

@sylvie-w / sylvie-w.tumblr.com


me: *writes fic*

me: great! time to post to ao3-

ao3 summary box: *exists*


ao3 summary box:


ao3 summary box: 



Ooh, this is actually kinda a neat thing, because you can think of it as a checklist:

  • Who: Main character(s)
  • Why: Character goal or desire (stated)
  • Why: Character need (implied)
  • When: Inciting Incident
  • What: Means (that achieves the goal/need)
  • Where: Place A >> Place B
  • How: The Plan
  • Obstacle(s): antagonist or challenge

For example:

  • Who: Bilbo Baggins, a respectable hobbit of Hobbiton
  • Why: Treasure, wealth (stated)
  • Why: Adventure, self-respect (implied)
  • When: After supper
  • What: Quest
  • Where: Hobbiton >> The Lonely Mountain
  • How: A company of dwarves, a wizard, and an ancient map and key
  • Main antagonist(s): a dragon

Thus, in less than 100 words:

  • Bilbo Baggins is a respectable hobbit in Hobbiton, never making any trouble or having any adventures. But when a wizard and a company of dwarves invite themselves to dinner, Bilbo finds himself joining their quest from the shires of Hobbiton to the legendary Lonely Mountain, the home of a long lost treasure, and quite, possibly, a dragon.  


The Anatomy of Story by John Truby is a really good book by the by, if anyone’s interested in this sort of thing.

This is super helpful!’


BTW, the high five was invented in 1977 which means your parents probably didn’t grow up with it.

For real though Glenn Burke, inventor of the high five was a gay black player in the 70s, and the Dodgers tried to get him to marry a beard and their manager got mad when he befriended the manager’s gay son before being traded to the Athletics, probably for being gay. In Oakland, the rumors of homosexuality followed him and manager Billy Martin started using homophobic slurs in the clubhouse and homophobic behavior from other players lead to an early retirement for the promising young star at 27.  After retiring from baseball he introduced the high five to the Castro district of San Franscio where the high five became a symbol of gay pride and identification. ESPN wrote a long form piece about it which I recommend reading, it’s got some homophobic slurs in it although not presented positively.

A few appendices:

Although he was unceremoniously drummed out of Major League Baseball, Burke became the star shortstop for the local Gay Softball League, and even dominated in the Gay Softball World Series, as well as medaling in the 100 and 200 meter sprints in the inaugural 1982 Gay Games. Unfortunately, Burke also picked up a cocaine habit and had his leg and foot crushed in an accident. He spent much of his final years homeless in the Castro, and died from AIDS complications in 1995, but he was in the first class of inductees to the Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame, and his High School retired his jersey number.

The Dodgers Manager in question was Tony Lasorda, whose son “Spunky” died of AIDS complications in 1992 although Lasorda maintains that it was cancer. Likewise, despite the High Five becoming a symbol of the 1980 Dodgers team, Lasorda maintained and continues to this day to maintain to not know its origin. It’s possible that this isn’t a deliberate slight to Burke, but given his homophobia in other matters that’s a hard benefit of the doubt to give.

The Athletics have, in the years since, attempted to make up for some of the wrongs they committed in this story. When Glenn revealed publicly that he was living with AIDS, the As moved in and helped him financially. Burke was honored publicly at Pride Night at the park in 2015 and his brother was invited to throw the first pitch.

Burke was happy to see the high five catch on, spilling out of sports and into the small joys of every day life. He died believing that the high five was his legacy. Next time you high five your friend, remember that the high five came from Glenn Burke.

Happy Pride 2020, the High Five was invented by a Black gay man who was the first openly gay (to his teammates) player in MLB. Stand now with the black community and the black members of our own community against police brutality. If you’re a cop, resign.


You've been hit by

You've been struck by a

[Image ID: a great white shark crudely edited to be wearing a black and white striped shirt and black mask and carrying a bag with a dollar sign on it /end]


Hey kids, if you're like me and you like the Sims and also like free shit:

a) the Base Game will be permanently free from Oct 18th 2022

b) If you already have the base game, then the latest kit (Desert Luxe) is free until October 17th 2022

Do with that what you will

This silly person should definitely have specified that they’re talking about The Sims 4, the latest Sims franchise, but this is good info to have

Thank you for the unwarranted insult! The version of the Sims I was talking about felt pretty obvious from context since they haven’t made anything new for Sims 1 since 2003, Sims 2 since 2008, and Sims 3 since 2013, but probably would do for the current version and release it in 2022 ☺️

if your first thought reading a post about a franchise which is still running is that the post is talking about an installment in said franchise from 20 years ago and not the current installment i think you might be an idiot

also kits are a sims 4 thing


fucking dilfs from the back so i can smack their bald spot. and post

you couldn’t handle me.

Shut uuuuuupppppppp!!!!!!!


This is why aliens don’t want us in their Starfleet.


Are you fucking kidding this is why aliens should be begging us to join their Starfleet. The precision?? The CONTROL?? The absolute mastery this driver has over their 20+ ton of steel is superhuman. This person could weave a mothership through an asteroid belt without making a single scratch on the hull. Foh “aliens don’t want us” aliens should be sucking our dicks.


Fun history facts: One of the 31 people arrested at Stonewall on June 28th 1969 was American folk singer Dave Van Ronk, who was not at the Stonewall Inn at the time and was cis & straight as far as I'm aware. He'd been eating dinner at a nearby restaurant when he noticed a riot happening, said "Well I suppose I should go see what the fuss is about," stepped outside, and immediately started throwing bricks at the cops.


van ronk is quoted as saying about the riots: "as far as I was concerned, anybody who’d stand against the cops was all right with me."

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