
Sometimes Here.


|Atheist| |INTJ|
|Proud American|
|Dictionary Feminist|
*Not a white male*
//side blog
Anonymous asked:

“4th of july isn’t a white holiday” you think native americans were ever celebrating the fourth? come on now.

I’m not white and I celebrate it though... cause I’m like.. American, you know?


The premise is simple. Men who love men are gay. Women who love women are lesbians. People who love both are bisexual. You need dysphoria to be trans. Pronouns are gendered. Gender is not a feeling. Gender and sexuality are not choices. GNC people exist.


why does this have 32k notes? it’s just a picture of a knife in a ranch bottle, is there some unspoken joke that 32 thousand people share? what is going on here, i dont get it. it’s just a fucking picture of a knife in a ranch bottle. is there some spiritual connection people have to this picture? is there some ominous and mystical reasoning that this has 32 thousand notes? do people reblog this because it makes them look like some indie blogger? or is there just something funny to this? someone please explain


no one tell him

Scheduling this to post on March 15 because it needs to happen.

March 15 again and here we go…



The forgotten category of privilege. 

We all know about racial privilege, privilege that comes with being born into certain classes, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ability, citizenship, and so many more, but often forgotten is religious privilege.  When I walk into a classroom in the south the first thing I do is evaluate the professor, look for religious paraphernalia, listen to any and all comments about religion, and judge how kind and accepting they sound. This judgment has nothing to do with their beliefs. It doesn’t affect me in anyway if they believe in a god, many gods, no gods, or the flying spaghetti monster. What does affect me is their response to me being an atheist.  It is a real concern that the way I am viewed, treated, and evaluated will be impacted by my atheism being revealed. My safety is a concern. It has recently been brought to my attention that people within some of the major religions(especially in the south) do not face this. They do not walk into a classroom wondering if it is safe to announce their faith. They do not wonder if a cross around their neck will limit their chance of getting a job.  I’m not saying that theists never receive negative responses for their stances, rather, I am saying their life is not constantly revolving around whether or not they can be them in a certain setting. 

It is time to start talking about religious privilege. 


My university celebrating LGBT history month with… every flag except the gay pride and lesbian flag. …. mogai hell seeping into real life I’m going to Die.

If all these weirdo mogai creeps were just playing pretend online, I would have little problem with them. But now they are crawling into the real world and taking over real LGBT spaces with their nonsense and speaking over real LGBT people.

I’ve read post after post of LGBT folk who have been run out of their spaces by non-dysphoric Demi-boy heteroromantic demisexuals. I don’t want to even approach my local LGBT group for fear of this crap. I don’t have time to play into some tweens’ delusions, and some can even get violent.

However, I and others want and need to connect to others like us. It helps to cope with the bumps in the road when we can access a community who have gone through the same trials. And that’s what the LGBT community used to be.


This is exactly why this whole gender crap is actually a very harmful thing to support. It invalides real LGBT people, drives them out of their safe and meeting spaces and takes away the help they need which now goes to all those 15 year old cis people who still haven’t grown out of their “let’s play pretend” phase and use labels like Demiboy and Quoisexual while demanding xim/xir pronouns. This is not cute, funny or progressive. This is a disgusting trend harming actual people with actual issues.



Reblog if you are an asexual positive blog, believe asexuals exist, and are willing and able to create a safe space for your asexual friends

Yes, I am Asexual. I know that may not sit well with many of my followers considering the theme of this blog, but asexuality is valid. Leave us alone.

I still don’t understand asexuality because mentally you must be attracted to someone oxo if you’re not then there’s a chemical imbalance in your brain.

“I don’t understand” just stop. If you’re not ace, you obviously won’t understand. You literally sound like those people who thought that homosexuality was a mental illness.

Can a doctor whose never have cancer understand cancer? Bad argument.

The question is, are you saying they’re wrong? Are you saying humans as a whole have not evolved purely to reproduce?

Or are you just saying it makes you feel bad to think about it?

Cancer is a disease, that you can be diagnosed with. Asexuality is different. Straight people don’t understand gay people and vice versa.

Are you saying that being gay is also impossible because gays can’t reproduce? We don’t need to do what our bodies were made for, i.e. have children. Are you gonna harrass everyone who doesn’t have kids, just because we were made to have kids? Why do you insist on telling us we’re not valid, when you can just mind your own business?

You people are like literally proving OP’s point.



Reblog if you are an asexual positive blog, believe asexuals exist, and are willing and able to create a safe space for your asexual friends

Yes, I am Asexual. I know that may not sit well with many of my followers considering the theme of this blog, but asexuality is valid. Leave us alone.

I still don’t understand asexuality because mentally you must be attracted to someone oxo if you’re not then there’s a chemical imbalance in your brain.

“I don’t understand” just stop. If you’re not ace, you obviously won’t understand. You literally sound like those people who thought that homosexuality was a mental illness.

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