
it cannot be helped

@gamingperipety / gamingperipety.tumblr.com

[maki. she/they] [working on peripety] [genre: dark fantasy, mystery, romance, a mix of horror and psychological. (kind off)]

Demons, hellborn, hellenics, fauns, beasts. There have been countless of names to describe horned humanoids throughout the centuries.

Cast from the right to have their soul to pass onto the next life, the only thing Deobri can do is consume those of humans; in hopes of avoiding the inevitable nothingness that awaits at death.

You are a Haldee, a species believed to be the hybrid between a human and deobri; A child born of sin that shall bring the wrath of God along with it.

Since chosen as a Carrier, you have been living the majority of your life confined within the holy grounds, with few exceptions to step outside; Until a wounded deobri staggers on your doorstep, that is. 

Rating: mature, 18 +.

  • Fully customisable character including: pronouns, gender, sex (optional!), physical appearance, personality, sexuality (including asexual, aromantic or both!), etc. 
  • Grow your horns or lose them for good.
  • Choose your own weapon, speciality and capabilities.
  • Romance one of the characters, form platonic bonds (or both).
  • Live and deal with the consequences of your actions.
  • Create an image for yourself or let the world swallow your existence in the shadows. 
  • Become a threat to society or mind your own business.
  • You don’t have to be a hardcore flirt to make a character like you. It’s about the bond; different people like different approaches. The flirting options are there for those who relate to that type of expression.
  • Options to fade to black for intimate scenes.
  • You don’t have to kiss ass for the characters to like you (be that romantically or platonically). You might argue with them and they’ll think you’re hot af. Don’t be afraid to express yourself in fear of losing character points.

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if Peripety characters had instagram p.1. love interests. (click image for better resolution)

kalipso and shin: tba

Anonymous asked:

I'm late ! but HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTHOR ! 💕💖💞💓💗 i wish you all the best ! 🌷🌸✨

Thank you so much, both of you! And everyone else 💕💕💕


Happy birthday to me, and other things.

Today is the date I had wanted to either publish Peripety, or have a release date for it, but it still needs some work.

Having release dates when I'm still not 100% satisfied with what I have made of it so far, will only push me to work because of the stress of reaching a deadline, rather than the love for the craft.

Don't get me wrong. I work on Peripety every day, I woke at 4 am today just to get a whole scene done, and I am so satisfied with it.

If I'm not writing, I'm coding. And this book never leaves my mind.

I know that no matter how much I work on it, I will never be able to satisfy everyone. But I also know that I can, at the very least, satisfy myself.

Writing is one of the few joys I have in life and as much as I want to share it with people, I don't want to become a slave to it, or to those who will be playing and reading my work.

I'm fortunate enough to never have felt under the pressure of time, but I know for certain that this year is it. And that Peripety will finally see the light of the day. She just needs a little bit of work done here and there.

I want to thank everyone for being so kind and patient and for interacting with me and my silly little story. I've fallen in love with it and the world, and I hope you do, too.


i want all my friends and followers and mutuals and acquaintances to know from the bottom of my heart: i don’t respond to your messages because i’m an insane person, i am insane medieval hermit software running inappropriately on modern queer hardware and social media scares me. it is not your fault

when i get a notifications on my phone i try to kill my phone with a rock

Anonymous asked:

Hey Maki! Hope you're well! I had a question regarding the cast of ros. How much time do we get to spend with everyone? I know that in most ifs certain characters get more screentime than others and I understand that sometimes it's hard for authors to balance things out, but it would be nice if we could spend somewhat equal amount of time with everyone. This is not a demand or anything tho!! I'm just curious and I'm really invested in this conscept so I was only wondering what your plans are about this.

Hello Anon, and no worries. You didn't come off as demanding. It's a pretty valid question. To give you the answer:

You'll get to spend plenty of time with everyone, or more precisely, the plot forces you to take certain amounts of time with each RO. There's also 'bonus' content, in which everyone has the choice to go and spend time with different ROs. I have not created a lot of those however (in the sense that I have not overdone it), because I, personally, don't like missing out on content and I'd like to get to know everyone to some extent before I start cherry picking the characters. 

I myself have a hard time getting attached to characters in general, so, since in a sense I’m writing this game for my own enjoyment as well, I’ll give everyone plenty of room to explore each love interest, and not only in the romantic sense, but in a general sense as well. I feel very sad when I finish an IF and I didn’t get to spend time with the rest of the cast because I was too focused on trying to score with the RO I picked. 

I think this is also one of the main reasons why it’s taking me a bit to publish Peripety. I want to be satisfied with what I write and especially with my characters in relation to MC and vice versa. I don’t want people to feel forced to interact or avoid certain characters. I want people to genuinely pick each interaction with the ROs not to get points, but because it feels right to do so. I know it’s a game and I’m maybe thinking a bit too much into it, but for me, it’s first and foremost a story, and I want the reader/player to enjoy it as much as I am when I’m writing it. 

If people do end up skipping on characters, I want them to do so because they dislike them, not because they didn’t get the opportunity to get to know them so now they’re going for the first character they met because that character appears to: 

a. Either have more depth than others or 

b. Because the reader gets to know them for longer. 

Tldr; You get to spend plenty of time and interact with everyone, no RO will be left with minimal interaction and no RO will dominate in comparison to others. Of course there are chapters where certain characters play a bigger role than others, but that will be compensated accordingly.


I have decided that I will track if mc is touch averse (or not) for each character individually because I love pain.

As a touch averse person myself, there are specific people that I do not mind being in physical contact with, so I thought, "why not bring the experience to the game?"

I know that it's a trend to just select it in a general scale sometime around the beginning of the game, which is very understandable, and then run with whichever option for the rest of the game (most of the time and/or until romance starts). But I wanted to spice things up a little. It just didn't feel right for me personally.



Hiraeth Academy. A home for genius children. All types of prodigies from across the globe have gotten their start there. 

Of course, while the house may seem like a fascinating and wonderous place on the outside, anyone who has actually lived there knows the truth. It’s an odd place full of dark secrets and mysteries that shouldn’t be unraveled.

There is a reason why all former “students” never return after all. A thing that keeps them driven away. A thing that keeps them from even thinking about looking back once they step through those doors. Wanting to go back is the last thing on any former inhabitants list.

You of all people would know. Leaving seven years ago and not looking back was the single best decision you ever made. You would never even think about considering going back.

Until now that is.

Rated 17+ for graphic depictions of violence, death, alcohol use, explicit language, suggestive content, mature themes.

  • Play as a former “child prodigy” who’s life has gotten flipped upside down. Again.
  • Uncover the mysteries of Hiraeth Academy and it’s mysterious headmaster.
  • Explore and navigate complex relationships with five different ROs.
  • Customize your character’s personality and appearance.
  • Look back onto your past in order to solve a decades long mystery.
  • Learn about the complex history of both the academy and it’s former students.
  • Try not to let the past catch up with you. It won’t let go once it does.
  • Most importantly: Remember to always follow the rules. They were put in for a reason after all.

Marlon Nikitin [He/Him]

Your former “academic” rival. He also happens to be the last person you spoke to before you left the academy. It’s been years since you’ve last saw him and he seems just as abrasive as ever. Despite the time that has passed, it seems his competitive spark is still as strong as ever. Although, despite his seemingly indifferent attitude, he seems equally as invested in learning the secrets of this place as you are. If not more.

Cyrus Quinn [He/Him]

Another former “student” of the academy, Cyrus practically disappeared off the face of the earth after leaving. You remember him as being quite laidback and snarky, an odd demeanor for an inhabitant of the house to have had, but he had always been kind to you despite not being particularly close. He seems to have kept this attitude into adulthood but every now and then you get a glimpse of something darker hiding beneath the surface.

Naomi Adams [She/Her]

Your former best friend and assigned “partner” at the academy. Her calm demeanor made her an easy source of comfort in what was otherwise a chaotic life. You haven’t spoken since you left the academy, and during that time she seems to have…changed. She’s more anxious and on edge. Perhaps rekindling your friendship is the only way to see what secrets she may be hiding.

Isla Wright [She/Her]

Isla was always a difficult person to understand. She was an endless source of energy and was constantly fluttering in and out of people’s business. The type that was everyone’s friend but very few people actually seemed to be hers. For as well as she knew everyone else, it was difficult to get a read on her. This isn’t something that has changed into adulthood. In fact, Isla seems to be even more difficult to understand than before. 

Kieran Naught [Gender Selectable]

The only member of the group who did not attend Hiraeth Academy. They are a local private investigator who is looking into the death of the former headmaster. Kieran can be described as distant at best and as paranoid at worst. Usually, you couldn’t care less about some wanna be detective investigating the school (it wouldn’t be the first time after all), but they seem to have taken a distinct interest in you. Whether it’s genuine curiosity or suspicion, you don’t know and you don’t particularly want to find out.

I wish I had polls so I could ask you all stupid little asks and it would take you two seconds to indulge me, and then move on with your lives (as you should), but no.

I'm stuck with the pre-votes version.

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