
ok let's do this!

@oristudies / oristudies.tumblr.com

ori [he/him], 18, college sophomore

november 23rd 2019 — saturday, a list: sleeping in, cleaning the flat, cooking lunch, reading the queen of nothing, finishing the queen of nothing, making coffee, trying to decide what to read next, settling on wicked saints, drinking coffee and eating a sweet clementine, reading some more. feeling exhausted and taking a delicious nap. waking up, reading some more. taking a shower. reading. reading. reading till i feel tired of it (aka never) cuddles with the boyfriend, eating fajitas, and reading some more. a good day. life is good. things are finally looking up. not mentioning the anxiety and the xanax i had to take to feel better. it was a good day nonetheless.


4:01 PM | I’m back in good health 🕊✨ here is where I’m studying and what I’m reading atm

~listening to~ hey jo by the districts


141119// transcribing a 30-minute-interview today and the only way I’m surviving is with chocolate cake. The interview is for a project related to one of my exams.



There is currently a MUN conference going on in our school so today I am able to stay home!! I plan on completing some stuff for college app and also getting started on the post about subjonctif.

🎧On brûlera, Pomme

instagram: studyvany


Day 22: consultation ☁️ | Ig: thenglishmajor

✔️ had another consultation with my lecturer on Emily Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" today, she said I was thinking on a advanced level and was bright💡I felt like I had a better understanding after the consultation.

✔️ today's weather was so good I had to sit by the windows🌿had a good 2 hour study session done.


every morning i wake up & get my coffee & i recite in my head this excerpt from ‘invitation,’ by mary oliver:  “it is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world.” & i just say it over & over again until it sticks to my mind for the rest of the day. it is a serious thing. i am alive. i am so lucky. this fresh morning i get the chance to live again & again & again


11/11/19 (November 11 2019)

  • First snow of the season so I’m snuggled up on the sofa
  • Binge watching Greys 
  • Created a new habit tracker and 20 pages of notes

Sit Next to Me by Foster The People 🎧


is there anything better than a chai latte on a rainy day?

we’re well into the semester now, which means midterm and paper season is just around the corner. i’ve been locking myself away in the campus library 3 days in a row, so i decided it was about time i got some daylight. 

on a side note, would anyone be interested if i started a little newsletter? @post–grad​ has the loveliest tinyletter, and it makes me want to start my own. writing has always been a passion of mine, but i’ve never had the motivation to write/post what i write…..just an idea…..if it flops forget i said anything


towards a gentle academic

  1. be up front and honest about the things you do not know
  2. acknowledge the intrinsic value of others’ knowledge bases, even if they do not seem important to you from your institutional context
  3. do not feign mastery where you have none
  4. respect the gaps in others’ knowledge bases
  5. be generous, not only with others
  6. but also with yourself
  7. you overwork yourself at the risk of legitimizing a culture of overwork 
  8. privilege voices and perspectives that have historically been left out of the academy
  9. nothing is ever neutral or apolitical
  10. support the progress of other scholars
  11. collaboration over competition

I had such a lovely morning today🧡 A good(and cheap!) cup of coffee, annotations and reviewing my class notes was the best combo! It was nice to have time to do everything slowly and just focus on the material☕️🍁🍂 I hope you all have these times as well, where there is no stress and you can just enjoy the work🧡♥️


things are starting to kick-in around here! it’s a little scary, and a lot overwhelming, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m finally starting to find my routine; and even though change is constantly a fear in my life, for once I’m craving it. it’s comforting knowing that I have the capacity to change. coming from the mindset I once lived in, these days seem more and more surreal as time passes on. sometimes it still feels like dreaming. but no- this is my life now.

now playing:

rawnald gregory erickson the second- strfkr

boys will be bugs- cavetown

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