
Work in Progress


Hello to anyone who’s found their way here!  As someone with a creative writing background , I love to discuss my views on tv/movies/books/etc. Anything creative that I find interesting/need to rant about.  All of my posts here are personal opinions, nothing more.  But if you happened to stumble on one of my posts and want to read more, thank you.

X-Men '97, Ep1x05 - Remember It (1 of 2) (Spoilers)

Mid-Season episodes are usually known to set up the second half of the season, or have some sort of shocking moment/cliffhanger.  But this episode really outdid itself.  In fact, there’s so much to talk about in this episode that I’m actually going to create two posts for it.  This first post is going to be about the events leading up to the Gala.  The second post, naturally, will be the Gala itself and the aftermath.


X-Men ’97, Ep.1x04 – Motendo/Lifedeath – Pt. 1 (Spoilers)

This episode is interesting as it has one short story and the first third of a second one.  It’s also the shortest episode of the season.  And, really, there’s not much to talk about here (at least for the first half).


X-Men ’97, Ep.1x03 – Fire Made Flesh (Spoilers)

One thing we’ve seen constantly as comics have been adapted to tv and film, are the complaints of some that the story isn’t accurate enough.  In some cases, people do have a point, as so much is changed that the story or property becomes unrecognizable.  In the case of this episode, however, this is a great example of how change can actually be good.  This episode is loosely based on the Inferno Saga and, uh, a few years of the comics. And I'm going to spend some time discussing why I feel these changes were necessary, but I want to do a recap of the story first.


Queen Charlotte, Ep.1x02 - Honeymoon Bliss

Look, I know realistically that Lord Danbury is being kept away from society events because of his skin color.  But, good Lord, the man’s an ass.  I can’t imagine anyone would want to be around him period. 

This is probably going to be a fairly short summery.  This episode is high on drama, but short on plot.  It’s fun to watch, but doesn’t take much to describe.


X-Men ’97, Ep.1x02 – Mutant Liberation Begins (Spoilers)

One thing I do want to briefly mention is how much I enjoy the music in the show.  The background music for the original series, bar the main theme, was…well, let’s just say it isn’t where the money went.  The score for this show is so much better.

I’m not really going to do a full recap for this episode, more of a rundown of some of important things that happen.  I would say that episode two is probably the weakest episode of the season.  It’s still got some very powerful moments, but there’s a lot of things being set up or dealt with in this episode and due to time constraints some things are just handled too quickly or some things don’t quite work like they should.


Queen Charlotte, Ep. 1 – Queen to Be

This is a show that I’ve been trying to watch for some time and I refuse to watch season 3 of Bridgerton until I do (just in case there are spoilers).  So, from what I‘ve seem it looks like the show is split between young Charlotte and current Charlotte, although it’s more younger then older (at least in this episode).  To make it easier for myself, I probably won’t bounce back and forth between the two unless it’s necessary.  I’ll write about one and then the other.


X-Men ’97, Ep. 1x01 – To Me, My X-Men (Spoilers)

I started writing my thoughts on the original series, but I quickly gave that up when I realized that I clearly had some slightly rose-tinted glasses for that show.  It’s a good show, but I remember it being better than it was.  Also, I only watched the first 3 and a half seasons when I was younger.  Doing a rewatch now, I can see that it clearly dropped off in writing around the fourth season. 


So, I recently learned about the “say their names to save their lives” campaign on social media that has helped Iranians sentenced to die by the regime in the past.

I am now asking you guys for help with that again.

There is an Iranian Jew named Arvin Netanel ben Siona, whose execution date is set for this Saturday. The Iranian Jewish community have tried endlessly to pursue his release, but to no avail.

Please spread his name.


Well, I can see this is going to be a controversial season of Doctor Who. I mean, I'm enjoying it and this is the most interested I've been in years (like midway through Capaldi was the last time) but ah...it'll be interesting to see where this goes

I think RTD is trying to do something season-long here. The tone is even more over-the-top camp than usual and reality seems just a bit out to lunch.

The doctor invoked a superstition at the edge of the universe and all of this is the consequences thereof

"One, probability is a factor which operates within natural forces. Two, probability is not operating as a factor. Three, we are now within un-, sub-, or supernatural forces."

I think the doctor broke something and hasn't fully realized it yet


Well, I can see this is going to be a controversial season of Doctor Who. I mean, I'm enjoying it and this is the most interested I've been in years (like midway through Capaldi was the last time) but ah...it'll be interesting to see where this goes


Toomaj didn't just protest to the mandatory hijab laws

In his songs he called out the islamic republic AND its western lobby groups like NIAC for ALL of their horrible crimes like murder of innocents, embezzlement, destroying Iran etc

He hit these terrorists where it truly hurt them

That's why the mullah regime hates Toomaj so much

That's why he's the hero of Iranians

Say his name

Be his voice



"Don't use Libby because it costs libraries too much, pirate instead" is such a weird, anti-patron, anti-author take that somehow manages to also be anti-library, in my professional librarian-ass opinion.

It's well documented that pirating books negatively affects authors directly* in a way that pirating movies or TV shows doesn't affect actors or writers, so I will likely always be anti-book piracy unless there's absolutely, positively no other option (i.e. the book simply doesn't exist outside of online archives at all, or in a particular language).

Also, yeah, Libby and Hoopla licenses are really expensive, but libraries buy them SO THAT PATRONS CAN USE THEM. If you're gonna be pissed at anybody about this shitty state of affairs, be pissed at publishing companies and continue to use Libby or Hoopla at your library so we can continue to justify having it to our funding bodies.

One of the best ways to support your library having services you like is to USE THOSE SERVICES. Yes, even if they are expensive.

*Yes, this is a blog post, but it's a blog post filled with links to news articles. If you can click one link, you can click another.


Please, PLEASE use Libby. OverDrive. Hoopla. CloudLibrary. Kanopy. Flipster. Freegal. Transparent Language. Mango. Jstor. Your library would not offer it if they could not afford it, and we afford things by reporting the number of people who use that service, so if you don't use the service we can't afford it. It's a cycle. Keep it going, keep using it, and we'll keep providing because we'll be able to justify the cost to the bean counters in government.

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