
Elite Four Will

@johtoxelitexwill-blog / johtoxelitexwill-blog.tumblr.com

| Indie Elite Four Will | Written by Lost | Work In Progress | Semi-Private | Mutuals Only |

If you could perform any kind of trick, any at all, what would it be and why?


“Any kind? Perhaps it would be the ability into tricking people into believing I am normal. It wouldn’t be much of a trick, but it would make a lot of things easier. After all, people will sometimes fear me and treat me as untrustworthy simply due to something I can’t change about myself.”


[ The ability to trick myself into believing I’m okay, even when I’m not. It would solve a lot of heartache and drama, to be honest. ]

Joy really does think Master Will is adorable, though, in the same way she might find a younger brother adorable. <3

[ That’s fine of course, it’s just that Will tends to be really self conscious. He works really hard to exude an aura of professionalism and appear to be the calm minded gentleman that he works hard to be. When someone says something like this, Will tends to take it more as an insult than a compliment, even if that is not how it’s intended. There are simply other compliments he would prefer, as he feels cute kind of undermines the image he’s trying to put forward. ]

Anonymous asked:

♡ + suit

Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.
[Extremely Late and not accepting.]

Will’s suits are one of the select few things Will is okay with spending a large amount of money on. (The others would be cooking supplies/ingredients, gifts, and anything needed for his training or his pokemon.) He has them tailor made from a select store in Kalos, made to function as his main means of dress while still looking good. The material it is made of is resilient to being cut, burned, and yet surprisingly not too heavy. The designs vary slightly, including several of his older outfit and small variants of his newer ones.

Will owns other clothing, but, for anything that isn’t relaxing in privacy or intense training (Primarily Physical Training), he would much rather wear one of his suits for almost any occasion. His appearance means a lot to him, and his suits are as much a part of this as his Mask. If Will is willing to let you see him in anything other than his suit, it is an honor not to be held lightly. This is the same with his mask.


Will honestly has incredibly mixed feelings about law enforcement. While he has a tremendous respect for the majority of them, he also knows a number of them who join for the wrong reasons. He knows that there is such a thing as a corrupt cop, but he also knows the vast majority aren’t. 

If neither acting or being a trainer had worked out, it may have been the path he chose. The major thing keeping him from it, however, was the fact that he may have needed to kill in self defense. He has an intense fear of ever taking a life, as it’s not something he would ever want to do. 

He has worked with law enforcement in the past, mainly to try and help large events that need to be stopped and when they are supporting league events. (Things such as security, protection, etc.) 


Friendly Reminder: “If a person asks you to contact another user for them. 9/10 The user asking you has been blocked by that person. The person who did the blocking, most likely had good reason to do so. Please respect that and don’t play messenger for people who wish to violate the wishes of others who wish NOT to be contacted by them in anyway.”


[ Reply To This Post By: @thepkmnnurse]

Will knew it was a rough day at the center. He could hear the thoughts of panic from everyone in the room. He had been waiting with his pokemon quietly when the trainer had began to yell at the nurse, turning aggressive when he was told they would need to wait like everyone else. It wasn’t long before Will rose from his seat and moved in between the two, looking down on the trainer. It was clear the nurse needed assistance, and Will seemed to be the only one who would take a stand. 

He was able to talk the trainer down rather quickly, getting them to accept that they would need to wait just like everyone else. No violence was needed, nothing extreme was said, but it needed to be clear that he wouldn’t be allowed to treat the staff like that. 

When Will turned back to the nurse, he shook his head slightly. “There is no need for thanks, mademoiselle. People need to respect that there is more involved than themselves, here. If anything, I should apologize for their actions.” He spoke, a slight smile forming over his lips.


“You are important as well. If it were not for people like you, services like these could not be preformed. People should give you the respect you deserve.” He smiled, looking her in the eyes from behind the mask. “I do believe it would be time for your next patient, however. I shouldn’t take up your time.”

He listened carefully, his rings clicking against the glass as he withdrawals into his mind for a moment. Will, curious about Mega Evolution? Well it was only a matter of time before the league had updated its regulations to incorporate them into the challenge.
He clears his throat as he swallows another mouthful of fine liqueur. “Hmm… Dangerous is a very hard word to pin on it. Pokemon that mega evolve require an Unbreakable bond in order to achieve great power. Trainers are responsible to know and build upon it. Of course, that can’t happen if there is no bond, which results to a possible outlash.” “…which Pokemon were you thinking to the y it out on, Will?”

The Psychic takes a moment to think on Steven’s words, reflecting on the past as well. He raised his free hand to his chin, as if debating whether the power of Mega Evolution was something he could risk. The Outlash he mentioned would need to be something others would need to be ready to help with, should it come to that. Of course, He would always have his fellow elite and champion, should they be needed to stop such a thing. 

Will raised his head once Steven spoke again. What pokemon would he consider testing this on? It was a tough choice, but there was only one pokemon he knew was capable of Mega Evolution and he held that kind of bond with. “Gardevoir, My third pokemon received. I raised her from an egg I was given by one of your fellow champions. While I would say my bond is strong with all of my pokemon, they are the one is the strongest and that qualifies for Mega Evolution.” 

“If I were to do this, how would you recommend it be done? I assume having people of our level or higher ready, in case of the worst. But other than that, what would you recommend?”


♡ + entertainment genres (for books, movies, tv, etc.)

Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.

Will typically does not like to distract himself with Tv, but will watch movies or read in what little time he sets aside for himself. The typical genre’s for movies range from romance and dramas to comedies, with the rare action movie thrown in there. He tends to watch highly rated films that are known for how good their actors played the part, as he hates the films where you can tell it’s obviously just acting. The Books tend to be Romance, Fantasy, or Dramas, but it’s more important that the story is well written than it is about the genre. He wants to be pulled into the story and brought through the journey with the characters, regardless of it’s genre.

Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.

Will’s hobbies tend to have a purpose behind them. He doesn’t find doing something that is not productive as enjoyable, so his hobbies tend to result in either the gain of information or a skill, or create something. 

His first major hobby is research. He looks up several topics, from battle styles to pokemon grooming and care. Reading about things that relate to his life and job is more common, though sometimes he will get a nagging curiosity in random topics. 

The second major hobby is cooking, something he has always tried to pick up on when he goes to new areas. He is a pretty good chef, though not the best in the world. He enjoys making food for the league and making sure everyone is eating, hoping to provide something good to them all. 

His third major hobby is acting. Given that was his original career path, he will always hold a soft spot for acting. He enjoys both working in and watching stage productions, and even movies from time to time. While he never was too famous, he has played minor roles in films with big names, like Champion Diantha.

The final major hobby would be training, both his own powers and that of his pokemon. While this may sound more like a chore to some people, it is something he goes into ready to put everything into it. A good training session will leave him and his pokemon tired and feeling good about things, especially if it is training with a partner of equal skill.

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