
Disaster Nerd

@sugarpenchant / sugarpenchant.tumblr.com

This is a mess of whatever. Currently Bullet Train mostly. 35 // Brisbane // ADHD // Queer. ao3 everythingremainsconnected. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency fan blog: everythingremainsconnected

ok so I'm rewatching 7x05 and right before Eddie finds the picture of Marisol as a nun, he says (to Marisol, who is in the shower), "Maybe we should go through your boxes and weed some things out. Don't wanna bring any duplicates, do we?"

and if that isn't foreshadowing the Shannon/Kim thing :') like yeah he's talking to Marisol, but it might as well be about how he's gotta unpack some things (past relationship trauma) before there's any chance to move on and/or in


That’s a pretty cool political opinion you got there dude. Did your web of online friends and mutuals who all subconsciously monitor each other and self-correct in a panopticon-esque fashion to ensure that your views all stay in line with each other’s at all times pick it for you?

“I’m safe from having my political views dictated by others because I’m catholic” is probably the funniest thing you could add to this


There are three kinds of LGBT headcanons:

  1. Actual queer coding / metaphors ("Nimona is trans because her creator made her as a way to express his feelings as a trans person")
  2. Vibes ("Link is genderless because I said so")
  3. It's funny ("Phoenix Wright is asexual because he's the Ace Attorney")

This whole thing is unspeakably cruel but here's some highlights

And then he had to GPS locate his fucking dog.

Oh yeah. Also,

Well this is interesting


Would love to hear tumblr's explanation for what community guidelines are violated by screenshots of an article about a fully settled law suit.

It's obviously not terrorism.

It does not contain hate speech (and if you tried to argue that posting factual reporting about things done by police officers which happens to show them in a negative light is hate speech-- I would point out Tumblr's guidelines against hate speech protect "race, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability or disease," not occupation.)

The only person harmed is Perez, who is an adult, so it's not harm to minors.

Promotion or glorification of self harm? There is some brief mention of Perez pulling out his hair, hitting himself, and later attempting suicide, which is reported as part of the facts of the case, and which is not described in detail and does not encourage others to do the same in any way.

It's clearly not sexually explicit.

Violent content and threats-- Well it does report on threats made by police towards Perez! But if factual reporting of non violent threats made between people who were not using tumblr at the time counts as violating this guideline, then it has been enforced VERY inconsistently elsewhere. A certain individual's own posts complaining that another user threatened him by saying he should die in a car explosion with hammers would notably be in violation of this guideline.

It is not a social gesture scheme. It does not include deceptive or fraudulent links. The article is right there with the writer's name attached so it's not misattribution. It'd be very funny to see someone justify this being a case of username squatting or account dormancy. The images are not spam, there was no mass registration, there is no illegitimate promotion involved, no third party themes.

If the writer or publisher of the article considered sharing screenshots under a link to the article to be copyright infringement, then tumblr has clearly failed in its duty to provide the user involved with information regarding the complaint so that they might determine the validity of the claim.

No one is being impersonated. The police officers involved are not named, so can not be targets of harassment. It does not violate privacy to repeat information already widely published. it does not disrupt or exploit the tumblr servers. The photos on this post are not engaged in any illegal act and do not depict an illegal act being performed (even if it should be). They do not interfere with an election, and they are certainly not facilitating human trafficking or prostitution.

So I'm at a loss to explain this decision. Given tumblr has not been so explicitly pro-police in the past, I can only assume this was done by automods in response to false reports. Which is a great illustration of why an algorithm should not be allowed to make these decisions without human oversight.

And also why abuse of moderation tools and false reporting should probably be added to that list of guidelines. :|


normalize calling viagra and menopausal hormone treatments gender affirming care


the absolute terror people have about transgender hrt is diminished when you point out that actually, my mom does the same thing and so does yours probably 🤷‍♀️ pretty banal in reality


Don't let them lie to you about this. They're acting like the llms are some inherently uncontrollable natural process.

My mom used to write code for the US Navy, and one of the first things she drilled into me when school was teaching us LogoWriter was "A computer is only as smart as the person who programmed it." The creators of these systems have full control over how they operate and what kind of input they're "trained" on. They were just lazy about it, and now the consequences are too big and costly to be worth fixing.

Don't let them lie to you about how this works. They just don't want to take it offline (costs money) and spend the time and money actually doing a good job. They just don't want to admit that it wasn't ready to be released.


"We are sorry but our generate-words-without-context tool is now generating answers without context when people ask it questions"

"Okay so why do you have it answering questions?"

". . ."

I’ve said it before; AI is not being implemented to be good. It’s there to be an ‘act of God’ machine that can be blamed for corporate negligences.


“Fuck you and the horse you rode in on” Okay it’s fine to hate me or whatever but you do understand the horse is not a part of this right. Like he’s only here because I got on his back and steered him here. I treat him exceptionally well but if he saw anything slightly strange he would run into the woods and forget about me forever. Take it back.


i think actually the key to successfully doing tumblr (and especially doing fandom on tumblr) is realising that your blog is your little house and you can post about whatever you like there. once you realise you are just living in and decorating your very own silly little online house you start focusing on what makes you happy rather than constantly performing for & compromising your tastes for & placing all your self worth on little scraps of clout, and you will be a lot happier for it


Why are you defending pedophilia?


Why are you online? Right now, in this moment? Do you have anything else that gives your life more meaning and value? Do you have hobbies you care about, or volunteering you feel good about? How do you spend your days? How many hours a week do you spend on tumblr, doomscrolling through the same narrow circle of people who have convinced you that any anti-censorship sentiment must be the same as actively supporting harm? What else could you be doing with your life?

Have you ever been a doctor? Have you ever cared medically for people who’ve survived childhood sexual abuse? What do those patients say, what made a difference for them? How many of them were denied the vocabulary to describe what was being done to them, the ways in which they were being exploited, by the same power structures and censorship that facilitated their abuse?

What makes you think that keeping bad things in the dark where they can’t be discussed makes them go away?

What nightmares would you like to forget so much that you’d rather amplify your depression and anxiety a thousand times by getting involved in this utterly poisonous discourse than have something worthwhile to do with your time that gave you joy and a feeling of accomplishment, rather than a few seconds of righteous adrenaline, fear masquerading as anger masquerading as power?


You are all going to be SHOCKED that someone has already replied to this as if the ask was in good faith about something I actually said, instead of “censorship ‘for the children’ can readily be twisted to make queer people existing harmful to children and that is not hypothetical and it happened in my lifetime and is happening now and never stopped happening”

but I do suspect that person also spends more time online than they’re comfortable with as a substitute for having a rewarding life where they risk sometimes being wrong.


To the shock of ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, the "question"* asker is a fucking terf.

*bad faith bullshit

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