
Sewy :3

@yoshi4everlove / yoshi4everlove.tumblr.com

I am only reblogged now... Because the name this post is some weird and it's not my pseodonim name... sooo... I upload my drawings in: @sewyclub. This post is for enjoy. :3

No se porque vuelvo a este blog :v

No hago nada aqui... lo siento blog ;-; te reemplaze por el otro :v Lololololololol


More doodles…

Hello, my name is the evil cuteness granting  witch.

Goth belongs to @nekophy

Palette belongs to @angexci

Bonnie, Freddy, Chica and Foxy belongs to Scot

Ganz belongs to @golzy

Cross!Chara belongs to @jakei95

Librarian!Goth, Cheerleader!Palette and Swap!Cross!Chara belongs to @blogthegreatrouge

cuteness to the max!!!!

aww I miss Caster too X3

lol dat palette and chara though XD



haciendo request en el stream…y la gente pedía comida ._.

bueno muchas gracias a todos los que estuvieron x3


I… I don’t even know anymore

Oooh miren este pedazo de dibujo (/'-')/


Oyeme que?! Noooo (/'-')/

Nooooo!!! Queria dibujar hoy!!! Porque me hacen esperar mas?!... Mañana nuuuu... Cuando vuelva mi pc no lo voy soltar mas y y voy dibujar hasta caer desmayada!!! Ok no... Es broma xD... pero dibujare mucho (/'-')/ bueno no importa soy paciente... es que tambien quiero alcanzar hacerle un regal... Digo... nada nada nada... que lo puede leer 7u7


Please accept this 15 year old artist that had drawn a chibi Geno with cheap crayola markers that my friend asked me to make.

Im sending this to you because i love your artwork and because you are one hella rad broski!! Stay awsome!!! (Art by rt-creep) CQ’s Response: WOAH now this is dang adorable!!! I’m glad you sent it to me, he looks fantastic! You stay awesome too, never stop drawin!!

Wait... rt-creep?! I know who is he?!!! :D Ooooh so cute!!!!!!!! ^O^


Thank you for 200+ ;-; is so special for me! 

x3 I practiced a little animation!

Kurome belongs to @sewyclub

Shadow by me! 


Oooooh!!!! Yay (/’-’)/ First… Congratulations!!! You deserved it and more sweetie!!! ♡ And second… OH MY GOD!!! you are practising animation? Cool!!! They look awesome and cute… ♥ Sigue asi ^O^ And thank you because you are so nice with me ( ’-’)b


I don't know why?! ( '-')?

How i can have more followers?! And why i recieve their support?! I didn't nothing... at least these days. Welp... now you know why i think the fandom are so lovely hee hee... I just i having the thought of the day... mulling? Maybe xD as always hahaha... have a good day ♡

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