
We Are Merely Players

@acrossparalleluniverses / acrossparalleluniverses.tumblr.com

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio."
Geddy Lee and Shakespeare trash
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The problem with Staff

And I hope you actually read this @staff

People are joking saying that people “can’t be horny on main anymore” but that isn’t the problem. The problem is that this is a band aid on a gunshot wound. The ONLY reason Staff is doing this is because they got pulled from the app store because child porn exists on this site and they didn’t do anything about it until they HAD to because their profits were threatened. However, they still won’t do anything about pedophiles and neonazis on this site. They won’t go after these blogs and report them to the police. Nah, just screw over sex workers and nsfw artists because they’re “doing the right thing”. It’s such a joke, they don’t care about the right thing, only what will help them get their profits back on track.

tl;dr edition: the problem isn’t “people can’t be horny on main” it’s Tumblr are screwing over innocent people who make money off of sexworking and nsfw art because they don’t know how to run a website so instead we ended up with a site full of neonazis,pedophiles and child porn.


my armenian father getting angry at a squirrel

“you are. stealink…. my nuts…”

Give him your nuts


ever notice that the mean voice in ur head that insults u is awful confident for something thats literally never done anything in its life except be mean to you… like… one of us is pathetic and its not me buddy… get a hobby… yikes

self care is roasting the mean voice in your head


The midterms are today in the US and I sure hope that as many people as possible vote. It’s important to remember that not voting serves only those in power to just continue getting away with things. They are counting on apathy. They thrive on you not caring and not being politically active or aware. Voting is a good way to shape the country for the better and to show people that you care but it’s also important to remember that your voice and influence doesn’t start and end on election days. Keep being active, protest things, contact representatives, spread awareness of issues that matter to you. And this does mean holding the people you vote for accountable. 

There’s no perfect candidate, but there are candidates who are clearly more likely to listen to their constituents and also have less reasons to criticise them. Vote for the best option, and then force them to be even better once they’re in office. Don’t let a flawed candidate get in on the grace of being the lesser of two evils and then mistakenly think you’ve forgotten what’s wrong with them. Don’t think voting for someone is a binding contract to agree with the person you vote for on everything. Remind them that even though they won against their opponents that they have a job to do and a responsibility to listen and work for the people who voted for them… or next election you get to exercise your right to vote them out.

So vote. Do it.


I just had this hyper-realistic dream and like. I don’t even know what to make of this lmao 

I was sitting in this park, on a bench, looking up at the night sky and all the stars and stuff, and I blinked and suddenly the entire sky was different. I’m talking different constellations, the sky absolutely packed with billions more stars, some so close they’re massive. I’m like wtf and suddenly I realise there’s an old man sitting next to me, dressed in like 1940s clothing, also looking up at the sky.

before I can ask him if he’s you know, noticed, he speaks, without looking away from the sky.

“this is what the universe really looks like,” he tells me.

“oh,” I say. a pause. “…can you put it back?”

he smiles and nods. I look up. the sky has gone back to normal.

“what do I do with this information?” I ask, looking at him again.

he turns his head and, smiling, looks me dead in the face. "be careful.“


listen i had to draw it

I love this.

that wasn’t a dream and you get god

You got a visit from SCP-990


i had the best human interaction of all time last night. i was sitting at a bar eating an appetizer and this guy comes up to order a drink and stares at my food and comments how good it looks. when i am drunk i use the word bitch like it is a comma, i plug it into any space in a sentence possible. so naturally the first thing i say to this stranger is, “go ahead and take one, bitch.”

he looks SO shocked and taken aback and goes “what did you just say? how do you know my name?” so i sit there for a moment trying to figure out what the fuck he is talking about, and then go, “…. bitch?” and he looks so relieved and tells me his name is mitch.

i cannot stop thinking about this. oh my god. imagine going into a bar and someone you know for a fact youve never met approaches you and says “go ahead and take one, mitch.” im cracking the fuck up. he looked like he thought this was the fucking truman show


I keep trying to like red wine like a grown-up but like … it’s rotten grapes, guys. You can drink things that don’t taste like rotten grapes. Why

Okay I don’t know when this post is from (I came across it stalking multiple blogs). But in case this might help, here is a brief science/wine lesson.

To start off, some facts:

-White wine is made from sweet pulp inside of the grape (minus the seeds).

-Red wine is made from both the skin and the grape (and the seeds and stems…sometimes? Can’t remember).

-Tannin is the substance found in red wines, coffee, dark chocolate. Tannins are responsible for the bitter taste in those foods.

-Tannins are found in the skin of the grape, as well as the seeds and the stems. Therefore, most red wines will have tannins, versus most whites will not have tannins.

-Red wines vary in level of tannins, depending on variety of grape, climate, and fermentation process. Pinot noir tends to be very low tannin. Shiraz/Syrah, choice of poison for our beloved brunette surgeon, is very heavy on the tannins.

-Some white wines (most commonly Chardonnay) are aged in oak barrels instead of metal containers. Oak barrels have tannins, which seeps into the wine during the fermentation process. That’s why Chardonnays tend to be “drier” aka it has tannins.

-White wines like Sauvingnon Blancs are usually fermented in steel barrels (aka no tannins. Aka usually very fruity and light and sweet).

Your ability to taste tannins is genetic.

There is a genetic marker determining whether your taste cells are sensitive to tannins.

Basically two people can drink the exact same wine and have wildly different reactions because: 1. Person A can’t taste tannins, so they taste the actual wine flavor. 2. Person B can taste tannins, and that tends to overpower ALL the other flavors in the wine. Basically all they taste is tannins and none of the wine.

I am super tannin sensitive, so if I drink a wine like Cabernet Sauvignon (very tannin heavy, aka “very dry”, it tastes like bitter ethanol alcohol to me, whereas my best friend can’t taste tannins so the same wine is maybe a little bitter but they can actually taste the grape and different flavors. To her, a wine like Sauv Blanc is too sweet, tastes like sugar water. But to me it tastes good.

So unless it’s the taste of the alcohol or all wines you hate, chances are you might hate the taste of red wine, especially the heavier red wines, because taste the tannin overpowers everything else. And all you taste is bitter bitter ethanol bitter more ethanol. 

More tannin info: -Tannins bind to fat.

-This is why tannin heavy wines are recommended with fatty foods (Shiraz and steak). Whenever you eat food with high fat content, the fat builds up on your tongue. A sip of red wine will bind with the fat on your tongue and clear it away. That’s why the sip of wine between bites of fat heavy foods is considered a palate cleanser.

-By that logic, this is why white wines are recommended with low fat foods, like fish. Salmon is fattier than most fish, which is why Chardonnay (tannin heavy white wine) or Pinot Noir (low tannin red wine) is recommended with salmon.

-People who are sensitive to tannins can drink tannin heavy red wines with fatty food and generally the wine won’t taste gross. The fat on your tongue (from that steak) will bind with the tannin and neutralize the tannin taste. Aka the only time I ever drink Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz is with a steak or heavy, creamy pasta. Aka never bc I don’t often eat either.

-The reason dairy helps coffee taste better is because the fat in milk/creams binds with the tannins in coffee and neutralizes the bitter taste. This is why people who can’t taste tannins can generally drink coffee black without milk (sugar is a different story). It’s also why almond milk in coffee is the worst idea (almond milk is already bitter and has no fat).

More wine facts: -90% of the “aromas” of wine are marketing BS

-You know the labels that say like “cherry with a hint of blackberry?” There’s no real way to infuse cherry or blackberry into grape wine without screwing with the fermentation process. It’s all created by the wine marketing industry to sell you win. Sometimes if you smell cherry before you drink the wine, you might taste it in the wine (because majority of flavor comes from smell). Or if you think there is cherry flavor in the wine, your brain can trick your taste buds into tasting it.

-The only true flavors found in real grape wine are grapes (obviously), oak/earthy flavor (the barrels), vanilla (barrels, oak sticks), tannins. (There are a few others but can’t remember. I think maybe cinnamon?).

-People’s perception of wine often affect how good it tastes to them. Social psychology studies show that people will rate the exact same wine differently if they’re told the wines are different in price. (They rated the more expensive wine as tastier).

tl;dr Whether you can taste tannins is genetic. Exact same wines taste different for different people depending on your genetic makeup. If you’re sensitive to tannins, red wines won’t taste like anything other than bitter alcohol. Genetics/tannins are why people generally have preferences for red or whites.

this is extremely informative and i have learned a thing about myself, which is that i CLEARLY inherited the tannin-tasting genes from my teatotaling mother and not from my dad who subsists entirely on espresso and cabernet sauvignon.

honestly this just changed my life

@apteryxrowi likes wine and I hate it: science!



Smash that mf reblog button if you stoically ignore all labelled washing instructions and everything your mama ever told you about laundry and just send those bastards hurgling around in an overfilled tub to meet either death or glory


Something I learned from a costume designer: if an item can be washed multiple ways the designer is only legally obligated to put one of the ways on the tag, but if there’s only one way to wash that item they have to put Only on the instructions

If the tag says “Dry Clean” it’s safe to machine wash but the designer thinks it looks better if you get it dry cleaned 

But if it says “Dry Clean Only” you will destroy it if you wash it any other way


Reblogging for that last bit which this 37 yr old adult did not lnowy


imagine hearing “hall of the mountian king” for the first time in 1875. the sheer chaos imagine being some norwegian aristocrat and sitting down for a nice day at the symphony and getting your entire wig and life snatched right before your very eyes

i’m just saying grieg went tf off!


any superhero that has to put their gender in their name is irrefutably trans.

superman? trans. she-hulk? trans. wonder woman? hella trans. batman? spiderman? supergirl? iron man? invisible woman? superboy?

completely, 100% trans

it’s the superhero equivalent of wearing a pronoun button

someone just asked me if this rule applies to he-man, master of the universe.

the answer is of course.


[Video ID: A businessman is demonstrating cracking open a large nut by slamming his fist into it. The nut, having other ideas, breaks through the table instead upon being slammed, leaving a nut-sized hole. The businessman loses it.]

@kialessa I’m fucking losing it at this description fkdkdksks


is that table made of paper like the Titanic is


My mom woke me up and was like “get up let’s go to the market” so I was like ‘okay’ and I got up and got dressed and went out into the kitchen to see my mom just waking up still in her robe and she turns to me and I’m confused because she was just dressed? So I was like “did you just tell me to get up and go somewhere with you or did I dream that??????????” And she was like “…. no… I was thinking about waking you up in a few hours to ask if you wanted to go to the farmers market with me though…”

So like I had a dream she woke me up to go to the farmers market that was real enough for me to get up and get dressed only for her to tell me she had only thought about waking me up to go to the farmers market????

I was just like “yeah well you think too loud it woke me up” and went back to bed because like ??

It’s starting…

This reply is omenous and slightly terrifying

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