
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

@toonfanstars / toonfanstars.tumblr.com

icon made by @youronlydrpepper / blog header by Phatpuppyart-Studios on DeviantArt Age: 18+ she/they

Urgently Requesting help

For about 10 weeks now I have been living with this rash that is being caused by the air in my apartment. I need to get out of here as it has caused my body severe harm and I am already immunocompromised. I am willing to draw for any donations no matter how big or small they are but even if you cannot help financially any boosting is greatly appreciated .

Here are just a few photos of the rash, At least what I can bare to show, its all over my back, stomach and legs as well.

If you have anything you want drawn please message me. You can donate to my Kofi below, once again any amount helps me greatly. Thank you for taking the time to read.

There is a challenge where you put your hand near your dog like you're going to pet them but don't actually pet them. Someone tried it on their bird and it was adorable.

Local house witch telling you to please learn basic housekeeping skills.

It’s not your fault if no one ever taught you but YouTube is a magical place and can teach you at your own pace.

Someone asked me what housekeeping skills I’d recommend learning.

Keep in ming that this is not me shaming you, I know you have your reasons, folks. This is just a guy who enjoys clean spaces asking that you start learning now.

Here’s what I suggest as an adult who has lived with other adults who didn’t have housekeeping skills:

First and foremost, learn about all the places in your house that need to be cleaned and understand how often they should be cleaned. the American Cleaning Institute (I guess that’s a thing) has a good article about basic cleaning info. Plus this video on cleaning tips is great!

Learn how to do your dishes. HOT water is the only way to clean your dishes.

Learn how to clean your shower head, especially if you live in a place with hard water. Same goes for your sinks.

Learn how to do your laundry correctly. Even without the whole β€œseparating whites and colors” thing, there are things you need to learn about washing your clothes. Learn what the tags mean, too.

Also, you don’t have to use fabric softener and you shouldn’t use it on towels or any fabric meant to absorb. (Learn about laundromats) And please learn how to clean out your dryer vent, it’s a safety hazard!

Get a disinfecting cleaner for your high-touch areas, especially the gross ones like the bathroom. Just because it doesn’t look dirty, doesn’t mean it’s clean!

Learn how to sweep, mop, and vacuum effectively.

You’ll also want to make sure to change out your home’s air filters.

TL;DR, here are some cleaning videos.

Now these resources are not the end-all-be-all, but I think if you don’t know much about cleaning your space this is a good way to start.

here’s some of the things that are helping me actually clean (as an adult who had messy parents, and has a hard time getting threw my nurodivergency about cleaning specifically) that may be helpful to you:

Favorite Cleaning Book: it helps you work through the emotional side of cleaning (and other care tasks)

Current Favorite Decluttering Method/Concept: it helps you know how much is too much to keep and how to get started when you’re overwhelmed. (having too much stuff makes it incredibly hard to clean/organize.)

Basic Cleaning Skills: this channel is amazing! this man has a special interest in cleaning and cleans people’s spaces who deal nurodivergence that make it hard to clean. he does this for free (or at a deficit because he pays for supplies and dumpsters and transport and such) and does it all with empathy and kindness working With the people as much as people can handle instead of just coming in to β€œfix” an issue. these videos are a bit different from his usual ones, (the last one’s most like his usual videos) but i find having the sped up cleaning videos with a voiceover can help fill in for body doubling when im too ashamed to bring people into my messy spaces.


now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck


I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook

I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat.Β 


Can cook. πŸ˜„


Every time I see that particular photo floating around I'm reminded "Oh yeah, I want to draw Gaius and the Werlyt kids like that" and forget. Until today!

I've been wanting to draw this once since last summer. 😭


i watch baseball for the side quests

throwback to 2021 when the exact same player started doing this extended water bottle bincoculars sight gag in the dugout


this is the same guy who also made himself a fruit cocktail midgame. he is The manic pixie dream girl

baseball is actually not a sport it’s just a documentary of human nature and how we battle boredom. the stuff these teams get up to while they’re waiting their turn.

and it’s hilarious when they pull pranks on each other, like attaching things to other people’s caps:

or the beloved hot foot prank:

or when they decided to put a guy’s pants over his head and make it seem like he was walking on his hands:

or when they opposing pitchers took turns playing tic tac toe every time they got on the mound:


i take back everything bad i've ever said about baseball these boys can fucking Post


Sometimes you have to entertain yourself out in the field too, like the time Victor Robles made friends with a praying mantis.

and some college baseball shenanigans

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