remember to bring a sponge and dish soap so you can wash your dishes. they don’t have to be nice utensils just Utensils right
  • a good desk lamp so you don’t strain your eyes studying late at night
  • a monitor, keyboard, and mouse are great if you plan to spend a lot of time in your dorm room working on the computer. not necessary, but it’s nice to have if you work on a lot of research papers and you need a bunch of tabs/applications at one time. NOT necessary at all though 

i want to stress this: do NOT feel pressured to make your room “aesthetic” or “cute.” some people spend tons of money to make their dorm rooms look like a luxurious hotel room, and that’s fine- that’s their own money. i think in the end tho, you want your dorm room to feel like home and a place to rest at the end of the day when you’re really tired and stressed out. 

and my other pro gamer tip for you: keep your room CLEAN. if you have a roommate or share a suite with other people, it is even MORE imperative that you keep your room clean. i once went over to someone’s suite and their neighbors had rotting food on the ground and trash literally EVERYWHERE on their side of the shared study space. please don’t live like this! it is very stressful and causes anxiety! i know it’s difficult to tackle large messes, which is why it’s very important for everything to have its own place at the beginning and get into the routine of putting everything into its place after. some people are messier than others- totally understand that- but if you can’t see the floor in any part of your dorm that doesn’t have furniture, you need to clean. don’t let your dirty laundry build up either- do it consistently, every two weeks, so you have stuff to wear and your room doesn’t smell. 

hope this advice helps those of y’all starting college soon, and best of luck to you with moving in and starting a new chapter of your life!

I’m jumping onto this post because I lived in a dorm throughout my entire time at college and I have So Much Advice for dorm life and college in general.

  • You know those shower caddy things with space for your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo & conditioner, etc? Get one. You don’t want to have to hoof all your stuff to and from the bathroom and drop everything. They’re also good for storage.
  • KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN AND DO YOUR LAUNDRY. Like Daphne said, it’ll help with mental health but it’ll also be easier to stay organized and on top of things. Create a cleaning schedule if you have to. Plus you don’t want to be That Person who doesn’t change their sheets or who shows up to class with stained clothing.
  • Get a fan. A lot of dorm buildings only have heating and don’t have AC, so if you tend to get hot easily or just don’t like the heat get a fan. It also provides white noise if you’re into that.
  • If you live with someone/ a group of people, befriend them- it’ll make things a lot easier if you’re at least nice to each other. Also befriend your RA, they’ll provide a lot of support.
  • Get some kind of calendar/ white board/ planner. This will help you stay organized and you can keep track of things on your syllabus like due dates, tests, and midterms/ finals.
  • Be nice to the people on your floor and in your building. You don’t have to be best friends or even friends, but if you’re friendly enough people will be more willing to forgive things like loud music during quiet hours. If you do become friends, great!
  • A lot of colleges allow you to have a mini fridge and microwave in your room. If you want them, you can rent these directly from the housing department if you don’t want to buy one or the other (or both) or if you can’t afford to outright buy them. Talk to your roommate(s) about it so you don’t end up with two microwaves and no fridge.
  • Get a trashcan and trash bags for your room and for your bathroom if you have a private one. Dorms do have trash and recycling rooms, but you don’t want to have to walk over to them to throw out something small like a banana peel multiple times a day.

That’s all the dorm related stuff I can think of right now, but I’ll inevitably think of more at some point. The general rules are don’t be a douche and keep your space clean. Good luck out there, you’ll be ok, and kick ass!

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