


I am a very sad person who doesn't believe in love.

Facts that adults don’t tell you about bullying

- Communication doesn’t work on bullies. Telling a bully they’re making you feel bad is the wrong way to go. They want to make you feel bad. That’s the point.

- being kind to a bully doesn’t always mean they’ll stop. Sometimes it means they’ll just use your kindness to manipulate you while still continuing to bully you.

- not every bully has a sympathetically tragic home life. Sometimes people are just mean. Sometimes people just get off on hurting others.

- on that note, a tough home life is a reason, not an excuse. You don’t have to put up with bullying because somebody’s life sucks, just like you don’t have to let someone mug you because they’re broke.

- in order to forgive someone, they have to apologize first. If your bully has not apologized to you, you do not owe them anything.

- getting bullied as a kid can still mess you up in adult life. Maybe kids grow out of being bullies, but the marks they left often don’t go away.

- there are ways to get people to stop bullying you, but they almost all involve being mean back.

- as long as parents keep raising shitty bullying kids, there will be bullies. No amount of assemblies and hand-drawn posters will fix the problem. It’s the parents’ fault.

- It’s not your responsibility to fix your bully or to stop the abuse they send your way, but some adults sure will act like it is.

- Many times (especially in the case of girls) your friends can be your bullies. This makes things even worse as these are people who know you and your intimate secrets and use them to their advantage. If your friends are bullies, don’t take crap from them. Get new friends. 

im gonna throw in that its never your fault, people will pick a target to gang up on because theyd rather it be you than them. even if you think “this must be because im weird”- everyone is weird, in different ways. anyone can be made a target. it’s not just you for some reason in particular, i promise.

Don’t listen to adults who tell you to ‘just ignore it and they’ll go away’. You should not ignore abuse when it happens, you should not have to sit through abuse and pretend everything is okay. Get mad, react, tell someone.

You don’t deserve to be abused. You deserve to be safe at school or home or in your comunity.



I’ve never had a reheading go this horribly before. I’d say I’m pretty good at beheading- I may have broken a neck once or twice, but never any parts I actually liked or intended on keeping, and usually a reheading is the easiest thing, right? Just a little squish and a pop and done, a complete person. But this time it just- it just won’t go back on the body?? Which is incredibly frustrating but also, like, why??

And the funniest thing is, I’m not even swapping a head!! This is a curvy dancer head going onto a curvy dancer body!! They match!! This should have been so simple!! But no, this head’s just flopping around like a limp flaccid idiot and my hands are all red and sore now but the head just isn’t attaching all the way!!

Today I did six beheadings and two other reheadings, and I wanted to get this one attached so I could take a picture, but somehow it just isn’t working!! The head is just getting squished around but isn’t stretching over the neck right!! And I’m way too lazy to go and boil the head just to make the slip easier!! And I don’t wanna keep forcing it cuz I might break something but this is!! So frustrating!!

Like, what could I possibly be doing wrong!! Fuck!!

I boiled the head and it popped right onto the neck in like two seconds.

I’m an idiot. Always do things the proper way from the get-go. Saves a lot of wasted time and struggle and ouchy hands.



I fucking hate it when you’re in such a fantastically giddy mood and then you see one simple little thing that makes you think, “oh” and then you just get this empty feeling in your chest and you get nauseous and the world just crumbles and you want to just lay under a blanket and close your eyes and fall asleep and never wake up. 


From what my therapist told me, this happens because our emotions aren’t really on the ‘opposite’ ends like we tend to think of it. Happiness is not ‘up’ and sadness is not ‘down’-. In a way they’re actually right ‘next’ to each other.

If you’re super happy, it can turn into super sad very easily, because your emotions are already highly elevated and it’s only a very minor shift as far as your brain is concerned.

Knowing this can help you fight it, and it can help you be more aware of what’s going on while you’re happy and help avoid shifting towards misery.

I used to always wonder why it seemed like my happy days ‘couldn’t last’ or that bad things would ‘always’ happen when I was happy. It’s not that happiness is doomed to fail, it’s that emotions are volatile. I hope that helps people who experience this too- when you understand what’s going on more it’s easier to manage.

Source: squareclocks
“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”

— Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper


why does this have 32k notes? it’s just a picture of a knife in a ranch bottle, is there some unspoken joke that 32 thousand people share? what is going on here, i dont get it. it’s just a fucking picture of a knife in a ranch bottle. is there some spiritual connection people have to this picture? is there some ominous and mystical reasoning that this has 32 thousand notes? do people reblog this because it makes them look like some indie blogger? or is there just something funny to this? someone please explain


no one tell him

Scheduling this to post on March 15 because it needs to happen.

The ides of March have come


Beware the ides of March.


Everyone please listen up

Net Neutrality has been in debate since June, and now it’s back to being one of the main topics. But what happened to it trending #1? “Verizon, is that you. Did you get a bit angry about the fact that there are individuals willing to fight for their rights?”

For all of you who don’t know, Net Neutrality is basically the freedom of the internet. Without it, large companies would be allowed to charge extra for things like using Google, watching Youtube, using Amazon, going on other websites, etc. However, there are 5 individuals who are in charge of deciding what happens to this freedom and they are voting. Only 2 of them want to keep it. We literally need 1 more person to save Net Neutrality.

Guys, if you don’t care, then I’ll give you a reason. Are you in a fandom? Do you connect with people from the U.S and other countries thanks to this fandom? Have you made friends with any of them? Do you like reading, watching, writing, or drawing fan art, or fanfics? Ok, if you answers yes to any of these then let me ask you one more thing. Are you willing to pay extra money, that you wouldn’t before, just to stay connected with your fandom? Remember, if you don’t pay you lose all of this. What if you can’t afford this extra cost? What then? Do you simply say goodbye to your fandom, your friends, your passion?

For some of us in fandoms, these people are the only thing we have. We help each other even if we are halfway across the world. I have seen what we can do. But when you have something like Net Neutrality gone, these individuals, books, art, etc., that you were once connected to won’t be there. “But for the cost of an extra $10.99 we can include Google to your monthly plan.”

Is this what you want your future to be like?


i’d be a terrible superhero i’d be at home and see the signal calling me in the sky and be like “i literally just sat down”

I’m a paradox. I want to be happy, but I think of things that make me sad. I’m lazy, yet I’m ambitious. I don’t like myself, but I also love who I am. I say I don’t care, but I really do. I crave attention, but reject it when it comes my way. I’m a conflicted contradiction. If I can’t figure myself out, there’s no way anyone else has.

Unknown (via help-n-quotes)

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