
@cherryhub-remade /

i’m yours, you're mine 세계의 비밀

I've seen a considerable number of people discussing how lack of accessible, safe abortion will force pregnant trans people on T off of it. That's a good conversation, and I'm glad it's happening. I now want to add another dimension to the conversation. Testosterone is not the only medication that is considered unsafe for pregnancy.

An incomplete list of medications that are not considered safe for pregnancy:

-All current stimulant medications for ADHD

-Lithium, for bipolar disorder

-Some medicines to control seizures, such as valproic acid

-ACE inhibitors, for blood pressure

-Xanax and Valium, for anxiety

-Diabetes medication other than insulin

-All pain medication except for Tylenol, which can cause liver damage if overused

Most of these medications can be approved for use during pregnancy if your doctor considers the risk of not using them higher than the risk to the fetus. However, many pregnant people are forced onto medications that do not work well for them because the medication that they use is strongly discouraged. In addition, the changing of medications can wreak havoc on if your insurance is willing to pay for what you've changed to- an additional expense on top of the usual financial burden of pregnancy care.

This is hard enough for disabled people to deal with when they are pregnant voluntarily. If abortion is criminalized, then use of medications that may cause defects or miscarriage will likely be considered criminal if there is a miscarriage. This is especially true if there is no exception for the life of the pregnant person.

This only scratches the surface of the problems that disabled people will face if abortion is made inaccessible. For this and many other reasons, maternal mortality and/or morbidity is strongly elevated for disabled people. I strongly encourage you to consider disabled people as a particularly vulnerable group in regards to this issue, and to consider our needs important.

Further reading on disabled people and pregnancy mortality or morbidity is linked below. They refer to all pregnant people as mothers and women, but the data that they have collated is still important.


A lot of immunomodulators, particularly mercaptopurine and methotrexate, are also not safe. Not only important for medications for autoimmune patients, but also cancer patients and organ transplant recipients. All of these drugs are called "teratogenic", meaning they cause issues with fetal malformation or may otherwise interfere with a pregnancy (or potentially transmitted through milk).

Imagine being told you have to sacrifice the safety of your donated kidney, heart, lung, or liver for the sake of a pregnancy. There may be other options for medication, but they can have other terrible side effects or not be effective enough.

With bans on abortion, it can quickly turn into restrictions from every potential teratogenic drug out there for people who can become pregnant. And honestly, most drugs are not well researched on potential teratogenic effects because it's unethical. The best you get is animal studies.

I personally use a relatively new class of meds, a Janus Kinase Inhibitor, for my autoimmune disease. We still don't properly understand potential teratogenic effects. Some say it's safe, other studies disagree. One study had 25 healthy babies, one congenital heart defect, and 7 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages). There's no saying whether that's caused by the drug or not.

But lawmakers are shitty at science and medicine and they will take that as that you caused an abortion because that could POTENTIALLY be the case.

Methotrexate is used to abort ectopic pregnancies. If someone starts Methotrexate for, say, Psoriasis, not knowing they were pregnant and they miscarry, I wouldn't put it past the system to try and prosecute that.

I imagine people with even the potential to get pregnant will get denied drugs like methotrexate on the idea that they will possibly have fertilized eggs and immediately abort them.

Thank you for reminding me of the word "teratogenic", it's exactly the one I was thinking of but could not for the life of me remember. I strongly suspect that you're right about drugs like methotrexate.


it seems that a while ago something or somebody apparently managed to convince the lesbian community here on tumblr that it is not their responsibility to oppose the violent transmisogyny creeping faster and faster across the face of the LGBT community as of late, and i’m here to remind you that that is utter bullshit.

it doesn’t matter what your intentions are when you make posts saying “the lesbian community has never been transphobic” it is patently untrue; the lesbian community (both in general and specifically here on tumblr) has an enormous, widespread, ongoing transmisogyny problem and brushing off terfs as a fringe vocal minority rather than a quickly growing hategroup that, whether you notice it or not, is creeping into your social spheres is dangerous and makes the lesbian community a dangerous place for trans women. i say this as one myself: it is the responsibility of all lesbians to make our community safe for trans women, and as soon as we ignore or reject that responsibility, trans women WILL be harmed.


other than the obvious terf dogwhistles that i hope yall have filtered i am begging u to filter tags like cottagecore n goblincore etc. like i prommy u can get cute nature pics from ppl who arent white supremacists/adjacent


the phrase “cringe culture is dead” was made so kids and neurodivergent people can have fun with their interests without being mocked, not so you can have super problematic interests and ship adults with kids without getting backlash.


damn lol i only have £4 to my name until next week…

just paid my gas and electricity bills but im in the negatives now 😭 if anyone wants to help me out until my next pay check that’d be very appreciated !!!

pypl / cshpp: bbhsgirl


White woman calling out imaginary white women while an entire courtroom is filled with white women who worship a white guy 


This is a great example of how white people, and white women in particular in this instance, will co-opt language around racism to defend the status quo (aka, their white favs). Princess Weekes pointed out in their video on true crime and the theater of safety (around the 17:00 mark) that white people have been throwing around the term “white woman tears” during this case to describe Amber’s testimony about her rape – the rape allegations she is making against her ex-husband who is also a powerful WHITE MAN.

These terms were created to describe how white women weaponize their white womanhood to level false accusations against innocent men of color and ethnically vulnerable populations to get them murdered; men like Leo Frank, and even boys, like Emmett Till.

Johnny Depp is a rich and powerful white man who abused his wife. It’s disgusting and disrespectful that white people are co-opting this language to defend a piece of shit abuser. It’s also disheartening, because I already know that when the sensationalism around the case dies out and it becomes clear to everyone that they were senselessly harassing a survivor of abuse, white people are going turn right back around and use this to discount people of color and our experiences white whiteness and white womanhood - never mind that it was other white people, and specifically white women, co-opting language about whiteness to defend a powerful white man.

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